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Sorry, this is all muddled, but I had several posts to respond to.

SpoonMan999 Wrote:I would like to continue this discussion a bit from the whole Nazi flag ordeal. Not the discussion about the flag of course but the discussion on Hitler and Nazi Germany.
You can find the old discussion here if you want to get caught up:

Ok, I need to comment on this post:

Ok, first off Hitler was forunate to have a staff of excellent strategists and he himself just chose which ones would be the quickest. He was not in fact this glorious general you claim him to be.

Secondly, Hitler sent the best of his staff, Erwin Rommel, to Africa and refused to continue sending supplies to him. So not only did he ship off his best general to a desert, simply because Rommel disagreed with one of Hitler's decisions, but he also doomed him to fail.

Thirdly, Hitler had to fight on all fronts because he violated his non-agression pact with Stalin. If he had taken out Britain and America first we would all probably be speaking German right now. All he had to do was wait till he took out the others and the russians would have been screwed. Also, Hitler was a bit of a ***** with those pesky supplies again and many of his men suffered greatly in the cold and his army was much less proficient.

Fourth, yes he was a motivational speaker but you can thank his ascension to the loss in WW I. Hitler found a way to blame the Jews and Gypsies and everyone that he hated in order to gain the favor of the people. The Nazi party was originally just a bunch of guys that met up and talked about how much that hate people really. It wasn't until after their loss in WW I that Hitler really got out there and gave the Germans somebody to blame for their embarassment. The whole "It wasn't our fault! It was the Jews!" idea was a very favorable one for the Germans.

Thank you and good night. Or afternoon...

1. Hitler's generals said that he was the best of them all.

All of You guys are thinking as if all of those things happened today. Let's not forget that our mentalities have been largely shaped by the WWII. 60 years ago people thought very differently. 60 years ago Hitler was not labelled the Jewkiller that he is today. The concentration camps worked in secret and contained mainly political prisoners, rather than Jews. The first death camps were only set up after the start of the war, hence why most of them were in Poland. Let's not forget the fact that Hitler was extremely popular internationally in the 1930. He was voted the politician of the year by one of the "Time" issues. The only reason for why England joined against Germany was because of the Polish invasion, ideologically England would have supported Germany, because at the time, it wasn't Hitler that was seen as the threat, but Stalin. Even in Your own country, (America I'm speaking of) read up on the "Red Scare". People were scared of communism and it's spread, that was seen as the prime enemy, not fascism. Even after the war had started, there was a lot of support for Hitler in England, because even the their royal family is of German decent. Due to this, England had always had close ties with the Germans, WWI being their 1st conflict.
On the other hand, France had always been the traditional enemy, who the English had fought for centuries. I'm not sure, but I think that even now the English still haven't given up their claim for the French throne. During the 100 Years war (14-15 C), England owned 3/4 of France, and Henry V (I think) was to marry the French princess, making him the King of both countries, however unfortunately for England at the time, he died unexpectedly, leaving his son as a minor. France saw this as an opportunity and fought all the terrain back, except for Calais, which was to be lost in Mary's (Bloody Mary) time. Ever since the 100 Years war, the Kings of England have nominally been claiming the throne of France, and were also crowned Kings of France (not recognized by the French obviously). This small thing has led to centuries of conflict between the two nations. Due to that, England would much rather have supported Germany even in WWII, but were bound to a mutual protection pact with Poland.

Hitler never had the intention of taking out America. Had he won the war in Europe early enough there wouldn't have been a goddamn thing that the Americans could have done. This wouldn't have been like the Americans going to Iraq or Afghanistan or something. Europe is a large continent and if Hitler had already won there, he would have been able to concentrate his forces and take the invading Americans out decisevly. And there was also Japan.

Actually, Hitler got his initial support because he promised to reverse the treaty of Versailles, not because he blamed Jews. Ever heard of the November criminals? Hitler was a soldier in the German armies in WWI, and was hospitalised after he got sprayed with mustard gas (I think it was that one). Many German soldiers thought that Germany shouldn't have signed the peace treaty and formed the "Freikorps" after the war, which eventually took the communists off power (Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknact [sorry I'm misspelling one of their names, even though I speak German] and the lot). The scapegoat theory came to practise much later, which I will explain onwards.

