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Triggers Guide
This guide was RIPPED from
Dynafrom had nothing to do with writing it.

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Table of Contents:

1)FaQ Information
-Legal Information
-Update Info


3)C & C. Contact and Credits
-Terms and Lingo Used
-Contact Info

Update Information
- None

A) Basic triggers
- Basics
-(aadd1) Anti Liftoff
-(aaee1) Banning Players
-(aaff1) Automatically Loading Bunkers
-(aagg1) Cloaking Units
-(aahh1) Controlling Scarabs / Interceptors
-(aaII1) Stopping Single Player Cheats
-(aajj1) Switches

B) Advanced Triggers

-(bbaa1) Blurry Buildings
-(bbbb1) Crazy Units
-(bbcc1) Recall FX
-(bbdd1) Randomisation
-(bbee1) Static Portrait
-(bbff1) Stacking
-(bbgg1) Units With Over 9999 HP

C) Expert Triggers

-(ccaa1) Locations that Follow Units
-(ccbb1) Crystallic Cannons
-(cccc1) Explosion Fx
-(ccdd1) Making Rock Sprites Later in the Game
-(ccee1) Player 12+
Business & Computer Science major
A) Trigger Overview

Triggers are basically actions that you can create on a map, you can create units at a certain time, and destroy a certain amount of units, they make maps more interesting, and you can create many things with staredit.
Triggers are only used in UMS maps.

----(aadd1) Anti Liftoff

First create a location the same size as the building that you don't want to be lifted off. Name this "Lift" (without the " "). Go to the properties of this location (double click) and uncheck the boxes for low elevation, middle elevation, and high elevation (so basically it'll only affect the air).

Next make a location the exact same size as the other and name it "Building" (without the " "). You want to place this exactly over the building and other location. Now for the triggers:

¤ Player who owns the Building
¤ Current Player brings at exactly 1 of 'Building' to "Lift"
¤ Remove all 'Building' for Current Player at "Lift".
¤ Create 1 'Building' at "Building" for 'Player'
¤ Preserve Trigger

----(aaee1) Banning Players

¤ Player you want banned
¤ Player 1 brings at least one of any unit to "Ban Blue"
¤ End scenario in defeat for current player.

----(aaff1) Automatically Loading Bunkers
You need an editor with the extra AI scripts, such as Starcraft Xtra Editor
¤ Any Player
¤ Conditions that apply.
¤ (RUN AI SCRIPT AT LOCATION) Execute AI scipt 'Enter Closest Bunker at 'Load Bunkers.'

This will tell all Marines at 'Load Bunkers' to enter the closest bunker. This is very useful for making Marines automatically load into a bunker when conditions are met.

----(aagg1) Cloaking Units
Use the trigger called Enable Doodad Status on the unit. For bunkers you need to put a detector by them.

If that doesn't work out right then disable them in a part of the map nobody can see then enabled them. (If you disable them and someone looks their game will crash)

¤ Any Player
¤ Conditions
¤ Disable doodad state for unit
¤ Wait
¤ Enable doodad state for unit
¤ Wait
¤ Enable doodad state for unit
¤ Wait
¤ Order "move" to unit
¤ (more actions)

----(aahh1) Controlling Scarabs / Interceptors
In order for you to use Scarabs/Interceptors you will need to have the Reaver/Carrior Attack another unit in order to get Scarabs/Interceptors out of their mothership. Then you will move the Scarabs/Interceptors elsewhere. You CANNOT simply preplace the Scarabs or Interceptors.

¤ Computer with the Reavers
¤ Any conditions
¤ Run AI Script "Set Generic Command Point" at "Location you want them to move to"
¤ Run AI Script "Make These Units Patrol To Upper Left Corner" at "Location Scarabs will be"

----(aaII1) Stopping Single Player Cheats

Black sheep wall
Place a sieged tank on lower ground, and place a building or something that will die with one shot from the tank on higher ground. Make sure tank can reach it. If that certain unit killed (or not there) then make it end in defeat or whatever consequences you want. All these units must belong to warring computer players. THIS DOESN’T STOP MAPHACK.

[Money Cheats]
You can prevent these only if there is a max amount of a certain resource. And you would know how to do this easily. Just make sure they can’t reach that amount without cheating.

Power overwhelming
Make 2 locations and make units continuously move from one of them to the other. Then make some units kill them as they march. Make it end in defeat if the unit manages to get to the other side. This means that the computer can’t damage each other so it can get to the other side alive.

Medieval Man
Make a dark archon without feedback to stay in an area and wait for it to feedback another dark archon (considering it can kill the other one with one feedback). If the other archon dies then end in defeat.

