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how do i make a good Hammerdin?
i am just confused i know how to make a good zealer yes a fire sorc yes but i dont know how to make a trapper assa and a hammerdin pala can us tell me how?
There are guides.

Quote:The Hammerdin Guide for Non-Ladder by IA-NoS


This guide is only for the extremely wealthy, there are some expensive items in the equipment section that your average D2 player wont be able to afford. You can follow this guide as strict as you like, I follow it strict and it turns out perfect. This guide can also be used as a reference for good items, skills, and there is a leveling guide near the bottom. Take advantage of its sexiness. :}

Ill start off with the most basic section...

Status Points

Strength: I am going to make this simple, with the gear listed below in the guide, you need 30 strength for all your items. If you decide to use a different enigma type, or different boots, you need to compensate by adding more strength to your stats. Be very careful and double check your answers when you calculate your str, you need as much vitality as possible and cannot afford to waste a single point.

Dexterity: A lot of people have given me advice about this, but I have tested it myself. To get max block in the higher levels, you should use 100 dexterity. A lot of people will say this is wrong, but I am sure (and have tested) that this is the right amount of dexterity to get max block with the items below and your holy shield level.

Vitality: Here is where all your other points will go, any extras that dont go into dexterity or strength will go here. After you are done, you will have a huge amount of vitality, and your life without battle orders will be between 1800 and 1900 or even higher depending on the stats of your items.

Energy: If you put any points in here, I will personally smack you. Mana is needed for this build, but you will get enough from the items, and life is more valuable, that you wont need energy.

Skill Points

Below are the skills that you are going to need to max (20 points).

Blessed Hammer - this is your main attack, and if you need a reason for maxing it out, you should stop making a hammerdin right now and go make a barb or sorc.

Concentration - This is the only aura that a palidin has that will bring up the damage of the blessed hammer. Knowing this, do you need any further explination why it needs to be maxed, if so go shoot yourself.

Vigor - This ia a synergy to Blessed Hammer, so it needs to be maxed. It is also a very useful skill, allowing you to run very fast, even in town. I find it very annoying how you cant teleport in town, but when you run this fast, it doesn't make a difference. :}

Blessed Aim - A useless skill other than the fact that it is a synergy to Blessed Hammer, so it naturally needs to be maxed to give maximum damage.

Holy Shield - This is a skill that I wish all characters would have. It is what allows the palidin to tank itself into battle. You can be standing in the middle of baals minions, and with this on, you will hardly take any damage. This skill bring up the defence of your character, and his block rate. It is a very useful skill but should be the last to be maxed out (damage I like to believe comes first).

All the other skills are just required to get these main skills, so all the skills listed below should only have 1 point placed into them.

Holy Bolt

Some of these skills are pretty useful, like prayer can be used to replenish your health faster while you wait for more enemys. But other than that, they are just pre requisites.

A skill placement chart is below (for you people that have to use skills when you level)

Skill Chart

5.............Holy Bolt*
9 - 17.............Blessed Aim*
18 - 37.............Blessed Hammer
38 - 48.............Blessed Aim
49 - 68.............Concentration
69 - 76.............Vigor (You'll find out why we only put 8 further down)
77 - 96.............Holy Shield

* - You will have to hold these skill points until you get the required level.

Quest Skills

Den of Evil - Act 1 - 1 Skill
Radament's Lair - Act 2 - 1 Skill (collect dropped Book of Skill)
The Fallen Angel - Act 4 - 2 Skills

Do all of these in all 3 difficulties after you get to level 69. There are a total of 12 skills, and you will notice we forgot (on purpose) 12 skills from vigor on the skill placement chart. Put all 12 points into vigor.

On a side note, make sure you do not forget to do the Act 5 resistance quest that gives you + 10 permanent resistance from each act, for a total of 30 more resistance. You can also do the stats quest in Act 3 for more vitality, 5 points per difficulty, for a total of 15 more vitality, and the vitality quest in Act 3 that give you 20 health per difficulty, which is 60 health (a lot).


Armor: Runeword Enigma set in Mage Plate

225 - 261 + 750 - 775 Defence
Strength 55

There shouldn't be much explination towards why I suggest using the enigma with mage plate. You might as why, but a better question would be why not? The enigma has it all for any character but a sorceress. + skills, 45% faster run walk, it increases your life by 5%, it reduces damage taken by 8%, Gives life after each kill, damage taken goes to mana, and 1 - 99 MF. It also allows non sorceress character to teleport, which I believe every character should be able to do, and gives 1 - 74 strength, allowing you to use the items I have listed below with very low base strength, which I have listed in the first section. Some alternatives to this armor would be Runeword Chains of Honor, or Tal Rashas Guardianship for MF.

