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This Or That

family guy or american dad
family by FAR(even tho the one american dad where they have bum fights is funny)

slim jim or beef jerky
slim jim ( STEP INTO A SLIM JIM)

simpson's or southpark

Mac or Windows
window's I run windows xp.

mc' donald's or taco bell
taco bell (im vegatarian)

emu hmm

bestbuy or walmart
wallmart (poor)
mohawk/liberty spikes
liberty spikes all the way

rain or snow

Video Games or Virtual Reality?
Video games, because they haven't really gotten close to virtual reality... at least mainstream.

Russian or German?

Virgin 4 life or slut with aids

turtles or newspaper

swimming competitvly or normal swimming?
normaly....Juz 4 fun

sex every day or good sex once a week
none im edge ( stright edge sXe...means no sex till marrige...not to be confused with christans which im not)

missionarry/revers cowboy
r cowboy...definitly

sex usen the wall or the table
table, the wall makes her put all weight on you.

to be or not to be?
to be.......that is the question......

Spicy Nacho doritos or Salsa flavor doritos

hersheys or nestle?

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