Trogdor "The man was a genius when it came to using propaganda to leash together most of Germany."
He wasn't. Dr. Goebbles was in charge of propaganda. He was a genius at his work. And Jewish.

"The KKK is here because of Hitler, so are neo-nazis."
The KKK goes back way longer than the Nazis... And I'm not even American.

"1.) Yes, they are anti-semitic, for the most part
2.) Here are the 2 main reasons that he chose the jews to die :
1: Hitler was VERY christian... and the jews my HISTORICAL intentions, did kill jesus. Biblical, well, seems to agree.
2: Long time ago, jewish docters refused to help saves his mothers life... anyone would bear a grudge against that
3.) Flat out, had germany formed more aliances with other nations, and found a way (which they could have) to make the hostility treaty work to there favor, we would all be speaking german and thanking hitler for his excelent work.
4.) I agree with death. If you cant bear to use correct grammer in here, a serious discussion, get out and go play diablo some more, learn to type at some point, then we may allow you back.

5.) kthanksbye"

1. What a terrible generalisation. I'm 1/8 German, cannot say that I have the right or reason to make such accusations.
2. a) Actually, Hitler had a Jewish doctor himself.
b) The reasons aren't that simple. Read Politology. There are many philosophers that claim that fascism can only work by a) the suppression of the opinions of the masses, i.e. America (comeon, You guys do still use the indirect voting system, a system used during the Early Middle Period in Europe in order to suppress the peasants.)
b) A nation pumped up on nationalism (America could be a good example here again).
c) by the prosecution of a scapegoat. You have to find a common enemy, that is foreign, yet common in Your country. By finding the common enemy, it is much easier to unite people for Your cause.
3. Don't know if You're American, most people mean America by saying "we" on this forum (self-explanitory). What if he had made alliances instead of taking countries over? He automatically became the dictator of every single country that he took over, meaning that he had complete control over their economic status anyway. For one year, I studied the Nazi occupation of France. France wasn't even an annexed country, it had a puppet government set up by Hitler. This puppet government (Gouvernement de Vichy) provided Hitler with everything that he needed, supplies, recruits, You name it. One mistake that he made was, bringing the example of my own country, Estonia, Hitler did not allow the formation of an independent Estonian army. Given the circumstances, there would have been TONS of extra recruits from Estonia alone (population 1.3 million at the time), not speaking of other countries. During the Nazi occupation, when it seemed to everyone that Germany was going to win, the hopes of Estonian independence after the war were very high, and the reason for why people didn't join the German armies was because they didn't want to fight in the German uniform. You may say that it was stupid of them, but I'll give You a good example. After the war, as You probably know already, the SS was declared a criminal organisation, yes all branches of it. Even though the Waffen-SS (which had a HUGE number of foreign recruits from all countries, which was also joined by 3 of my grand-uncles) had nothing to do with ideology, besides the uniform that they were fighting in. Before You answer this statement, make a thorough research of the SS, because I have so I can make this statement without remorse.

EDIT: A little addition. There's no way that Hitler could ever have defeated Russia. He didn't have the men, the resources or the technology. Also history has pretty much proven Russia to be undefeatble (The only time that I can remember Russia actually acknowledging her defeat was with Estonia, the Treaty of Tartu, 1920). The first one to try was Karl XII of Sweden, he was eventually defeated at Poltava, around 1710, can't remember the exact date. Napoleon came next. He left with 600000 men, returned with 25000. Hitler was the third one and also failed. Whenever Russians get invaded, they turn on their own people. They raze every single community/house/settlement to the ground. By slaughtering their own people, they make sure that the enemy won't have anything to feed on. This is called the scorched earth policy. They then keep retreating, consuming/destroying everything in their way, not offering the enemy a battle, only doing so when the enemy's army has been weakened to the point that it looks like a mass of beggars, rather than a regular army. This tactic can be employed anytime by the Russians. They have a barbaric peasantry, who can be used to kill others of the kind without remorse. The amount of land that Russia has is just vast. Moscow is still considered to be "Europe", yet it's so far... Compare the sizes of Russia to the rest of Europe on the map... There's no way that this Empire can ever be defeated from the outside, only from the inside.

