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Religious Tyranny?
Recently my English teacher, on one of her long rants, brought a very valid point into my mind: Is our culture dominated by religion? The answer is yes, without a doubt. What problem is this? It's a huge problem, religion is becoming a weapon that a lot of people in this day will agree with, no matter the morality of the issue because it is of their faith.

She compared today's American culture (probably prevalent in other parts of the world as well) to that of the Dark Ages. The Dark Age European countries were culturally backwards compared to practically every other major civilization of that time.
The reason for this is because religion controlled everything, practically. People of other religions were, esentially, put to death and uncommon morals that existed in the Bible were made into laws, for lack of a better term. (An example of an uncommon "moral" would be those who wore fabrics like polyester could be put to death)

How does this relate to our current times? Well, if you haven't realized lately, things that aren't Christian but aren't necessarily bad have occurred as laws, such as Gay Rights, for example.
Another example is the FACT (and if you don't believe this, you obviously have little common sense) that is evolution. There are people trying to get evolution banned, or taught alongside creationism(?), when evolution is entirely (or almost entirely) true? Why would people opt to brainwash children into something that isn't true, instead of something that may not be THE answer, but is a lot more valid than humanity just popping up one day.

How is this happening in a country that should be secular, but isn't turning out that way? Although I know our civilization won't receed enough to go back to killing people of different beliefs (other than wars, you know..) but I am worried about America becoming culturally backwards (or even more so, actually) from the other civilizations of the world because of the restriction of rights or witholding of valuable information to our youth. Post your opinions.
i completely agree with that. Like with homosexual rights, i think they should be allowed to get married because that's what freedom is. What our country is supposed to be based on and what we're suppose to be spreading to other countries.
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
They're brainwashed themselves, thus they do to others what has been done to them... all out of fear.
They call Him a God of Mercy, yet it seems they believe they have to be His whores for life or else they're tossed into eternal damnation... that doesn't sound so merciful to me...
But as the leaders of our country, with our fate in their hands, shouldn't they be above what their faith dictates? Rely less on your Bible and more on your brain for making these decisions.

As a firm believer of science (and self-preservation, but that isn't what we're discussing) above all things, I would have to say that my views are as objective and unbiased as you can get, except for when you ask me about religion, of course.

Bringing "too much science" into an argument is never a problem because of how much it deals with how things really are, but being a religious zealot poses a huge threat to the rationality of the decision, because the Bible (or other holy books, for that matter) is compromised of much fiction, exaggeration, and flat-out folklore in the guise of truth.
yes like jazzmaster said they are brainwashed. they will always believe creation, and not evolution even though creation/god has absolutely no evidence and evolution has like 99% evidence they need.

and the pledge of allegiance "...and one nation under god...". damn america. even though i live in it
I think the word "Fear" pretty much sums it all up, in the long run.
Although I am not religious, I find it pitiful that you guys must generalize so much. Now, there are extremists out there who will preach only religion and fanaticism. But modern religion has been a driving force in American society. If you don't know then I will tell you that your teacher is backwards.

Religion is deeply rooted in democracy. Congregationalists, a sect of Protestants, were some of the first people to organize towns in America in a Democratic setting. What do I mean by this? They organized meetings with elected officials, both men and women. Their social structures as well were democratic. Just look at the architectural layout of the towns they built.

That is one minor example of how, no matter what you do or say, religion will always have an impact on your life. Religion can be used for evil, but also for good. Societies of no religion have led to both Stalinist Russia and Maoist China...start counting the HUNDREDS of millions killed within the non-religious societies.

In conclusion, whether or not you believe in a religion is your own thing. But don't go start insulting it's foundations, when the non-religious foundations are just as evil. Why? Because human nature can be cruel!!! Religion or not!
The only positive side of Religion is that it drives 90% of the working population today. People believe that the harder and better they work at life, the more rewarded they will be when they die. The only true way we will ever co-exist peacefully is that if all religion is eliminated, or everyone follows the same religion. Anything inbetween causes conflict. Then you add in the ignorance of most of the world (mainly the US) that whatever they believe is true and everyone else is wrong. Go us!