The Gathering
Make a dark archon with 0% energy wait to feedback an enemy (considering it can feedback and can kill the other one with it) and when that enemy dies make it end in defeat. You can still use this in conjunction with medieval man anti-cheat because you can use reverse computer players.

----(aajj1) Switches

Switches are a lot like light switches. There are only 2 positions they can be in, "On" or "Off." In a Switch's terms, "Set" or "Cleared." There are only 256 switches.

Switches are only changed through triggers and can only be detected/seen by triggers.

So basically there's a lightswitch that you don't know the position of but you can find out by using triggers.

There are 4 things you can do with switches using trigger actions:
Set - Turns the switch "On"
Clear - Turns the switch "Off"
Toggle - If the switch is "On," then it turns it "Off" and vice versa
Random - Turns the switch either "On" or "Off" (Randomly)

You can detect switches being "On" or "Off"

All switches start off in the "Off" position.

Let's say you want to Set a switch when a unit moves to 'location'

¤ Owner of the unit.
¤ Any conditions¤ Current player brings at least 1 unit* to 'location'
¤ Set 'Switch 1'

Now to detect the switch was set, you would need this trigger

¤ Players this trigger applies to.
¤ 'Switch 1' is set.
¤ Actions here because the switch was set.
Business & Computer Science major

----(bbaa1) Blurry Buildings

(requires Starcraft X-tra Editor Special Mode, SCMDraft II, Starforge, or any editor that can make buildings over another VERY closely)

First off, place 1 building on the map, then place another of the same building as close as you can (1 pixel away), Have the building on bottom owned by any player, and have the top building owned by any player (I prefer Player 7 cause it looks best) and disable the top building, so you can see the bottom and see right through the top building, which makes it look blurry.

Player 1
¤ Always
¤ 'Disable' doodad state for 'Terran Engineering Bay' for 'Player 1'
¤ 'Enable' doodad state for 'Terran Engineering Bay' for 'Player 7'

----(bbbb1) Crazy Units

The desired effect of this trick is to have the rotating half of a Terran Missle Turret to move and rotate at random and frequent times. The trigger is:

¤ Owner of the Turret(s)
¤ Conditions
¤ Run AI Script 'Junkyard Dog' at "Location over Turret(s)"
¤ Preserve Trigger

----(bbcc1) Hyper Triggers

This trigger delays the long wait that happens when your triggers complete firing. That means that your triggers will react instantly, and fire alot quicker (about 12 times per second).

You set the trigger up like this.

¤ Player
¤ Conditions
¤ Wait for 0 milliseconds.
¤ Wait for 0 milliseconds.
¤ Wait for 0 milliseconds.
¤ Wait for 0 milliseconds.
¤ Wait for 0 milliseconds.
¤ Wait for 0 milliseconds.
¤ Preserve Trigger.

Put in wait 0 as much as you can until you run out. When it maxes out you delete one. Then put in preserve trigger.
Any more than 5 copies is pointless.

Avoid making your hyper triggers owned by "all players" If you give the hyper triggers to a single computer player, then all the other players can run the wait action without intervention.

----(bbcc1) Recall FX

Another nice effect used a lot, but not as common as explosions. Ideal for teleporting and such. This is just the Arbiter's ability Recall being cast.

To do this, you'll need a special map editor such as Starcraft X-tra Editor, but most of the editors out there should support the extra AI scripts, which you'll be using. First off, create one location where you want the recall to appear at (I'll call mine 'recall'), next place the Arbiters, controlled by a computer, anywhere. When making the trigger, be sure that under the "PLAYERS" part you specify the correct player, who is controlling the Arbiters. The player cannot be neutral or human.
note*: Don't forget to set 'Recall' cost to zero for the player with the Arbiters or give the Arbiters enough energy to cast 'Recall.
¤ Player
¤ Conditions
¤ AI script 'Cast Recall at Location at 'recall'.

----(bbdd1) Randomisation

The first thing you need to know about random triggers is they require switches. When you randomize trigger you take advantage of the randomize switch action. If you do not understand switches I suggest figure that out before continuing. When you randomize a switch the state (clear or set) of the switch is randomly determined. The current state of the switch doesn’t matter; it will be ether set or clear 50% chance.

When you’re creating a random effect first thing you need to ask yourself is “How many different things can happen?” Or how many possibilities are there. For simplicity I will first explain how to randomize between two different things.

Example: You’re creating a random unit 1 minute into the game

¤ Player
¤ Elasped Time is 'at least' '60' game seconds.
¤ 'Randomize' 'Switch A'
¤ 'Set Switch 'Randomize On'

Now when you randomize Switch A there are two possible states the switch can be. Set or Clear. So to create your unit you will need a trigger for each of the possible solutions that can occur.