EDIT2: By the way, by developing their V2 project, the Germans were very close to developing a nuke as well. There are some historians that claim that Hitler actually had the nuke already. Also, it was the German scientists that developed Sarin already in 1938.
Did he put Goebbles in charge of German propaganda? Yes, he did. But Hitler was a master at speech making and military planning. You don't believe me? Read some biographies on the man. Trust me, I know what I speak of.
TroGdoR Wrote:Did he put Goebbles in charge of German propaganda? Yes, he did. But Hitler was a master at speech making and military planning. You don't believe me? Read some biographies on the man. Trust me, I know what I speak of.

Not sure if You're argueing with me or not... I know that. I also wrote it in my previous post.

EDIT: Oh and one last thing, sorry for the massive deterioration in grammar and spelling in the last post, I really couldn't be bothered to check a post that long, just as most of You cannot be bothered to read it.
Sorry Frater, I would read it but DAMMMNNN, thats a long *** post. If I remember correctly. Hitlers father was Jewish and had abandoned him (Not sure if true or just like a rumor as most Hitler things) Causing him to have a grudge against Jews. But most people here happen to think that Hitler killed ONLY the Jews. No, he killed every race/religiom/etc. He was a brilliant person, he just didn't have things go his way. You claim he sent Rommel down to Africa just topunish him. Why did the US send Patton down to Africa? They both knew something was going down there, and Patton was a damn good General if not the best for the US. Hitler was actually an amazing Artist. Go check his works on google one day.
And for the second poster.
May 13, 1976
Yeah 1976 my ***, try 1996.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
i read the whole thing
you obviously know something about what you're talking about
good job
Finally read it, You sure you arent my old 10th grade World Hist teacher? He used to make speeches like that.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:EDIT2: By the way, by developing their V2 project, the Germans were very close to developing a nuke as well. There are some historians that claim that Hitler actually had the nuke already. Also, it was the German scientists that developed Sarin already in 1938.
You too my friend are speculating. This is coming from no documentation what so ever. Hitler and Germany was definitely interested in starting up their development of an atomic weapon...Einstein warned the U.S. that much. However, Einstein knew that they weren't near completion nor would they have been by '45. It's just a fact. There were no Nuclear weapons in Germany. By '45 the U.S. had nukes, and the war would have toppled in our favor.
Also, to say that had Hitler formed more alliances with other nations, the war would have been Germany's to keep. Who would ally with him that would have been a great threat to the U.S. and Britain and Russia? Name one nation besides Japan that was any threat. That statement is plain wrong. No other nations were considerable threats to the war effort. Don't say France or Italy, because they were dice being tossed about. Definitely not Spain, oh no way. They were about to suffer a terrible revolution following the war and before simply did not have enough military strength. The only nation you are referring to is Russia. And no way was Hitler going to do that. Maybe the non-aggression agreement. But no further. Why?
1: Hitler was a fanatical ideologist
2: Because of his ideology, he considered the Slavic people to be only 1 rung above the Jews. And because of that 20million Russians died, either in combat or in concentration camps. Heh, although some Nazis got a first class ride to Siberian work camps...and heh, we know what went on there to the Nazis Wink

You know your information. But to speculate will in no ways help your arguement. History unfolded the way it did for a reason. And that reason is that there were no other ways in which it would have been different. To say otherwise is speculating.

I agree that the Nazis would not have defeated Russia...however...had Hitler not been fighting Britain and the U.S., this might have been a different scenario altogether. Because the Nazis were more successful then Napoleon in Russia. Had Stalingrad fallen, that would have been it for Russia. But this is speculation! Making me a hypocrite! Damn it! I lose!
:wacky: :p
Yeah, I read it, and I think I'll refrain from posting anything because Frater has already gone above and beyond my knowledge of this field, I think I'll leave it to him...

