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your views on racism.
Rebel_Soldier Wrote:"white people went to africa, took the africans from their homes and brought them here to work"


Wealthy africans gathered poor africans and sold them to white traders for money...


Racism will always be around, in some, shape, form or fashion, there will be no end

well just by his name in not sure i can trust him...

but we don't need it it might be human nature but still we don't need it.
well i from south africa and racsim was abolished here and know there are quite a few rich/affluent blacks(a product from getting rid of apratheid.racism) here the only sad thing is racism is still here but its not just between whites and black anymore, now the rich black are racisit to the poor black
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Rebel_Soldier Wrote:"white people went to africa, took the africans from their homes and brought them here to work"


Wealthy africans gathered poor africans and sold them to white traders for money...


Racism will always be around, in some, shape, form or fashion, there will be no end

I'm just gonna go ahead and say this:

People like you are the reason why the southland has such a hugely shitty reputation. Only stereotypical, southern, racist, white trash could turn out such a piece of shit child like yourself. I hope your hang your head in shape for your entire life. If you want your life to end early, you're one of the few types i'd be willing to help get along past life and into death.
Racism isn't a new thing, and it will go on forever. They day that racism stops is the day the political correctness destroys America and I kill myself. There are 2 good things about racism though.

1. Without racism and colonial white people of euope and early americans, most of the black people in america wouldn't be here, they would be in Africa picking flies off their neighbors backs and being fought in arms by a warlord government. In the middle of civil war, or making $40,000 a year? All because of the history of racism.

2. The jokes. It's now another basis for many stand-up comedy shows, for blacks, whites, asians and others. Just so long as you can laugh at yourself.
Reproduction will never go away; as long as life exists it will be here. For our sake, I hope your genes just fxck up and your dong rots off.

Just because simple racism will never go away, does that justify it? Jesus christ. You guys are such shitheads.
Hahaha, xDBD said poopie heads!

Racism is not an excuse. It shouldn't be seen as something that we should just give up on simply because it will never go away. We can work at it. Sequester it. And make sure that as a whole we can accomplish a level of maturity no generation in human history has before us!!!!

I was kinda kidding with the last sentence. But there is MUCH needed room for improvement.
Racism isn't the problem, it's the discrimination you guys seem to hate, and who doesnt?
i think if someone is joking around then its fine, but if any violence comes from it then thats just not cool. i make racist jokes all the time but i have friends of all different races because i live in a very multicultural area.
megaman Wrote:i think if someone is joking around then its fine, but if any violence comes from it then thats just not cool. i make racist jokes all the time but i have friends of all different races because i live in a very multicultural area.
And thus the difference between racism and discrimination, however, there are no hate crimes. Crime is crime.
I would never choose an underqualified white over a black, but then again, I would never choose an underqualified black over a white. Simple is that.

The thing that really ticks me off is when EVERYTHING that happens to someone is deemed racism. Hell, people were outraged by being called "refugees" of the hurricane Katrina, and Rev. Jesse Jackson came out with his dumbass "It's racist to call them refugees." It's terrible... And people getting fired and saying that the only reason they were fired is because of their race, even though they're coming to work a half hour late and not doing their job right.

Otherwise, racist jokes are funny, and I'm a little baffled by the fact that you can call someone a homosexual, ugly, stupid, incestual, poor, and fat piece of shit... But as soon as you call them anything racist, they'll instantly jump down your throat and want to fight.
its the fact that one man used race legitametly and then everyone else thought that they could use it to get away with things......
i got into a small fight, wasnt really even a fight, he played the race card saying i called him a n*gger, at the time i didnt even know the word exsisted and he almost pulled a law suit on me
EDIT: Sorry this post is long, if You can be bothered to read it, I'll make it slightly easier by colouring it...

"unless you were english and went allllll the way to africa just to gather up some slaves since black was the "color of the devil" back then."

Yup, that's exactly what people did, You know. Strong slaves were in great demand and You got paid good money for Your shipfull of slaves.

