08-16-2005, 07:10 AM
If you are using any previous version of this program, upgrade now!
To all zPickit Users - This is a MUST download!
****e (also known as zpickit configurer 1.9)
Q) What is ****e?
A) ****e is a reduced version of the classical zPickit configurer by coolmission. This version contains the basic features of the old program such as adding, remvoing and quickly editing items in your zPickit.ini
Q) How does this program work? What do I have to do?
A) You have to read the documentation on how to install it (which can be found here: h**p://gamers2k4.com/forums/showpos...773&postcount=3 ) and you have to watch the tutorials (here: h**p://www.gamers2k4.com/****e/)
I will not give support to users who are using c-Lite wich was included in the Hack Pack© for the following reason:
The zip file that you downloaded (the hackpack) contains c-Lite but:
- it is not the most recent version (i will only give tech support for users of the latest version)
- the owner put a zpickit.ini file into the root folder of c-Lite. This will mess up your item configuration as c-Lite is designed to create a new .ini file. If a zpickit.ini file already exists, the program will write the items into that file and will cause duplicate entries (which will therefore cause the "picking-up-everything"-error)
Frequently asked questions:
- Make sure that there are no entries that have no specified code or quality! EXAMPLE:
Q) What if I checked all those things and my pickit still picks up junk?
A) I have created a special Thread for you to post your INIs. The thread can be found here: http://gamers2k4.com/forums/showthr...21251#post21251
Q) Contacting you? How?
A) You can contact me but remember that I live in Europe (GMT +1) my aim name is coolmissi0n and my msn address is [email=ac_solidsnake@hotma*l.com]ac_solidsnake@hotma*l.com[/email]
Also very important: (read this, otherwise your screenname/email adress will be blocked without warning)
Why you should contact me:
- you have found a bug
- you want to give me feedback, critiques and your opinion on how to imporve the program. Everything is accepted and appreciated
- you want me to put your banner in my program
Why you shouldn't contact me:
- you dont know what my program is (you only know that it has something to do with pickit but don't know how to run it)
- you want to know how to install it (-> read documentation)
- you want to know how to add items (-> watch tutorials)
- you want to spam me
- you want me to give you a step instruction on how to make your pickit work
- general questions about zpickit in no way related to c-Lite
__________________________________________________ ______________
v 1.9e released
- improved passive Mode
- removed old forms
- improved saving system
- added code generation (pasv) feature supporting Passive mode
- fixed severe bug when using 'other' features
- other bugfixes
v 1.9d released
- never released, found bug when compiling
- added passive mode
v 1.9c released
- fixed Ini manager (error when saving because write protected)
- Stable release
- small interface fixes
v 1.9 released
- added old functions from the 1.7 version
- final 1.x version -> no more big updates except bugfxies
- fixed saving in some menus
- added help menu
- upgraded runes selection screen
- removed XP Style (manifest)
- other small fixes
v 1.8a released
- FINALLY Fixed the overflow error 6 for most people (under beta testing)
- Changed Design to XP Style using Manifest
- Revised the INI Manager
- Added missing items to Item Structure
- New Saving system
- Created Tutorials (Flash/.swf) which explain the basic functions
- Small bugfixes
__________________________________________________ ______________
This is one of the best programs i've ever released and I guess there will be many people who will profit from this.
Have fun with this, and post your feedback, bugs, etc in this thread. Thanks!
****e_1.9e.zip - h**p://www.battleforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=10193
Im just posting what ive seen. Want me to stop?
To all zPickit Users - This is a MUST download!
****e (also known as zpickit configurer 1.9)
*** Important: This is NOT the zpickit program, this is an editor for it. You can grab the latest pickit here: ***
****e stands for configurer Lite
Q) What is ****e?
A) ****e is a reduced version of the classical zPickit configurer by coolmission. This version contains the basic features of the old program such as adding, remvoing and quickly editing items in your zPickit.ini
Q) How does this program work? What do I have to do?
A) You have to read the documentation on how to install it (which can be found here: h**p://gamers2k4.com/forums/showpos...773&postcount=3 ) and you have to watch the tutorials (here: h**p://www.gamers2k4.com/****e/)
I will not give support to users who are using c-Lite wich was included in the Hack Pack© for the following reason:
The zip file that you downloaded (the hackpack) contains c-Lite but:
- it is not the most recent version (i will only give tech support for users of the latest version)
- the owner put a zpickit.ini file into the root folder of c-Lite. This will mess up your item configuration as c-Lite is designed to create a new .ini file. If a zpickit.ini file already exists, the program will write the items into that file and will cause duplicate entries (which will therefore cause the "picking-up-everything"-error)
Frequently asked questions:
- Make sure that there are no entries that have no specified code or quality! EXAMPLE:
[An Item]
Quality=whoops i was testing and i forgot to enter or select smthg
[A 2nd Item]
[A 3rd Item]
</pre> Quality=whoops i was testing and i forgot to enter or select smthg
[A 2nd Item]
[A 3rd Item]
Q) What if I checked all those things and my pickit still picks up junk?
A) I have created a special Thread for you to post your INIs. The thread can be found here: http://gamers2k4.com/forums/showthr...21251#post21251
Q) Contacting you? How?
A) You can contact me but remember that I live in Europe (GMT +1) my aim name is coolmissi0n and my msn address is [email=ac_solidsnake@hotma*l.com]ac_solidsnake@hotma*l.com[/email]
Also very important: (read this, otherwise your screenname/email adress will be blocked without warning)
Why you should contact me:
- you have found a bug
- you want to give me feedback, critiques and your opinion on how to imporve the program. Everything is accepted and appreciated
- you want me to put your banner in my program
Why you shouldn't contact me:
- you dont know what my program is (you only know that it has something to do with pickit but don't know how to run it)
- you want to know how to install it (-> read documentation)
- you want to know how to add items (-> watch tutorials)
- you want to spam me
- you want me to give you a step instruction on how to make your pickit work
- general questions about zpickit in no way related to c-Lite
__________________________________________________ ______________
v 1.9e released
- improved passive Mode
- removed old forms
- improved saving system
- added code generation (pasv) feature supporting Passive mode
- fixed severe bug when using 'other' features
- other bugfixes
v 1.9d released
- never released, found bug when compiling
- added passive mode
v 1.9c released
- fixed Ini manager (error when saving because write protected)
- Stable release
- small interface fixes
v 1.9 released
- added old functions from the 1.7 version
- final 1.x version -> no more big updates except bugfxies
- fixed saving in some menus
- added help menu
- upgraded runes selection screen
- removed XP Style (manifest)
- other small fixes
v 1.8a released
- FINALLY Fixed the overflow error 6 for most people (under beta testing)
- Changed Design to XP Style using Manifest
- Revised the INI Manager
- Added missing items to Item Structure
- New Saving system
- Created Tutorials (Flash/.swf) which explain the basic functions
- Small bugfixes
__________________________________________________ ______________
This is one of the best programs i've ever released and I guess there will be many people who will profit from this.
Have fun with this, and post your feedback, bugs, etc in this thread. Thanks!
****e_1.9e.zip - h**p://www.battleforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=10193
Im just posting what ive seen. Want me to stop?