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I need tought to be a god-B-net
Will some one give me advice on how to be a open b-net god plzzz.:huh2:
lol just download an editor, make some Godly items, its not that hard, then play, And dont forget to use propper grammar Tongue
even with out an editor u can stil be good. get some 1 to give u some good gear for free its not that hard. go in to your diablo file's and copy the char to an empty folder and have some 1 hold the gear. replace the oraginal with the copy and u have your itums back. aka u duoed your char gear. do this a few times than trade off the dupes for other gear and so on. after some tradeing and dupeing u will have all u need. or u can go the fast way and do what slimp sead and down load an editor. Smile
And btw, when you make items, make them socketed to make mods and auras stack. I had a sword with level 255 Holy Freeze.

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