"actually it is quite possible to get rid of racism..... you just have to get rid of everybody from the late 80's and pre; b/c they grew up with out being shown everything, in todays society you can find gay, black and all sorts of color in the media, and statistics show that racism has dropped significantly, the only ones that still have racism are the kids that have parents that drill that crap into thir heads like rednecks those go forsaken asshole(J/K LOOL) but once they are separated they become individuals and sure, there will be what appears as racism left but there will be tolerance which will lead into the absolte resolution of racism"

I know lots of people that have grown up after the '80s and they are really racist. Maybe we ought to do away with that generation as well? Oh, and it's not only those "rednecks", You ought to visit Europe some day.

"i'd say that racism will disappear but it will be with effort"

That's right. Racism will disappear, as eventually all races will disappear, meaning that only a single, "mongrol" race shall remain. All of us shall be the same, speak the same language, etc... One language dies every two weeks, and this trend shall continue until there will be no more differences among us. There shall be no basis for racial discrimination. This is how historians predict the future. Want an example, look at my own country, Estonia. In 1939, there were 1.3 million Estonians, now there are 880000 and decreasing, in a few hundred years, my nations shall be extinct. Racism shall remain a daily part of our lives until all bases for it will have been eliminated. For the time being, I suggest that we ought to educate ourselves instead of wiping out generations or castrating people. Some people are less intelligent than others, or they may have had different upbringings. Does that mean that they have a less of a right to live than You? And who are You to decide who lives and who doesn't?

"Another big factor that that can cause hatred is history for example the French still don't like Germans and vice versa. Racism is just a small section of a whole bigger topic."

Couldn't disagree with You more. The French have a historical reason for disliking the German, as the Estonians have one for disliking the Russians. It is not "racism" as such. Europe's history is ancient. You were the King of some country, You conquered the guy next to You, not because You were "racist", but because You wanted more land, people and power, because if You didn't the other guy would come and whack You. Frederick the Great (King of Prussia, now part of Germany) was known as the Philosopher King, because of his advanced philosophical outlooks, such as tolerant views (rare at the time, came with the Enlightenment). Guess what was the first thing that he did when he came to the throne? Realizing that Austria was in a potential succession crisis, especially because there was a female successor, he furthermore bolstered the army that had been made the greatest in Europe and took Silesia (an extremely advanced and rich industrial area) from Austria? Why? Because had he not acted first, the Austrians may have remained a threat to him. This is the kind of struggles that took place in Europe that have nowdays shaped our minds for distrust, the most recent one being WWII. You cannot look well upon a nation that sees Your country as their next objective...

"we will have to redefine standards such as what a person thinks of when someone says "man" does he think of a tall caucasian male? or will he think of a male of all heights and colors?"

I think that I'll stick to the usual description of a Homo Sapiens with the male sex organs. I mean unless You grow a few extra arms and breasts, I shall feel no need to classify You as something different.

"a geese with a broken wing cant fly as fast(or at all?) as the rest of the group so they have to wait for it to catch up. that makes their survival rate plummet. an albino wolf cannot blend into the surroundings and therefore cannot hunt with the pack and therefore is only a freeloader or an outcast. however, an outcast can become a competitor no matter how small the threat. that is why they are killed"

That's right. It's called Natural Selection. The fit ones shall survive, the weak ones shall die. Us, humans have imbalanced that.

"i dont get why racism slavery and that shit, i think that africans were already slaves for egyptians much earlier than the colonies. thats pretty much how like 'cracker' and 'nigg*r' and racist words got started."

Racism goes back as far as mankind.

"well i think you are wrong, dogs learned to bark from humans, it is not instinct for them to do it, it is something learned."

LMAO! Please take a video of You teaching a dog to bark, I'd love to see it!

""white people went to africa, took the africans from their homes and brought them here to work"


Wealthy africans gathered poor africans and sold them to white traders for money..."