Helm: Harlequin Crest (Unique Shako) Socketed with Um Rune

98 - 141 Defence
Strength 50

This is the most well known helm for almost all spell casters. Some D2 players say this helm is over rated, but I believe they are wrong. + skills, more life, more mana, damage taken reduction, MF, and +2 to all attributes. This is your best bet for helms. An alternative would be Crown of Ages, but Shako is your best bet.

Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope (Unique Amulet)

If anyone asks me why you shouldn't use this, I will smack them. + skills, + resistance, and + status points. Use this or dont make a hammerdin. Get your resistance as close to 30 as possible.

Weapon: Runeword Heart of the Oak set in Flail

1 - 24 Damage
Strength 41
Dexterity 35

I've had alot of arguments with people over what weapon you should use for a hammerdin, and a lot of them end up with me winning, because the Hoto is just that good for this character. + skills, FCR (faster cast rate), mana stolen, dexterity, replenishes life, increases mana, uber resistances, and if you really want to, you can summon an oak sage. If you can find a weapon with more + skills, more FCR and more resistance, I would consider changing my weapon, but there isn't. The Hoto is the spell casters shoice weapon and until Blizzard makes more items, it will stay that way. Make sure you get as close to 40 resistance as possible.

Shield: Herald of Zakarum (Unique Gilded Shield) Socketed with Um Rune

422 - 507 Defence
Strength 89

You can also argue with me about this section, that you might want to use an exile here. Or even a storm shield. No, this is the hammerdins shield. Mains features include + skills, strength, vitality, and resistance. This shield also has extra blocking powers as well.

Gloves: Upped Magefist (Unique Battle Gauntlets) Cube :: Magefist + Tal Rune + Sheal Rune + Perfect Diamond

60 - 61 Defence
Strength 88

These have become known as the spell casters gloves. They have 2 features that other gloves do not have. The first is +20% FCR, and the second is it regenerates mana 25% faster. You can also use Trangouls Gloves for the faster cast rate, but it doesn't have the mana regeneration.

Belt: Arachnid Mesh (Unique Spider Sash)

119 - 138 Defence
Strength 50

Spell casters will tell you this is the ideal belt for everyone. Which it is. + skills and faster cast rate. It also increases your mana by 5%.

First Ring: Stone of Jordan (Unique Ring)

This, like the spider as a belt, is the ideal casters ring. + skills, uber increased mana, and another +20 mana. It is perfect for getting more mana, since at the top of the guide, I told you to leave base energy.

Second Ring: Stone of Jordan (Unique Ring)

Same reasons as above.

Boots: Imps Shank (Rare Chain Boots (Can not be MFed))

8 Defence
Strength 30

These boots are the most expensive boots in the game other than the rare boots with 19 str. Imps have 18 str, 20 FHR, and really good resist. They go for 25 hi on west NL now a days, so you might want to invest in 15 str treks instead...

Switch Weapon: Runeword Call to Arms set in Flail

1 - 24 Damage
Strength 41
Dexterity 35

Very important for one reason. That reason is it lets you use the skills Battle Commands for 1 extra level on all our skills, and Battle Orders, which LEAPS your health to about 2500 - 2700 or more. Use this with Holy Shield is a good game to monsters and duelers a like. Amazons will start asking you "when do you die again?".

Switch Shield: Lidless Wall (Unique Grim Shield)

271 - 347 Defence
Strength 58

This shield only has one purpose, that is to give your battle commands and battle orders one more level when used, which will give you more life for longer.

Charms: 6x Paladin Combat Skill GCs with 12 FHR, 4x Paladin Combat Skill GCs with 35 life, 9x 5res20life SCs, 1x Annilius SC

This should be pretty simple to understand, P combats give damage, 5/20s give res and life, anni gives res, stats, and skills. You also need the FHR on the P combats to achieve your break point of 86 FHR.

The overall effects of the equipment are as follows (excluding switch items and charms).