¤ Player
¤ Switch 'Switch A' is 'set'
¤ Switch 'Randomize On' is 'set'
¤ Create one 'Random Unit 1' for 'Current Player' at 'location'

¤ Player
¤ ¤ Switch 'Switch A' is 'cleared'
¤ Switch 'Randomize On' is 'set'
¤ ¤ Create one 'Random Unit 2' for 'Current Player' at 'location'

----(bbee1) Static Portrait

Here is a simple one to achieve the affect of static being shown on the unit portrait display. This can be used to make a creepy aura. Hypertriggers are recommended.

¤ Player
¤ Always
¤ Show unit talking to current player for duration miliseconds. (Talking Portrait under actions)
¤ Preserve Trigger

----(bbff1) Stacking

Place a Unit-Sprite in Starforge, and give it the disabled property. Make sure this is owned by a computer player and out of sight for the human players.

Run the trigger

¤ Player 8 (Computer)
¤ Bring(P8, AtLeast, 1, -unit-, Location 1);
¤ SetDoodadState(Enable, -unit-, P8, Location 1);
¤ -----(Optional, add the part in between the lines if you want the unit cloaked)-----
¤ Wait(0); (Optional)
¤ SetDoodadState(Disable, -unit-, P8, Location 1); (Optional)
¤ Wait(0); (Optional)
¤ SetDoodadState(Enable, -unit-, P8, Location 1); (Optional)
¤ ---------------------
¤ Order(-unit-, P8, Location 1, Move, Location 2);
¤ Wait(1000);
¤ MoveUnit(1, -unit-, P8, Location 2, Location 3);
¤ GiveUnits(1, -unit-, P8, Location 3, P1);
¤ PreserveTrigger();

----(bbgg1) Units With Over 9999 HP

To create units with over 9999 Health or Attack use SCMDraft 2 or StarForge. The unit will look like it is invincible in-game but it really isn’t.
Business & Computer Science major
Expert Triggers

----(ccaa1) Locations that Follow Units

¤ Player 1
¤ Your conditions here.
¤ Move location labeled "Location" on Unit to Center on owned by Current Player at Same Location.
¤ Preserve trigger.

Add a preserve trigger if you want the location to constantly center on the unit.
Requires hyper triggers. Requires the location that is moved to be on the unit when the trigger initiates.

Problems: If your unit teleports or you cannot use hyper triggers in your map, then you cannot use this trigger. Also, if 2 of the same unit with the same owner passes through the location, the location might start to center on the other unit.

Good Points: If a player had two of the same unit, so this one would constantly center on only one specified unit.

----(ccbb1) Crystallic Cannons

¤ Player with Photon Cannon
¤ Always
¤ Enable doodad state for Protoss Photon Cannon at "Location"
¤ Preserve trigger.

¤ Player with Photon Cannon
¤ Current Player accumulates 0 Minerals.
¤ Wait for # milliseconds. (Time for building to warp)
¤ Remove all Protoss Pylon for Current Player at "location"
¤ Modify resources for Current Player: Set to 1 Mineral.
¤ Preserve Trigger

----(cccc1) Explosion Fx

¤ Player 1
¤ Conditions
¤ Create 'quantity' Protoss Observer at "location" for player.
¤ Kill 'quantity' Protoss Observer at for player at "location."

¤ Player 1
¤ Conditions
¤ Move Location "Follow" on "Unit"
¤ Create "1" "Observer" at "Follow"
¤ Kill all observers for "Current Player"
¤ Preserve Trigger

----(ccdd1) Making Rock Sprites Later in the Game

¤ Player
¤ Your conditions here.
¤ Create a Missile Turret at Location
¤ Run AI Script Junkyard Dog
¤ Preserve Trigger.
¤ Remove all Missile Turret at Location

----(ccee1) Player 12+

[Image: PlayerAlliances.jpg]

Players above 12 don't actually exist, as Blizzard did not program them. Players 13 and above are reads of data that Starcraft normally wasn't designed to read, that's why it will differ from the mac version of Starcraft, dropping Mac and PC users from each other.

How do we control players 13-256? How do we use them properly? This tutorial can help you understand players better.

o Main Players: Players 1-12 are the main players.
o Supply Provider: A building or unit that provides supply. Example: A supply depot provides 8 supply.
o Supply used: The ammount of supply a user is currently using. Example: 23/48. The user would be using 23 supply.
o Total supply: The total ammount of supply a user can use. Example: 23/48. The user can only use up to 48 supply unless he/she builds another supply provider which will increase the total supply to a higher ammount untill it reaches the supply limit.
o Supply limit: The limit of that player's total supply. Default in melee is 200. Example: 23/200. If the player has enough supply providers to set it past 200 it will not increase, it still stops here. This is the supply limit for that player.