Yes, white people did do that. It wasn't wealthy Africans gathering up poor Africans. Simply, an African tribe made a pact with the white slavers that bolstered up by the supplies that they got from the whites, they would raid the neighbouring tribe, take their land and give the prisoners as slaves. Simple concept of business. No racism invloved. And the whites set the deals up so that ultimately they could not lose. They are not getting their fingers dirty.

"I dont have a hatred towards any certain race, I have hatred towards any person that is worthless to our society, you see these people pull up to the grocery in a caddy escalade on 24's and he walks in an swipes that EBT to pay for his damn food, now thats something that burns me up"

Isn't it a human right to be able to do that? How do You know that he's useless to the society? In fact, do You know anything about him besides the fact that he has a Cadillac and a credit card?
pyrocrow Wrote:And thus the difference between racism and discrimination, however, there are no hate crimes. Crime is crime.

that is incorrect.

also Wealthy africans DID gather up poor africans and sell them to whites and other countrys as slaves. its sad how you belive what they teach you in school. schools history and Real history are two totally different things, schools history is so amended.
xDBD Wrote:Reproduction will never go away; as long as life exists it will be here. For our sake, I hope your genes just fxck up and your dong rots off.

Just because simple racism will never go away, does that justify it? Jesus christ. You guys are such shitheads.
I hope your desiccated butt drips-(D.B.D.) reach your brain so it could fertilize that peanutt of yours and maybe spark growth or some intelligence. American racism dosen't come from the south and I find it retarted that people think that one certain type of person is destined to be a spitting image of the next. I really don't think there are more then a handfull of people raising there kids to be racist. The south raise there kids with more respect, manners, and commen sense then most from what ive seen and grown to know. Some would say thats completely false because they know alot of trashy rednecks with no sense of right and wrong but anyone can be like that it's not class determined. You can't get rid of rasicm there will always be some form of it no matter what.
Also: I believe the whole human race would die out before merging to one race and language.
Amen, Silent. Exactly what I have been saying, except the insult to xDBD. I agree simply because human nature is both genetic and influenced. And because of this racism, which comes from stereotyping, will never die.

Not every person can look the same unless you build a large dome around the Earth with the same climate everywhere. Then, over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, people would all look the same...or very similar. Which leads me to my next point...

Even if we did recreate the experiment I proposed above, each person in the dome would experience different events in their lifetimes. From these different experiences, each person would interpret them differently and therefore classify themselves as different. So even if everyone looked alike, they wouldn't think alike and therefore would continue to stereotype others based on actions. Racism would also then still exist unless you were to dissolve all borders, nationalities, religions, and cultures within the dome. And since people would always have minds for themselves, you would have to brainwash all 6 billion, or however many there are in the future, of them. This won't happen because many will resist and make it harder to accomplish such a feat.

In other words, the only way to dissolve all racism would be to dissolve every person. Killing every person would accomplish killing off racism for good. Unless you do that or successfully brainwash everyone, racism and it's mother, stereotyping, WILL ALWAYS EXIST in some form.
what about conscious hate of a different race? will that disappear?
or will it just fade a bit
because that's what im really concerned about. not the subconscious racism and stereotyping but the outright prejudice against a person
I don't care what anyone else says, if there is man, there will always be someone thinking he is better than the other person and there will always be something to stereotype a race for. And there will always be a person of different color as long as there is a sun bearing down on us and people continue reproducing.
there will always be racism and sexism... that's the way people think. Frater u have a lot of free time or somin lol, im sure u dont but u always write huge Posts... anyways, i see racism everywhere.. especially on games, Everyone is racist... even if u dont wanna be, i dont wanna be... but when i see a white guy bein Ghetto, i think... he's a wigger, even tho i dont wanna.
It doesn't help when you have laws like affirmative action and title IX preserving racism, prejudice, and discrimination.
slimp Wrote:Frater u have a lot of free time or somin lol, im sure u dont but u always write huge Posts... .

Lol, I'm 17, finished school and on a gap year, not working at the moment, so I do have a lot of free time... But I do enjoy a good arguement.

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