10-27-2005, 09:32 AM
Hey guys, I'm looking to get rich... but I need help. I'll explain my method, and we'll see if you guys want to help. Of course, you'll get rich too.... that's the idea.
I'm looking to assemble a grush party and a uber party for east SC L. I have a sorc who can hell rush and get all 3 keys, and a smiter who can kill things. By things, I mean ubers. I've got the torches to prove it. But anyway, so heres the plan:
With a good sorc, and another good char(barb, hammers, anything really) we can grush 6 other characters.... assuming we can find baal 4 quest games. I'm looking to get 7 or more other people with characters who can hell rush to help me out. We'll work in shifts, 2 people rushing a set, then 2 more people rushing a set, and so on. It'd help to get more than 8 people, so that we can get these runs continuously going.
Also, I'm not sure if we have an uber group here, but if we don't, or if we need another, I'd like to make one of those. Like I said, I've got the ways and the means of doing trist by myself, but I want to collect like a million soh's. We'll divy up torches like so:
Everyone makes a bid on what they need (ex. person A needs pally, B needs barb, C needs Sorc, D needs Pally.) Based on how many keys they bring to the party, they get priority. So if A brings 7 keys, and D brings 3... A gets the torch IF it's pally. Everyone WILL get torches eventually. I'd like to make it so everyone gets what they want, but in case of 8 necro torches, we pass them out in order of need. A torch, even if it isn't for your class, will help you out alot. Then, when we find the torch you need, we can pass the other torch to someone who needs it more, and you get what you need. I dunno, maybe you can just keep those.
Possibly we could use a weight system to the keys as well (i.e Dkey worth 3 points, H worth 2, T worth 1) because I feel Dkeys are a bit harder to grab than T keys. Damn corpse explode. Also because of the worth of different keys. A dkey is easily worth 3 tkeys.
I just had another idea about the organization of torches. Maybe put a priority list of torches needed, 1-7. (Person A needs 1.Pally 2. Asn 3.Barb..... and so on) This will ensure you don't get a torch you don't need. It could be a pain to figure something out like that, but I think I can handle it.
Let me know what you think about this idea, along with any suggestions. Leave your acct name, and I'll get back to this in a day or two's time, if it works out. Remember, this is EAST SC L. I don't play NL, HC, or any other realm. If you want to start somethin somewhere else, make your own thread. Thanks.
EDIT: I sound like a jerk in the last paragraph. Sorry about that, I just don't want a bunch of spam to sort through in this thread. On to business...
I'm looking to assemble a grush party and a uber party for east SC L. I have a sorc who can hell rush and get all 3 keys, and a smiter who can kill things. By things, I mean ubers. I've got the torches to prove it. But anyway, so heres the plan:
With a good sorc, and another good char(barb, hammers, anything really) we can grush 6 other characters.... assuming we can find baal 4 quest games. I'm looking to get 7 or more other people with characters who can hell rush to help me out. We'll work in shifts, 2 people rushing a set, then 2 more people rushing a set, and so on. It'd help to get more than 8 people, so that we can get these runs continuously going.
Also, I'm not sure if we have an uber group here, but if we don't, or if we need another, I'd like to make one of those. Like I said, I've got the ways and the means of doing trist by myself, but I want to collect like a million soh's. We'll divy up torches like so:
Everyone makes a bid on what they need (ex. person A needs pally, B needs barb, C needs Sorc, D needs Pally.) Based on how many keys they bring to the party, they get priority. So if A brings 7 keys, and D brings 3... A gets the torch IF it's pally. Everyone WILL get torches eventually. I'd like to make it so everyone gets what they want, but in case of 8 necro torches, we pass them out in order of need. A torch, even if it isn't for your class, will help you out alot. Then, when we find the torch you need, we can pass the other torch to someone who needs it more, and you get what you need. I dunno, maybe you can just keep those.
Possibly we could use a weight system to the keys as well (i.e Dkey worth 3 points, H worth 2, T worth 1) because I feel Dkeys are a bit harder to grab than T keys. Damn corpse explode. Also because of the worth of different keys. A dkey is easily worth 3 tkeys.
I just had another idea about the organization of torches. Maybe put a priority list of torches needed, 1-7. (Person A needs 1.Pally 2. Asn 3.Barb..... and so on) This will ensure you don't get a torch you don't need. It could be a pain to figure something out like that, but I think I can handle it.
Let me know what you think about this idea, along with any suggestions. Leave your acct name, and I'll get back to this in a day or two's time, if it works out. Remember, this is EAST SC L. I don't play NL, HC, or any other realm. If you want to start somethin somewhere else, make your own thread. Thanks.
EDIT: I sound like a jerk in the last paragraph. Sorry about that, I just don't want a bunch of spam to sort through in this thread. On to business...