+ 12 To All Skills
+ 2 To Paladin Skill Levels
+ 2 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+ 1 To Teleport
+ 1 To Fire Skills
+ 100% Faster Cast Rate
All Resistances + 137 - 157
Poison Resist + 40 - 70
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+ 7 All Attributes
+ 110 Strength
+ 10 Dexterity
+ 10 Vitality
Increases Maximum Life 5%
+ 146 To Life
+ 166 To Mana
Replenishes Life + 20
+ 14 Life After Each Kill
Increases Maximum Mana 70%
Regenerate Mana 25%
15% Damage goes to mana
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Damage Reduced By 18%
Slows Target by 10%
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+ 100 To Attack Rating
+ 125 Damage To The Undead
Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)
+ 150 - 170 Max Stamina
Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage, 3 Sec Duration
Adds 2 - 24 Lightning Damage
Adds 1 - 6 Fire Damage

Break Points

FCR Breakpoints (faster cast rate)
0% fcr - 15 frames
9% fcr - 14 frames
18% fcr - 13 frames
30% fcr - 12 frames
48% fcr - 11 frames
75% fcr - 10 frames
125% fcr - 9 frames

You will want to get your break points as high as possible. With the gear I have given above, you will notice we achieve 100 FCR, it is possible to reach 125 by wearing one +10 FCR +15 Resistance +50 Mana ring and a 2/20/20 paladin helm (+2 paladin skill levels, 20 FCR, 20 all resistance) but you must understand that by doing this you are sacrificing +2 to 'all' skills, which will lower your Battle Orders and you will lose +150 life and mana from a shako. In my opinion, stick with the 100 FCR and the amount of damage you do with shako and SOJs.

FHR Breakpoints (faster hit recovery)
0% fhr - 9 frames
7% fhr - 8 frames
15% fhr - 7 frames
27% fhr - 6 frames
48% fhr - 5 frames
86% fhr - 4 frames
200% fhr - 3 frames

Most people do not understand how important faster hit recovery is, or even know what it does. When you get hit by any attack, spell or melee, your character pauses to recover. Depending on your FHR, this time can be long (noticable) or short (never stop?). With your gear you get 20 FHR, which is not good at all, at the very least. I have recommanded that you get six P combat GCs with 12 FHR, this will bring you to 92 FHR, achieving the second last break point. P combats with 12 FHR are VERY expensive, so you may want to just get 12 FHR GCs without the skill points on them. Do not go for the 200 FHR break point, it is not worth it for what you would lose to get it.


Now, first thing you have to know about mercenaries is that, a merc that doesn't help YOU, is useless. Knowing this, we can rule out mercs with auras like might, which addes melee damage, but doesn't help your hammers. So we have 2 choices of awesome mercs.

Act 2 Nightmare Defence Mercenary (Holy Freeze)
Act 2 Normal / Hell Defence Mercenary (Defiance)

You can use the holy freeze merc to freeze (slow down) your enemies, or the defiance merc to add to your defence, once you have holy shield on, you will probably have enough defence, so your best choice will be the first one, holy freeze.

The items I recommend for your merc are...

Helm: Crown of Ages

This was my second recommendation instead of Shako for the hammerdin, but it is a must for your merc. + skills, + resistance, and faster hit recovery.

Armor: Ethereal Chains of Honor or Ethereal Stone

Main reasons for this are the HUGE resistances, steal life, and + 20 to strength. It also increases damage to undead and demons, and has + skills. You can also use a Stone for HUGE Defence.

Weapon: Ethereal The Reaper's Toll or Ethereal Breath of the Dying

I recommand this weapon because it does really good damage, ignore targets defence, leechs life, and it has this nice thing that is 33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking, if you use the holy freeze merc, it will freeze them, then make them slower with decriptify. You might consider the huge damage done by a botd, which can get your merc doing 10k.

And the last section of this guide will be dedicated to leveling....

Character Leveling Guide


Level 1 - 15: Act 1, Tristram Runs
These can either be really easy, or really hard. Your best bet would be to look for a game where a fire sorc enchants you and you go kill things by yourself. Another good game would be a bunch of level 12 - 15 characters kill everything for you while you leech their experiance. A bad method, but still works would be to have a high level kill them for you, if you do this, you need a big party following you so the experiance is more wide spread.

Level 16 - 20: Act 2, Tal Rasha's Tomb Runs
These are the same as above, except my last method, of a high level character killing everything for you, is probably your best bet. If you have like 3 level 19s going through with you, the run will give you more experiance, but will be alot slower, so either way of going about this would be acceptable. Remember it is a run, so your job is to leech.

