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your views on racism.
Your the lamest of the lame.
Blueballsofsteal Wrote:Dacougarmech, just for your info my name was spelled exactly the way it was meant to be spelled! so shhh! as for my so called ignorance sir, i offer no excuses, those are my views, yours may be different, but that doesnt make mine wrong or me ignorant, some how i feel that you lack knowledge, of the world around you, wake up and open your eyes.
Todays world is based around the black man, is that a bad thing, maybe and maybe not. Turn on your television every sitcom nowadays is a black sitcom or show, hell MTV is a black music station now, and then theres BET, try making WET(white entertainment tv) and it will be shot down cause its racist.
Every time we see a controversial trial of a black celebrity or police brutality victim on trial, they arn't convicted solely on the grounds that if they are the retributions to be payed from violence and rioting and looting outways the true facts if that person is guilty or not!
Follow the news, there are also high ranking black racist in the world as well, just recently at a rally at Brown University there was a statement made calling for the extinction of all white people! It doesnt seem much stink was made over that statement though!
Kany'e west or whatever his name is(the rap artist) stated that president bush was racist and hated black people because he was slow to provide relief to the hurricane Katrina victims and his people, but he failed to mention that white people were also homeless and starving too! he claimed that the military was allowed to shoot at black people his so called people, but if you followed what was going on you would understand why they were being shot at, due to the fact that the street gangs were looting raping and shooting at rescue workers, police officers and at the military personel that were there to provide help and relief, so therefore it is justified why his so called people were being shot at by the military.
I work at a juvenile prison in Virginia, our population is about 75 blacks to 1 white, and all day long i hear the term white boy used for the white kids in our system. if i said black boy every time i refered to a black kid i would be called a racist. Im not a racist i have black friends, very respectable black friends. My views come from this new thug uprising, its very sorry when crime, disrespect for women, drugs, and gangs are a rising force of how kids view, what is cool, or how they want to live their lives.
We recently banned all viewing of music television stations in our prison, due to the over growing displayes of gang influence being showed on BET and MTV. The kids are raising hell saying that we cannot take these programs from them due to this type of crap being there cultural rights. I hate to say it but 20 years ago you would not have seen a black artist like Ray Charles or Marvin Gaye stand up with his pants sagging singing about *****es and ***'s, and manufacturing and distribution of crack cocaine, and money rules evrything. Therefore its not Black culture that is a bad thing, its just what young black hoodlums and thugs have done to change and mold there culture into nowadays!
So open your eyes to the world around you and realize that times are changing, theres a war going on today, its a war to survive in a hatefull world, things that would apall people 20 years ago are now readily exceptable in todays society!
Watch the news every once in a while, see what is going on in your community and the world around you and see if you can see what the world is coming too these days!
Im not a racist and im not igorant, im just opiniated by what the world has come too!
Thanks for the time you have taken to read my post!

wow. thank you so much. i may not completely agree with you but thank you so much for not being the backwater retard i had perceived you to be

anyway, what i continually emphazise is that there are bad apples in every race. the black race just so happened to have more because of the anger at the establishment that used to deny their rights and also the baffling glory the media gives to gun-toting rapists in music. rap is nice but not that rap

to deadlyy, that sucks. bad apples and idiots

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