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The guide to Ultimate PK (TuNa-style)
Well i haven't played d2 for a long time, (GW 4LIFE!!) anyway here is my guid to ultimate PK

First will start with the REQUIRED CHARECTER you need

Sorceress with points in nova/tstorm/light mastery/lightning/chain lightning and whatever synergies of nova/and charged bolt/ at least 1 in teleknesis

gear: basic average gear everyone has
ebug coh
wraith collar
imps or whatever
bloodfist or whatever
cta and spirit
Infinity poleaxe
9lit gcs
20/5 sc's
ice/fire/lit sorb gear (raven frost, 4x LO monarchs etc)
however much str to use gear
however much dex you want
however much vit you want
however much energy you want

pretty basic right? well this is where it gets good

How to Properly PK Versus (insert class here)

hammerdin always kill the hammerdin while he bo's and since hes a hammerpally he probably has loads of gold for your picking. If by chance he gets his bo's teleknesis and keep stunning him and let your conviction +tstorm kill him

Smiter (may req a couple of full rejuvies) the goal is to get him while he bo's and/or tele to him nova and tele away and do that for until hes dead

Foh Stay out of range and snipe him with lightning 4x ptopaz monarch works wonders here

Trapsin keep randomly shooting lightning until they get pissed off and come after you then nova stun him this may require you to do the House trick (see bottom) make sure you have sorb gear at the ready

ww sin (no contest) kill before they have a chance to cast fade

Ele druid kill before they put on ele armor if you fail you may need to do den of evil trick

Barb 1 hit kill with lightning too easy

fire sorc house trick works well here just make sure you hit him before he hits you just make sure you have your sorb gear at the ready

ice sorc den trick works well here just make sure you hit him before he hits you just make sure you have your sorb gear at the ready

light sorc the only contest is right here just make sure you have your absorb gear at the ready teleknesis works well here

Bow zon EZ PK teleport on them while they bo and cast charged bolt ther health will go
60-0 in 0.4 seconds

javazon again light sorb works wonders

Bone necro house trick works well here also den trickworks

minion nova once and goodbye all your summons

Now with the above guide you have won half the battle the real battle starts verbally...

1. NK and dont stop take gold and go gamble circlets with it
2. When they try to flame you the only words you say is "OMG LOLOL!!11"
3. If they are a (how do you say) town-runner-person dont stay near town only go near town to nk and heal in the middle of a battle
4. ALWAYS attack another person while they are pking another person
5. Join your friends priv game and pk them steal their gold and say "OMG LOLOL!!11" then leave

Now that you have your guide to getting the most of pking you are ready to become the number one pker in the world

*Den Trick: Run into the den of evil and make a tp, while they camp outside the den of evil waiting to own you, you come from behind from town and kill them then nk

*house trick: the house is the best way to hide from incoming magic attacks jsut keep teleing in and out while they follow you

house trick owns... but pk ur friends is bad lmao.. nice and funny strat ^_^
lol tuna i knwo ur my friend and al but thats not exactly "ultimate" in my opinion unless u wanan call it the "ultimate way to noob ownage" killing while they r boig.....stealing housing cheap tp pk wat else did u say that was cheap uhhhh killing ele druid before he puts on cyclone armor. i have a question y didnt u just sya KILLO A THE GUYS IN PK BEFORE THE BO!!
is this meant to be joke?

Bowzon ezpk?
Im afraid u cant get out of the town with 7frames arrow doing 10k each going across.

barb 1 hit kill ez??
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
something tells me that you're a bit of a wanker when it comes to dueling.
"always nk"
"always kill the hammerdin while he's boing"
unless this is a joke...
I hope you're just trying to be funny with this guide. For a more general guide for absolute pwnage, take a look at this:
Your kind of people are the reason i hate dueling now i can take on 3-4 of oyu but when thy're the whole game it's just ****ing stupid.
Man... Could anyone sort me out with a proper guide for PK'ing in Hardcore... I heard that there is a TPPK script and I know people that use it, but since its a script, You can do it all by Yourself right? Could someone elaborate please...
pking is for faggots and i hate anyone who does it. and tppk is the biggest chicken shit thing ever..dueling i have no problem with, but if you want to pk, seriously get offline and go grow up. damn internet thugs....

oh and if a mod or someone that has the ability sees this please set my title thing back to default. some jackass (believe it was slimp) changed it again. i'd change it myself but i want the default so i can see what it changes to as my post count increases
Guys...quit taking this so seriously. It was obviously intended to be a joke...right, TuNa?
Nk every time... good one --_--
lol yeah has to be a joke i mean what game can you go in an pk/nk everyone without them all teamin up against you i mean a good foh pally could hit you with fist before you could see it coming. and traps can be casted far away and you got to dodge them and if there using gcs there trap are going to be strong lol oh well i said my peace.
Bloodangel26 Wrote:pking is for faggots and i hate anyone who does it. and tppk is the biggest chicken shit thing ever..dueling i have no problem with, but if you want to pk, seriously get offline and go grow up. damn internet thugs....

oh and if a mod or someone that has the ability sees this please set my title thing back to default. some jackass (believe it was slimp) changed it again. i'd change it myself but i want the default so i can see what it changes to as my post count increases
Pking in hc is pretty gay, (Unless its a duel game for some reason) but do you even know the meaning of Pk. All pk isnt going into a hc game and killing so that they are dead for good. Its also Duel Games, and all sorts of stuff.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
like i said in my post, i have no problem with dueling. pking to me is not dueling, its trying to kill someone who is just minding their own business. and yes i've seen pkers in sc as well when i used to play scl.

oh and if a mod or someone that has the ability sees this please set my title thing back to default. some jackass (believe it was slimp) changed it again. i'd change it myself but i want the default so i can see what it changes to as my post count increases
Seriously this is bullshi.t
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
Your ****ing kidding me right? 1 hit kill? LOL my old barb would've raped your sorc "ez pk"
Business & Computer Science major

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