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Yep just as I thought it would be. I was doing fine without MH, found Perfect Chance Guards (w00t!), Occy, 2 ums. But then my friend started to play, so yeah, had to help him out and wanted to test this beast.

Do not flame me, just because I made those threads, doesn't mean I don't use MH. I use it, I don't want to see so many threads that ask for it.

Basically, my friend made me get MH and help him, rush him. So I was like okay, tested 3.0 out on a new account, voila it works. 2 days and nothing detected. Okay now I run it with my main account and started to rush. Then it hit me, half way through using it I realized what Warden is. 3.0 is Undetectible when it was made, until Warden learned every bits of code it posesses. Your account is just screwed that way then.

I'm not complaining, I don't really give a crap I lost my account or not. But Warden is a new blizzard anti-hack program that seems to work well. It's built so it learns new things every day, this way one day you got MH, then next day bang you're gone. A fair warning to you all.

Peace out guys I'll start again maybe when my CD Key is available.
Heh so there is a new program blizz made named Warden? like that dupe scanner?
Warden is Blizzard's new anti-hack system. What basically differs it from any previous system is that it resides server side, and can be dynamically updated without a patch. It doesn't 'learn' new things, it's just that the people at Blizzard can update it, should they found anything new.

EasyMap 3.0d and newer have a new type of anti-detection built into them, called ManualMap, made by a guy called Darawk. To quote myself on a, shall we say, more knowledgable forum:

Cauhtemoc Wrote:What basically happens on all previous hacks (someone correct me on this), is that they use Window's built in API function 'LoadLibrary' to load the neccessary .dll files into Diablo's memory space. But the problem is that Windows saves some information about the loaded file, which later can be accessed and read (this is what Warden does).

By using Darawk's ManualMap.cpp source, the hack is manually mapped into Diablo's memory space, basically the same way as with 'LoadLibrary' but without any traces of its existence. Hence, Warden cannot find it.

Summary, all hacks loaded with Darawk's ManualMap.cpp source (that includes EasyMap 3.0d and all newer versions) are safe, and are not the reason for why you got banned.

The absence of non-hackers on this forum is far to obvious. Smile
were do u get the info on warden surely they dont say we have a new program and this is how it works...... not that im complaining

and y r ppl still getting banned for it if it isnt detectable?
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
It is still not certain exactly how Warden works, and if it did catch the users of EasyMap, everyone would have been banned, not just 1% of the users (rough estimate based on nothing Smile).

The Warden client for Diablo is still new, and new programs are known to make mistakes. Even users that do not use any hack at all have been reported banned, or people who use nothing more than D2 Loader.

EDIT: I take back what I just said. It seems like there is, in fact, a miniscule risk that Blizzard will catch the use of EasyMap (the risk of getting caught is almost non-existant, but with the thousands of people using EasyMap, it will happen). ZoiD corrected me on this one, and seeing as his knowledge in this matter far surpasses my own, I'm going to take his word for it.

Now for some good news, ZoiD also mentioned that Mousepad belives he have found a permanent and final solution on how to bypass Warden. So just hang on. Smile

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