09-24-2005, 03:03 PM
i only want whats on my iso, so dont offer other crap. Dont ask wug for something, pick something off my FT list or dont post
Grim Spurs
357%ed/+396 def to missile/ 37 res Sacred Targe Phoenix – 22-70 smite dmg
+4/282%ed/+85dmg/166%ar/Lo’d Astreons
13%ed/+757def Dusk Enigma
190%ed/Up’d Um’d Herald of Zakarum
9x Matching Paladin Combats
196%ed Gore Riders
+148def/27res/21dr/Ber’d Crown of Ages
Ethereal Loricated Duress
414/323/34 Metalgrid
10% fcr/14 str/4 dex/10 mana/4% cold-fire-lite res/24% psn res/ rare ring (47 lvl req)
6 socketed/11% ed Military pick
Ethereal/1572 def/219%ed/Shaftstop
183%ed/50%mf/Up’d/War Travelers
Ethereal 38 Hoto
27 maras
200%ed/522 def/Ber’d Herald of Zakarum
170%ed/ 13-12/53% psn res/ Sandstorm Treks
115%ed Arachnid Mesh
33%fcr/162 def/45% cold-lite-psn res/10% fire res/ Spirit Gilded shield
87/39/14 Gheeds
5x 7%mf small charms
6x 5% fhr small charms/ 1 with 10mana
19 life small charm
20 life small charm
5% all res small charm
+1 offensive auras gc
2x SOJ
...:::LLD GEAR:::...
13 max cleglaws
15 ed 3x 15 max crown
13 max twitch
41 ed 49 max 142 ar heraldic shield
deaths hand and belt
angelic rings\ammy
cow kings boots
..::LLD CHARMS::..
large charms:
13 life - lvl 9
8 fhr 10 psn - lvl 14
8 fhr - lvl 14
7 life - lvl 9
36 ar - lvl 18
2 def 8 life - lvl 9
13 life - lvl 9
8 fhr 11 lite res - lvl 18
4 str 7 mana - lvl 14
7 life - lvl 9
8 fhr - lvl 14
14 life 14 stamina - lvl 9
11 life - lvl 9
..::Small Charms::..
5 life - lvl 14
10 life 4 stamina - lvl 14
9 life - lvl 14
7 life 5 cold res - lvl 14
5 life 4 fire res - lvl 14
11 life - lvl 17
4 ar 8 life - lvl 14
9 life 6 stamina - lvl 14
11 life - lvl 17
..::Grand Charms::..
20 ar 4 dex - lvl 5
Perfect Poison Facet
Widowmaker Ward Bow
Bramble Dusk or archon
Ravenfrost (+20 DEX is required)
+2 20+ dex Shadow Dancers
2x +3 Shadow Discipline Claws
8x Shadow Disciplines Grand Charms with either +str dex or life
5x +5 RES ALL small charms with either +STR or +DEX mods on them.
5x 20 life small charms
Grim Spurs
357%ed/+396 def to missile/ 37 res Sacred Targe Phoenix – 22-70 smite dmg
+4/282%ed/+85dmg/166%ar/Lo’d Astreons
13%ed/+757def Dusk Enigma
190%ed/Up’d Um’d Herald of Zakarum
9x Matching Paladin Combats
196%ed Gore Riders
+148def/27res/21dr/Ber’d Crown of Ages
Ethereal Loricated Duress
414/323/34 Metalgrid
10% fcr/14 str/4 dex/10 mana/4% cold-fire-lite res/24% psn res/ rare ring (47 lvl req)
6 socketed/11% ed Military pick
Ethereal/1572 def/219%ed/Shaftstop
183%ed/50%mf/Up’d/War Travelers
Ethereal 38 Hoto
27 maras
200%ed/522 def/Ber’d Herald of Zakarum
170%ed/ 13-12/53% psn res/ Sandstorm Treks
115%ed Arachnid Mesh
33%fcr/162 def/45% cold-lite-psn res/10% fire res/ Spirit Gilded shield
87/39/14 Gheeds
5x 7%mf small charms
6x 5% fhr small charms/ 1 with 10mana
19 life small charm
20 life small charm
5% all res small charm
+1 offensive auras gc
2x SOJ
...:::LLD GEAR:::...
13 max cleglaws
15 ed 3x 15 max crown
13 max twitch
41 ed 49 max 142 ar heraldic shield
deaths hand and belt
angelic rings\ammy
cow kings boots
..::LLD CHARMS::..
large charms:
13 life - lvl 9
8 fhr 10 psn - lvl 14
8 fhr - lvl 14
7 life - lvl 9
36 ar - lvl 18
2 def 8 life - lvl 9
13 life - lvl 9
8 fhr 11 lite res - lvl 18
4 str 7 mana - lvl 14
7 life - lvl 9
8 fhr - lvl 14
14 life 14 stamina - lvl 9
11 life - lvl 9
..::Small Charms::..
5 life - lvl 14
10 life 4 stamina - lvl 14
9 life - lvl 14
7 life 5 cold res - lvl 14
5 life 4 fire res - lvl 14
11 life - lvl 17
4 ar 8 life - lvl 14
9 life 6 stamina - lvl 14
11 life - lvl 17
..::Grand Charms::..
20 ar 4 dex - lvl 5
Perfect Poison Facet
Widowmaker Ward Bow
Bramble Dusk or archon
Ravenfrost (+20 DEX is required)
+2 20+ dex Shadow Dancers
2x +3 Shadow Discipline Claws
8x Shadow Disciplines Grand Charms with either +str dex or life
5x +5 RES ALL small charms with either +STR or +DEX mods on them.
5x 20 life small charms