Anybody seen the movie Contact? Great religious counter (if you use the sci-fi part as "faith") ^_^
Nub, someday I think you should read Orwell. He might scare some of your beliefs out of you. If your preachings come true, then watch as your so-called "peace" is used in an oppressive ideology known as totalitarianism. Because that's the way you are headed.
I don't have a problem with religion anymore as a public institution. Hell, people working harder for a 'better afterlife' is just peachy with me, as long as they don't try to impose their opinions on mine.

Trogdor, there is a line between 'human nature' and 'religious skewing'.. I know that the Gay rights thing is a product of religious skewing. Fundamentally, homosexuals were looked down on because they were going against the teachings of the Bible, and it evolved into a part of human nature to dislike those that don't swing the way you do.

It's not even an argument that robbing children of the knowledge of why they are here is a product of religious skewing.

And I've seen Contact before, but I didn't pay too much attention because it was during my pre-Algebra class and I was too happy that we weren't doing homework to watch the movie..
TroGdoR Wrote:Nub, someday I think you should read Orwell. He might scare some of your beliefs out of you. If your preachings come true, then watch as your so-called "peace" is used in an oppressive ideology known as totalitarianism. Because that's the way you are headed.

I'm Agnostic so I don't really have one founding belief, but I am heavily weighted in Science and Self-Preservation. There is no way to prove either theory. The Bible originated from Oral History (which has been proved to be very flawed at random times.) We also can't prove that the universe was either always here, or started when a few gases blew up in a never ending chain reaction. The only thing that makes it more believable is through Mathematics, which is the true universal language.

Although there is still a part of me that wonders what happens when you die. I just can't accept the fact that you cease to exist as a spirit forever. Do you just go somewhere else with a complete memory wipe? Reincarnation? Heaven/Hell? We will never know. This is probably the one thing that makes death bearable (not that I'd want to die any time soon =P)
No matter what you do, there will always be people who have different convictions from yourself. Religion is a foundation that does not accept homosexuals. Marxism is a foundation that does not accept social classes. Feminism is a foundation that does not accept Male-run society.

There will always be complaints, and always people trying to have their ways taught. But they aren't forcing anything upon you. Our school districts, for the most part, force liberal policies on you and you don't complain. So this is no different...and yes it does go back to human nature.
I am extremely bent on self-preservation... Because I honestly believe there is nothing after death, and this is practically your only chance. It's somewhat depressing (although I am, in no way, a depressed person) and it drives me to become very selfish and self-centered, because that's the only way you can truly continue living in some situations.

Bleh, I'm going to bed now, see you guys tomorrow. I feed off this controversial stuff, heh, but I'm tired after typing out that big ol post.
TroGdoR Wrote:No matter what you do, there will always be people who have different convictions from yourself. Religion is a foundation that does not accept homosexuals. Marxism is a foundation that does not accept social classes. Feminism is a foundation that does not accept Male-run society.

There will always be complaints, and always people trying to have their ways taught. But they aren't forcing anything upon you. Our school districts, for the most part, force liberal policies on you and you don't complain. So this is no different...and yes it does go back to human nature.

Pledge of Allegiance, anyone? It would be fine for everyone if they removed the "Under God" part. We aren't in the 50's-60's anymore, Communism isn't going to take over America any time soon.
No my point isn't that, also the pledge?!?!
When I said that at 5 along with everyone else I didn't think to myself "WOW, MOMMY!!! ONE NATION AND GOD LOVES US!!!" I rehearsed it because it was programmed. It didn't make me a fanatic, it didn't prepare me to strap a bomb to myself. I said it and continued the day. If you have a probelm then don't say it. But there are SOOO many sayings, slogans, etc. out there that have religious ideas in them. Heck, our own constitution does. And even with all of these religious ideas, our country is still better off than anywhere else in the world...and if you don't believe that start living in other places.
TroGdoR Wrote:No my point isn't that, also the pledge?!?!
When I said that at 5 along with everyone else I didn't think to myself "WOW, MOMMY!!! ONE NATION AND GOD LOVES US!!!" I rehearsed it because it was programmed. It didn't make me a fanatic, it didn't prepare me to strap a bomb to myself. I said it and continued the day. If you have a probelm then don't say it. But there are SOOO many sayings, slogans, etc. out there that have religious ideas in them. Heck, our own constitution does. And even with all of these religious ideas, our country is still better off than anywhere else in the world...and if you don't believe that start living in other places.

