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"Protected" maps format
Does anyone know what sections are missing when maps are 'protected' such that you can't open them in the StarEdit program? I'm working on a map rebuilder and I can restore a protected map to about 95% of the original size, but I still don't know what's missing to allow it to open in StarEdit. Although, my program also allows for direct editing of the .chk file, so I only really need StarEdit compatibility to allow for new units/terrain/etc...
Yo, thats awesome, when you get it done post it here, I believe there was one out a while ago but got taken down.
Business & Computer Science major
sooo is this like a map de-protector?? cuz that would be kinda cool but then you could steal people hard work...
That would suck, because no one would know who the hard work belonged to.
Business & Computer Science major
exactly for that reason i wouldnt go posting it around everywhere u can.
I never designed this intending to rip off any maps. I'll admit I'm pretty crap at SC and a lot of the mission maps I like to play are simply beyond my skill level. If I can tweak little things such as maybe increasing mins. per kill or whatever, I can enjoy the map much more. However, there is definitely potential there for people to get their "protected" maps ripped-off, just as with anything else released on the Internet.

I hope more good comes than bad, for example one map I played had a whole ton of units and lots of badly placed map revealers - since there was so many units, the infamous weapons-not-firing bug occurs. I edited the map to re-design how the map revealers worked (shared vision, better spacing) and the map works so much better since the firing bug is much less common due to fewer unit resources being used.
idk, this sounds like a Pandora's bow for Starcraft, i would just keep the thing to myself.
[Image: koolaidsig.gif]
Are map authors really that protective over their maps? It's just a game... protecting maps stifles creativity Smile.
to make a realy good ums map, it takes alot of time and hard work, and when you finaly finish it, do you want someone else to get the credit. Say you make one of the most popular and most played maps in the game, then you get the satisfaction that you just helped out the entire sc comunity and then along comes some guy and slaps his name on it and he will be known for the map, not you. That would realy suck.
[Image: koolaidsig.gif]
Anyone can do that as it is anyway, you don't need to deprotect the map to change the text in it...
ya, but if ur skilled and smart u make ur name in the map itself
[Image: koolaidsig.gif]
Yes, i always leave my name somewhere on the mapBig Grin
Koolaid_dude Wrote:idk, this sounds like a Pandora's bow for Starcraft, i would just keep the thing to myself.

pandoras bow?
U GOT A PROBLEM WITH PANDORAS BOW!?!?! nah i think he means boxBig Grin
no, i ment bow, pandora will shot you with it if you try to steal someones map, lol ya i meant box.
[Image: koolaidsig.gif]
Off-topic. Nobody knows what he's talking about, really. You guys should be lucky I didn't warn the last three posts for off-topic spam.


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