I'm glad I read it because I had no idea the Russians used those kinds of tactics, it seems barbaric and it really is, but it's exremely effective. Leave them with nothing so they're practically rag dolls by the time they reach anything important.

I've also got an AP World Hist teacher that is exactly like Frater, too... We'll get hella off-topic right after she makes these speeches, too.
Fuggle Wrote:Sorry Frater, I would read it but DAMMMNNN, thats a long *** post. If I remember correctly. Hitlers father was Jewish and had abandoned him (Not sure if true or just like a rumor as most Hitler things) Causing him to have a grudge against Jews. But most people here happen to think that Hitler killed ONLY the Jews. No, he killed every race/religiom/etc. He was a brilliant person, he just didn't have things go his way. You claim he sent Rommel down to Africa just topunish him. Why did the US send Patton down to Africa? They both knew something was going down there, and Patton was a damn good General if not the best for the US. Hitler was actually an amazing Artist. Go check his works on google one day.
And for the second poster.
May 13, 1976
Yeah 1976 my ***, try 1996.

Patton was sent down to Africa because he was too defiant. He advanced faster than Montgomery and didn't listen to him. Thus Patton was also being punished in a way. Though Patton said Rommel was probably the best man he ever fought against.

"The object of war is not to die for one's country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." -General George S. Patton
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Extract from Eddie Izzard, famous british comedian:
Quote:Hitler was also a vegetarian and a painter, so he must have been going, "I cant get ze ****en trees; DAMN I WILL KILL EVERYONE IN THE WORLD!"

Did anyone out there realise Hitler was a vegetarian and a painter, AS WELL as being a mass-murdering ****head?

Also from Eddie Izzard:
If you kill one person, you go to prison. If you kill ten people, you go to Texas, they hit you with a brick, thats what they do. If you kill a hundred people, you go to a hostpital and they look at you through a small window forever. And past that, we can't deal with it. We're almost saying, "Well done! you killed a hundred thousand people? You must get up VERY early in the morning! Polpot, killed 1.9 million jews, died under house arrest aged 83, well done there. Stalin, killed many millions, died of old age at home, well done indeed. Hitler. Killed people next door. *groan*! After a couple of years we won't stand for that, will we!?"
It's not so much the fact that Hitler killed lost of people, it was more the fact that he killed people that weren't of his own country or ethnicity.
Hitler used tremendous forcefulness, charisma, oratory, and his ability to appeal to people's baser instincts to manipulate them. He rose at a time of defeat and disillusionment. His ‘Thousand-Year Reich’ lasted 12 years and three months.
Thanks guys, but history is one subject which I really get hooked on, so when I start reading up/doing research, I just cannot stop. I just have a few more points to make on Your posts.

"But most people here happen to think that Hitler killed ONLY the Jews. No, he killed every race/religiom/etc."

Hitler's race theory consisted of the Übermenschen (the "Über-humans, I don't know how to translate it to English, but You get the point, especially because über is a common word in Diablo) and the Untermenschen (sub-humans).
He killed the untermenschen, that were Jews, Gypsies and Slavs. Übermenschen were of course Aryans. I'm not sure where the other races fitted in, but (sorry this is going to go on for a while)... You Americans may not know that there are 3 Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. All 3 are ancient races, Latvians and Lithuanians being a Baltic race, circa 4000 years old, and Estonians being a Finno-Ugric race, being about 8000 years old. The Baltic states have had German landlords since the 13th Century, and were part of the Hanseatic League for centuries, so the area and languages have a heavy German influence (especially from Plattdeutsch). (Hanseatic League - A series of mainly German controlled cities ranging from Germany, to the Baltic, to Scandinavia, built really as a trade alliance, dominated trade in northern Europe for centuries). Also we have a lot of Gothic architecture, typical to northern Germany.
Now back to the race theory bit. Hitler called all of this: "German culture", so he set up the plan "Ost" ("East" in English), in which it was planned that once the war was to finish, 500000 Germans would be taken to the Baltic, and through a series of forced marriages, the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian races would finally be forced to extinction (through decades). Hitler didn't see them as Untermenschen, but not as Übermenschen either.
I'm not sure what he was planning to do with the French. The French are about 1500 years old as a "race". During the Barbarian invasion of France, the Franks (a Germanic tribe) moved to France and mixed with the local inhabitants (the Gauls, a Celtic race), leading to the formation of the French race, language (based on latin) and culture. However, France in German is "Frankreich", literally meaning "The Land of the Franks", so I guess Hitler still saw them as a Germanic nation, or übermenschen.