I grew up memorizing it just as everyone else did. It was something tought to kids in elementary school for educational purposes. Never had to say it in Middle School nor High School.. until last year (Junior year.) For some reason the Gov. made it mandatory that we say it over the intercom every single day. Why? I have my reasons, which I won't get into here.

Today I don't even say it. I stand there with my hand half-assed over my chest somewhere and mumble different words, then shout out, "UNDER BOB" at the right time. What are they going to do, give me a detention?
I just said that if you don't want to do it, then you don't have to. They won't force you, it was a law put in there so that thousands of other people won't go and protest the other way. No matter what you do, people will find a reason to attack it (whatever that it may be). It is your choice on how much you let that bother you. And obviously for you, it bothers you a heck of a lot. Freedom of speech is in the constitution, so you won't be hurt. But either way, I don't think it is necessary to attack a saying that nobody even interprets as they say it.

The only reason you attack this is because your elders do. As a kid, you could care less. But now you attack it, because it is popular and because it is a big deal for some foolish reason. Why don't you fight bigger battles such as getting Democrats back into office. It looks like that's square 1 for you.Wink
shaoLinstaTus Wrote:yes like jazzmaster said they are brainwashed. they will always believe creation, and not evolution even though creation/god has absolutely no evidence and evolution has like 99% evidence they need.

and the pledge of allegiance "...and one nation under god...". damn america. even though i live in it

Actually, under god was added during one of the mid 1900's wars. It was meant to inspire Americans, yet it wasn't part of the original.

Religion will always exist, and with that the conflict. I know the only way peace is possible is by no, or one religion, but if someone tried to take away religion from others, then there'd be even less peace. Look at what happens with al-khaida when people get too wound up in religion. Whatever people do with their religion should be left alone because consecquences could be devastating.

But as for not wanting to say "under god" in the pledge of allegiance, that doesn't make you right, that takes you away from religion, all of them, and makes you look like a *****. It doesn't even say a specific god. It'd be different if it said "one nation, under ya-wei" but it doesn't, and that's why there should be no problem saying it. Even if you believe yourself to be god, this removal had no reason to take place. I still will encourage the saying of under god.
Jazzmaster Wrote:They're brainwashed themselves, thus they do to others what has been done to them... all out of fear.
They call Him a God of Mercy, yet it seems they believe they have to be His whores for life or else they're tossed into eternal damnation... that doesn't sound so merciful to me...

obviously u have never read the bible nor have very much knowlage on it.... if u are to go to hell its only for 7 years BECAUSE god is merciful...then u cease to exist

that also shows that many of u havent... i havent read the full thing nor do i fully believe in god yet but i am starting to.

about the killings because of the 'religous skew'...these ppl didnt fully believe in god nor his teachings because if they didnt they wouldnt have killed any1 except extreme criminals. ...

i could say more but it seems i would be vastly out numbered and i would doubt my words would get through to u anyway...but i will say this some of the posts above show how ignorant some of you ppl are...and how much you ppl dont understand, where you choose not or cant understand i dont know..i meant no insult to anyone so dont take it that way. and if u do u prove that i was right about my words not getting through and that u truely arent willing to listen

also like i said im not some religous fanatic so dont brand me so... if you guys would be truely willing to listen then post ur questions u may have and if it is within my knowlage ill tell long as ther is no insults and so forth
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
i agree to everything ,except that its in most of the world, its not , like here in south africa we have gay right, freedom to religon,freedom of language(makes us bit of a messed up country) blah blah , also i think its however has power that trys and push there beliefs on the rest of the people,

like trying to get evoultion speaking banned it will only happen if people in power agree and let it happen
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