Level 21 - 24: Act 1, The Secret Cow Level Runs
Easiest to do, hardest to find a good game. The only ways you can do this is to get a high level mass killer to run through and kill them for you. A sorc with Frozen orb, or a hammerdin would be best for this. Don't try and do this yourself, the cows will kill you in 1 - 2 hits, and your attacks will be largely ineffective.

Level 25+: Act 5, Throne of Destruction (baal runs)
Easy, or annoying is how you can describe baal runs. Unlike cows, you can have levels 40 - 50 killing them, and you get more experiance, or you can just get a mass killer to do these runs quickly. Usually the second option works best, since fast > quality, in most cases.


I will just explain the glitch rush. A glitch rush is how the annoying spam bots which are level 1 enter hell games. It is possible to kill Baal in normal and nightmare without killing the ancients (which have a level requirement) using this method. The first thing you do is get your normal rush up to Act 5. Once in act 5 you have to get another person that has already killed the ancients (therefore is above level 25) to go down to the Throne of Destruction and kill Baal. If you are in act 5 and partied with this character, you will also get the quest. Please note that this character much not have done the quest prior to this, they much recieve the quest at the same time. Once you have finished in normal and killed baal with the glitch, you may get your rush in nightmare and do the same thing to kill baal. Once in hell, since there is no other difficulty to go into, you don't have to kill baal until level 60. To get to level 60 (and this is why people do this) is you can level in the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4. From levels 1 - 25, these levels are a bit slow. You will only gain about 3 levels per game. Once you are past level 25 however, you will gain about 6+ levels a game. Once at level 59, you can kill the nightmare ancients to gain a level, then kill the hell ancients and kill Baal.

Once you are past level 60 and have killed the hell ancients, you can start doing hell Baal runs to level up. The levels will be quite quick until about level 80, at which point you should start Baal Botting your character to get to level 90.

The only bad part about this method is that you need someone to help you the entire time from level 1 - 60. You need the 3 rushs and chaos runs from another high leveled character. Only use this method if you have a friend that wants to put in 3 hours to help you.

Final Thoughts

I know once you read this guide through, your going to have to take a ****, I know I do. Hammerdins are largely used for MFing, once they are above level 83 or 84. They can also do solo Baal Runs for more experiance. I discourage hammerdin duelers, but someone that watches bots for a while can probably get the hang of using teleport and the hammers very well.

In closing, hammerdins are one of the best characters you can make. They have high defence, high life, and high attack. Their aim may be a little off, but that doesn't matter since 1 hit kill > all. I ancourage everyone to have at least 1 fully equipt hammerdin. ^.^

Quote:D2 LoD Trapper Guide Version 1.10 10/31/04
By: Ragnor or DiabloBeast
If anyone has any questions contact me in East/non-ladder/sofcore or e-mail me which i will
include below.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Skills
a. Shadow Disciplines
b. Traps
3. Gear
a. Rich Mans
b. Poor Mans
4. Stats
5. Frequently asked questions
6. Dueling Strategies

Introduction: Welcome to my first Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction Guide.
This Guide will cover everything you need to make a great trap assasin.
First of all you do not need godly items to make this assasin work. I
will include the rich mans and the poor mans versions of the items you
should have. If you have any questions or comments to help the guide please
e-mail me at [email protected] This is my first guide so please bare with me

Now for the skills section i will put a number between 1-20 or max to show how many skill points to put in there. As you will see im going to skip the Martial Arts section because this is a Trapper not M.A. or Hybryd

Shadow Disciplines:

Claw Mastery(1) Jus put 1 point into this so you can move up the tree other wise
this skill is useless.

Psychic Hammer(1) This skill is good early on in the den but other wise it
doesnt do much damage. Just one point.

Burst of Speed(5-10) This is a great skill(my favorite) to improve speed. Just one
skill point into this gives you a 120 seconds and a 21 percent speed increase.
After you max all the skills for traps, its a good idea to put some into this.

Cloak of Shadows(1) Just 1 point into this. Not much use since the enemy still can
see you after its on.

Weapon Block(1-?) If you are planing to use dual claws then you
should put a few points after this. Just dont put more than 5since the bonus
isnt very good after that.