"You claim he sent Rommel down to Africa just topunish him. Why did the US send Patton down to Africa? They both knew something was going down there, and Patton was a damn good General if not the best for the US."

I don't know much about the "Afrikakorps" (German armies in Africa) so I cannot answer that, it was someone else that said that...

"Hitler was actually an amazing Artist."
Initially, before Hitler had any political ideas, he wanted to enroll at the art school of Vienna, but they didn't accept him. He then worked as a street painter.

Hitler was 1/4 Jewish, through one of his grandfathers, however the Jewish religion is passed down through the female line.

"Stalin, killed many millions, died of old age at home, well done indeed."
Stalin didn't die of old age, but of stroke. Later, Lavrenti Beria claimed to have poisoned him.

"It's not so much the fact that Hitler killed lost of people, it was more the fact that he killed people that weren't of his own country or ethnicity."

Besides untermenschen, Hitler killed people who he saw as ideological enemies, such as communists. During 3 years of the Nazi occupation of Estonia, Hitler killed 7000 communists.

Damn, I've gone on for ages again...

But as one last thing, a point on Russia. Unlike many people tend to believe, Russians do not have an ancient language, culture or race. In order to explain this, You need to look at what a Russia consists of. About 2000 years ago, Slavonic tribes from the South started moving up to the north, to which is now Russia, but was then inhabited by hundreds of Finno-Ugric tribes, such as Estonians, Livonians, Cours in the Baltic, Finns, Sami, Lapps and Karelians in Scandinavia and other tribes such as Izhorians, Ingrians and Vadjalans ranging all the way to the west of the Ural mountains. These Slavs then started raiding these areas, killing off many tribes or mixing with them. Then the raids to these areas by the Mongols started, leaving a further mix behind. Gene testing shows that an avarage Russian has about 28% Finno-Ugric blood. The rest is Slavonic and Mongol. In the 11th or 12th century, a Swedish Viking tribe, called Rus (from which "Russia" is derived), sailed down the Volga river (I may have got the name wrong) and established Kiev in the Ukraine. Governed by these Vikings, the state of Russia started to grow, conquering nearby areas, also adding some Swedish and Ukrainian flavour to the mix that we have already. After a long expansion, Moscow was established and the state came to be known as the Duchy of Muscovy. It's first Tsar (comes from the latin "Ceasar") was Ivan the Terrible, who started the expansion westwards to the Baltic. This started the Great Livonian War, during which fortunately for the Baltic States, we went under Swedish, not Russian control. Most of Russia is absolutely barren steppes, so even though they had a large population, it was extremely poor and barbaric, therefore it was simple to use it as a tool. The conscription in the Russian army was for 25 years, and it wasn't really before Peter the Great (us, Finno-Ugric people disagree with the "Great" termin and just call him Peter I, because he took over the Baltic states) that any modernization reforms were introduced to Russia. At the beginning of his reign, Peter I went on a "Grand Embassy" to Europe, during which he shocked the other nations with his barbaric behaviour, but trying to learn from that, he started modernizing everything (so that he could go to war). Until then, Russia didn't even have proper schools in most regions, and don't even today. He also founded St. Petersburg (because he couldn't take Tallinn [then known as Reval] early enough). St. Petersburg is not a display of Russian culture or architecture. he hired foreign architects, mainly Italian and Swedish to build the city. As workforce, he used the local Finno-Ugric population, the Karelians and Ingrians to build the city through brutal slave labour. That is the reason for why the Ingrians are now almost extinct (I was fortunate enough to meet one) and the Karelians, once a big nation now only number about 25000. Even the church towers of the huge church in Moscow (can't remember its name) were stolen from Estonia, after we had stolen them from the Swedes :devilish:.
Anyway, I digressed a lot on this topic, but my point is that the Russian "culture" doesn't exist and the land that they call "Mother Russia" doesn't belong to them.
This is a very new view and if You discuss it with any Russian, they'll tell You it's lies, because it was not an accepted translation of events in the Soviet Union, during which they grew up.
^^ personally i think you just copied an pasted that.... the only thing that dissproves my theory is the spelling mistakes... but i have seen many in documents too.

