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your views on racism.
unless you were english and went allllll the way to africa just to gather up some slaves since black was the "color of the devil" back then.
trog it only becomes a mater of psychology if the person was brain washed sooo deeply by an individual and look at children at a young age, they dont care about a persons skin... gender.....or culture, in fact they are more willing to learn about it. its when a parent hides and curses the trait of others that racism is born they are ignorant and know only what there parents taught them so to say it is human commonality is wrong and stupid of you, maybe you should do some research in your psych class children are innocent and easily manipulated; parents are stern and hardened by experiances and pass that to thir children, it is a cycle that needs to be broken, and by wipe out i truely meant ignored they have been corrupted by alsorts of outside inffluences and only received a part of the whole...... and they become bias... its a cruel cycle that needs to be broken and slow intergrationis the correct answer
Your statement is wrong Beholder. Did you know that an infant child is very stereotypical about the faces they stare at. If your face is attractive to them, they will react in a good way with you, and if not then they cry. As a toddler, ever noticed how children only trust their parents and hide from outsiders. Yet, even better yet, a child will develop a sense of what he/she considers normal. If they see something out of the norm, they will point it out to their parents (Ex: A child pointing out a man with no legs).

Racism, sterotype, etc. are one with human nature. Racism comes from stereotype. And every human being is stereotypical. It is instinct to trust those who are your caretakers. It is instinct to stereotype and point out the abnormal in order to avoid it.

Humans beings however strive to make up for this instinct by living with others whom are different. Those are people who sequester their racism and stereotypes in a large part.

However, birds of a feather flock together. Outsiders are not to be trusted by instinct. This can be programmed differently at a young age, but the instinct will always remain within a person. No one human being can be completely devoid of stereotype and racism. Everyone will have it, and some are taught to bury it within their subconscious.

There are no corrections to stereotyping. It will never be rooted out of a human being. They will be there and from them, racism is born.
well i think you are wrong, dogs learned to bark from humans, it is not instinct for them to do it, it is something learned. and you cant make a general statment for the whole, every person is diffrent and some people dont have a racist bone in their body so for you to say it is natural is wrong, i think it depends on how a child is raised, a child raised ina majority will have respect for all, a child who is raised protected will form barriers to defend themselves with, racism is one of them, this topic is both sided so it is immpossible for it to ever be resolved and i think this thread should be closed beacuse of the huge diffrences in opinon, we may never know if it is human nature or something learned until then it will only be debated and will never be resolved
"white people went to africa, took the africans from their homes and brought them here to work"


Wealthy africans gathered poor africans and sold them to white traders for money...


Racism will always be around, in some, shape, form or fashion, there will be no end
oh is that true.
im not trying to diss white people thats just what i thought.
oh well
I dont have a hatred towards any certain race, I have hatred towards any person that is worthless to our society, you see these people pull up to the grocery in a caddy escalade on 24's and he walks in an swipes that EBT to pay for his damn food, now thats something that burns me up
lol global history 101, white people land in africa, white people notice vast riches in africa, white people begin to pillage africa, white people take slaves, to defend themselves, africans sold poorer africans to buy weapons to stop the white people from looting their cities.... that ultimatly failed destroyed the economy and created present day africa so it was never about racism in the beginning maybe later it was.
Racism is most times like, a nich in the paint, its only there when u look for it, and most of he time, its not even a real nich u see, its all in ur heads kids

Pet Peeve: If You are white, dont try to be a gangster please, they dont like you anymore than us southerners like them
thats steriotyping.... you call him gangster when he could just like the clothing and you also showed that you have a hatered for colored folk, you said you dont have a hatred but that just proved you do, so are you or are you not a racist, theres no in betweens yes or no
rebel arent you that texas guy that hates all non whites? dont post in this thread no one wants to hear your bullsh*t white pride
no hes from tenn, and that too is steriotyping..... its gotten so bad right now that we dont even notice it, but i am a firm believer that it is getting better
Rebel_Soldier Wrote:I dont have a hatred towards any certain race, I have hatred towards any person that is worthless to our society, you see these people pull up to the grocery in a caddy escalade on 24's and he walks in an swipes that EBT to pay for his damn food, now thats something that burns me up
Your a hypocrit, and if i remember where perm banned. *waves*
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
Rebel_Soldier Wrote:Racism will always be around, in some, shape, form or fashion, there will be no end

you're right as long as you live forever
(think a little to understand what i just said)
racism will never end. it would be like trying to stop people from having sex, or stoping little kids from fighting over the action figure , it will Never stop.

as for me. i belive that there are two types of people in each race. the savages, and the ones that act normal. personally i dont have a problem with blacks or mexicans that act normal, but like the ones that say like HEY NIGGA ILL FUX UP URS WHOLE FAMILY AND TAKE YO PAPER i dont like the ones like that > the ones that act like gangsters. the ones that act civil dont bother me. ex. the ones that get a job, dont go out and murder over a street. i have no hatred to any race. but i have never met a decent mexican or black, sure all my friends have been mexican or black but they were all screwed up on drugs etc.

dont call me a racist for telling the truth.
"take yo paper" ???
racism is a game only retards and ignorant ****s play
Look up ^^
dacougarmech Wrote:"take yo paper" ???

its ebonics for Money
Beholder99 Wrote:well i think you are wrong, dogs learned to bark from humans, it is not instinct for them to do it, it is something learned. and you cant make a general statment for the whole, every person is diffrent and some people dont have a racist bone in their body so for you to say it is natural is wrong, i think it depends on how a child is raised, a child raised ina majority will have respect for all, a child who is raised protected will form barriers to defend themselves with, racism is one of them, this topic is both sided so it is immpossible for it to ever be resolved and i think this thread should be closed beacuse of the huge diffrences in opinon, we may never know if it is human nature or something learned until then it will only be debated and will never be resolved
Just because two people have different opinion im not going to close a thread.
Your fighting facts with an opinion, so your wrong.
Dogs didn't learn to bark from humans. we didn't go up to them and go "woof" did we. blank:
Some people don't have any racism in them? you have access to their thoughts? Ifnot, you can't say that. Everyone has certain labels they place on people if they like it or not. Otherwise, we wouldn't know the difference between anyone. Racism WILL always be here. Maybe not the open kind of hate and violence, but the kind that we think about.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]

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