So, you're wondering what this is used for huh? If you played Starcraft, I hope you would have understood it.

There are a wide variety of Players. Some speed up the game, some alter your supply limit, some give you everlasting spammy text, and some can even cloak or uncloak any unit in the game.

Alright, you need some proof that players 1-12 are the main players. Right? Well here, take in this large ammount of information of the amazing pattern in this player alliance guide.

NOTE: This tells if the main players are allied TO these players by default.

As you see, all the alliances to these players. Now if you keep counting down by 12's, you'll see the pattern.

Now that we've seen all of that, let's look at players that would draw our attention.

Player 13:
Player 13 is unique because of it's fast-frame speed up and it's random colours. Placing a unit for player 13 will increase frame rate in the game for other preplaced units. It does not increase speed. Also depending on the ammount of players, the tileset it's played on, and other minor things, Player 13 will be a different colour in the game and have different selection circles. Remember, that the increased framerate is for pre-placed units and will not affect units created in the game.

Player 14:
Player 14 has earned it's prize for the most used player. But many people believe it only increases speed. This is not true. Player 14 has a few more uses you may have not known of. Player 14 also has a few instructions to be used properly. I'll tell you here how to harness player 14's power of time travel.

* How to make time faster by 2x:
o You must place a player 14 map revealer as the first unit on your map. If it is placed after, it will only freeze preplaced units before it. The map revealer can be placed anywhere you wish. All units will be 2 times faster. Some minor glitches may occur, such as if a zerg unit is attacked while burrowing, it may unburrow and cloak at the same time.
* How to make time faster by 4x:
o For this to work, using the same steps as for 2x speed, you must place an interceptor or scarab instead of a map revealer. Note that a scarab must be placed on land, so that would make the interceptor a better choice. All units will end up 4x faster. This causes major glitches such as many units not attacking properly, vision randomly disappearing and reappearing, and arbiters' cloaking malfunctions.
* How to freeze time:
o There are 2 ways of doing this. One which will literally freeze units, and one that will partially freeze units. To do the one to fully freeze pre-placed units, place a map revealer, interceptor, or scarabafter placing the units you want frozen. The units placed before will be frozen. They can not die, or be controlled. Fog will run over it but you will still see it and be able to click on it. To do the one to partially freeze units, just simply place any ground unit on invalid terrain for player 14. When the game starts, it will say the unit was unplacable and all preplaced units would have been frozen, but will still look like they are moving and can be killed. Killing certain units using this method may crash the game. Fog will run over them like it does in the first method of freezing units.
* How to freeze animation:
o This is something different, as you can 'freeze unit animation'. Place a player 14 scanner sweep anywhere. Once that scanner sweep ends, all units that were moving will be stuck in their current animation. Note that if you kill any of these units, the game will crash.

Player 19:
Player 19 is quite different from the players mentioned so far. Player 19 has the power of text. What I mean is, Player 19 can controll what you type. It has the power to add 3 characters before every sentence, and what's unique about this player is that those 3 characters of text will last throughout your complete session of Starcaft. Depending on the number of units or sprite-units that are placed for player 19, you will get 3 different characters of text. You can even get colour codes in your text, making it red, yellow, green, etc. Holding enter will spam the game with your 3 characters of text.

Player 161:
This is the second most powerful player following player 14. This player has the ability to cloak or uncloak any unit in the game. This player has not been exparimented with enough to give you accurate instructions of usage. What we have discovered is that you can't have pre-placed vision of this player, or it may crash. This player is also known for cloaking other units like burrowed zerg units owned by other players.

So, I have given you most of the information I know already. You can now control supply, speed, and other things I have mentioned. Have fun.
Business & Computer Science major
Contact And Credits

Contact Info:
[email protected]
/w *Dynafrom[px]

Writer - Dynafrom
Editor - Dynafrom
Everything Else - Dynafrom
Person Who Helped find Errors - THIS COULD BE YOU!!

Useful Links-

Feel free to leave comments/suggestions to improve the guide.
Business & Computer Science major
nice Big Grin That's cool what you can do with just adding a players unit.
sick trigger guide but on ur hyper trigger i would add as many wait 0 miliseconds as possible
No, any after 5 are useless.
Business & Computer Science major
SWEET this is sooooooooo usefull ty ty ty

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