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Places to Lvl Up At
Hello all, I'm kind of curious to know where are some good places to lvl up your character at in each act, I know act II the Aracane Sanctuary and the Canyon of Magi. But I'm least of wondering any other places.
When I am leveling up, I usually get hold of the best equipment that I can use at my level beforehand, and then join a Baalrun or anything with lots of players in it and just go to Dark Wood or Trist until lev 15. Then do act2 with lots of players. Run through act 3 and 4 by Yourself. At lev 24 do ancients and then start doing either Eldritch or Baalruns. (Join a game called sth like -ACT 1 Start- and go to Eldritch straight away. If You are 25+ You get HEAPS of exp). If You finish act 3 and 4 before You are 24, I suggest running the Council and especially Battlemaid Sarina (The superunique in Ruined Temple, Kurast Bazaar). Besides Baal- and Chaosruns, I find that Battlemaid Sarina, Eldritch and Pindleskin give the best + easiest experience. Offline I made my Amazon lev 90 in no time by just doing Eldritchruns on /players 8 Hell (You don't need good equipment as long as You have a Valkyre). Anyway I hope this helps.
I think its better starting and when u are lvl 6-8 go in games called tristruns or something like it.
Make such games till lvl 16 than go to sewers games till lvl 20 and than go to cows till lvl 24. Now u are ready for barbs which will give u 1 more lvl and u will be lvl 25 which is the min to take xp at ball runs.
Stay in ballruns at norm till u reach lvl 40-44 and just rush yourself thru nightmare till lvl 64 and the same Smile
heh...... i say the same as sXp but he got the level wrong.... do den till 3. then trist till 15 then tomb or sewer till 20 then do cow till 24, only if u got a rusher, otherwise keep tombing till 21 then cow. Ummm then @ 24 ancients then then 25-39 ball norm, then u should lvl chaos nm. Then Go nm baal Till 59 and then lvl 1 in chaose again then u are in hell and hell baal , by the way pit runs are GODLY for merc, Up until like 90 they get a 1-2 lvls each pit run. ( pindle aint bad XP either (get a bot))
do trist runs and then tomb then cow the baal the nm or hell or w/e
you can glitch ruch / 1-15 tristruns > 15-20 tombruns > 20-24 cowruns > 24-25 acients > 25-40 baalruns (normal) > 40-60 baalruns (nightmare) > 60-what level you want... (hell)
no no no, get some one you know to rush u to hell while u are still a lvl one, there is a way just have them kill baal while you are in town it will work than when in hell as a lvl 1 do chaos sanc runs just have you friend(s) kill all you will be lvl 65 in 4 hours
Quote:no no no, get some one you know to rush u to hell while u are still a lvl one, there is a way just have them kill baal while you are in town it will work than when in hell as a lvl 1 do chaos sanc runs just have you friend(s) kill all you will be lvl 65 in 4 hours

that is glitch rush...
Well, I have dial-up internet but that mean's nothing to me. But I was wondering what about single-player any advice for me there.?
The guide that I wrote first has mainly been designed for SP. I have played SP for years so this may be helpful. If You are a beginner, then (You probably know it already) there is a command, You write /players x, in which X is any number. This simulates the game as if there were more players in it, meaning tougher enemies and more exp. Straight away when You start up, put /players 8 on, this way You'll be lev 4 after Den of Evil (it's not that hard in the beginning). Just a few days ago I made a new amazon, so trust me this works (You also need good equipment, so I suggest making a mf sorc first to get You sorted with some decent equipment). If You have too much good stuff, download a program called ATMA V (with all due credit) and You can store Your stuff easily. (Obviously You can also download whole item kits, but I prefer to keep it as legit as possible Tongue). Runewords are also extremely useful, and in order to create ladder ones, download a mad (can't remember it's name). So finally, simply put, I'll make You a list of places where to level up (provided You have the equipment).
/Players 8
Den of Evil - lev4
Cold Plains - lev8
Do Cain Quest - lev~15
Adariel Quest - lev~17
(Get a good aura merc for act2 [depending on Your class])
Act 2 Radament, Cube, Staff, Ammy - lev ~21
Right before doing Duriel switch to /players 1 and keep it like that for the other acts, otherwise it'll be too hard.
Act 3 just run through the forests and get the body pieces as quickly as possible
Go to Kurast Bazaar and find the Ruined Temple, doing the quest for the book.
Council quest.
Run through act 4 doing the quests in the correct order.
Act 5 is useless for exp if You are lower than 25, so if You get here at 24, do ancients.
If You are lower than 24 now, I suggest You switch to a higher level of players and do Battlemaid Sarina (Ruined Temple) and Council runs.
If You are 25 already, leave ancients and start doing Eldritch and Pindle runs on as high players as possible. In single player on /players 8, You get more exp like this than doing Baalruns, +Baalruns will be really difficult by Yourself. Eldritch and Pindlerunning on a high number of players is efficient in any difficulty. Like I said before, I made my amzon lev 90 doing them and it only took a couple of hours, and the drops are good.
Anyway, I know that this may be really confusing, but if You follow it carefully, You'll be able to make high lev chars in no time. This is by no means a strict guide, so You can bend it any way You want, this is just the way that I have found it to work for me. Also single player builds are a lot different to those on the net, but if You need any help with them (any chat) just message me. I hope this helps, enjoy.

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