i think germany would have raped russia in the end... germany was weeks away from developing jet propulsion.... this would have eliminated any chance of america dropping that bomb along with their air force and destroyed and invasions from russia.

more on the jet is that by the time america joined the war england was already on the brink of defeat and jets would have done it quicker and sooner if germany got it out... but thats a what if statement.

only reason america got into the war was b/c of japan bombing pearl harbor... as soon as that happened im sure germany was like *slap head* "f.uck"

i believe that germany wanted northern africa beacue it had alot of rich soil that could be used for famring... russian soil has some parts but most of it is desolate waste land

Russia was also defeated by the mongols the only other group that had such harsh winters

hitlers ego was his down fall.. good general, just couldnt let something go... he would send troops to try and reclaim anythiny thing he lost

believe it or not hitler didnt kill any pows unless they did something... he used them as slaves... but hew fed them and didnt keep them in prison or send them to camps and let them rot.. he worked them to death

france never hated england after things got settled... they were uge enemies of germany even before america was created

i know most of it lacks documented facts but its true if you look and some of it refutes some what if statments
TroGdoR Wrote:Did he put Goebbles in charge of German propaganda? Yes, he did. But Hitler was a master at speech making and military planning. You don't believe me? Read some biographies on the man. Trust me, I know what I speak of.

That basically sums up hitler. He was a genius, but he was corruptive. He was a master of speech and persuasion. As was the Marx guy who created communism. So are a bunch of other people. For more examples go to http://
Beholder99, Frater is an Oxford Law student; he knows how to write down good argument material. What he wrote was definately not copied from anywhere. :p
ehhhh nobody smart should be here......(j/k)
Lol, of course i didn't copy/paste it. I've just read extensively on the topic and took ages to write that passage.

"i think germany would have raped russia in the end..."

Outnumbered 1/20 i don't think so. Also, England was not on the brink of defeat. Nothern Africa was a key stategical position. The French had had colonies there for centuries, as a result of which countries such as Algeria speak French besides Arabic. There were also a large number of colonials that volonteered to fight on the French side in the war (pied-noirs), eliminating such a source of manpower would be crucial to the Germans. Also, had the allies had control of Northern Africa earlier, it would have been child's play to launch an invasion of France. It wasn't for growing crop.

Yes, You're right, the Russians were defeated by the Mongols, but that was before it existed as a country, only as states and tribes.

"hitlers ego was his down fall.. good general, just couldnt let something go... he would send troops to try and reclaim anythiny thing he lost"

No, what he would do was to draw a line somewhere and tell his troops to protect it with the price of their lives. One of these "lines" happened to be a medieval Estonian city of Narva. Probably one of the best preserved medieval cities was reduced to rubble as a result of that and it's population was killed off. Nowadays it has a 96% Russian population and not a single of the medieval structures survived.

"france never hated england after things got settled... they were uge enemies of germany even before america was created"

Don't be silly! Even the British Royal Family is German! What are Your statements based on? Come'on tell us why did they hate each other? You are right, Your statements are short on facts, why don't You post some of those refutes then?

And lol I'm not an Oxford student, but I'm applieing there... rolleyes:
Northern Africa good for farming? Have you forgotten that most of Northern Africa is a desert?
north africa, it has fetile land due to the nile and the med seaso it was good farming land. toward the middle of africa it becomes
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:And lol I'm not an Oxford student, but I'm applieing there... rolleyes:
*gags* that univeristy is trash.
Full of morons who jump off bridges then ***** when they get hurt.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]

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