Fade(1) This is a great skill if you are fighting someone who does high magical damage.
Only 1 point into this does wonders. Items should improve it anyways.

Shadow Warrior(1) This is a great skill because Unlike Shadow Master, Shadow Warior uses
the same skills as you, Which means double the traps and mind blasts.

Mind Blast(1-5) This is a great skill which only requires 1 skill point to do wonders.
This is melee duelers worst nightmare. With this you can
just set your traps and keep mindblasting em. With this strategy they will never be able
to move or hit you.

Venom(o) Do not put any points into this since you will never melee anyone.

Shadow Master(O) This is a good skill but for trap assasins it just cant compare.
For instance when you are fighting someone the Shadow Master can cast a fire trap
and the ohter player will most likely absorb it since lots of items have fire

Traps:Here i will only tell you the traps you need to max.

Shock Web(Max) This is a sinergy to Lighting Sentry(Your Main Attack)

Charged Bolt Sentry(Max) Another synergy which will make you do insane damage

Lightning Sentry(max) Your main attack,with all synergies amxed this could do at
least 10k damage.

Death Sentry(max) yet another sinergy and very usefull in cow games since this also acts
like corpse axplosion.

Now i will give 2 versions of the gear you can use for your trapper.This might not be
perfect so e-mail me and you will be credited for it.

Rich Mans:
Armor:Enigma(Teleport and the skills will come in usefull)
Helm:Shako(Extra Life-what else needs to be said)
Belt:Arachnids (Plus 1 to all skills)
Boots: Marrowalk
Shield: Lidless(or can go dual claw)
Ring:Raven Frost(cannot Be frozen)
Ammy:3 to traps plus other mods
Weapon: Magical 3 to traps claw or Wizard Spike(can also use hoto)
Charms: 10 + to traps will bring your damage to 12.5 k

Poor Mans:
Armor:viperMagi or stealth runeword
Helm: Peasants Crown
Belt:Some kind of rare belt
boots:Natalyas are very easy to get
Shield: Sigons Shield
Ring: Nagel
ammyTonguelus 1 to Assasin skills
Weapon: Spectral Shard is very easy to get and has great cast rate


Strenght:110 will be enough to use all your equipment

Dexterity:&5 is the most you will need, because of Wiz Spike

Vitality:All the rest


Frequently asked questions

1. Can a trap assasin achieve that kind of damage?
Yes, it can be done, many people are skeptical, but with the right gear
it is quite possible.

2. Is this build ex*****ive?
It can get very expensive, not everyone can afford Enigma, but the poor mans guide lists some great items to keep you alive and do nice damage?

3. Is this good in PvM?
Sadly no, in hell so many monsters are imune to lightning damage, you will have a very hard time staying alive.

4. Is it true Lightning facets dont work with traps?
That im not sure about, many people have different opinions, but I cant confirm anything yet.

5. Will you duel me with your Assasin?
I got hundreds of mails every month people asking to duel my assasin.
This is not possible any more, since I lost my non-ladder account and I switched to ladder?

6. Will you duel my trap assasin?
Of course, I always look for a chalange and I will gladly duel you. I currently play e/l/sc and my account is DiabloBeast

Dueling Strategies
I will have 1-10(1 Easiest 10 hardest) difficulty by each character.

WW- Theese are going to be one of ur easiest duels, just run, cast trap and wait for him to die, with burst of speed he will never have a chance of catching you.(2-10)

Conc- Theese guys can get fast, 1 hit and they will kill you, but most of the time theyre over confident, and will charge at you, a few traps can take care
of that.(4-10)

Throwers- Theese guys are rare. You barely see them anymore, but the ones out there, they truly know what theyre doing, you must stay off screen not to get killed, which means it will be very hard for the traps to effectively kill him.(6.5-10)

Kickers- Not very hard, mindblast them, and keep them from teleporting on you, a very easy fight.(1.5-10)

WW- Theese guys dont pose much of a threat here, they will try to Dragon Flight on you, but you can easily move away and have traps waiting, also an easy fight.(4-10)

Trap- Finaly you get to test your skills against other trapers. You will either have a very easy fight or an estremly tough chalange. If he keeps teleporting over an over, just set some traps and wait till he comes by you, and meets his horible death. Others will play it safe and smart, here try to mindblast them, to gain the few precious seconds to cast the one trap that might win the fight for you.(2-10 or 7.5)

Bowazon- These got nerfed since the patch, but once in a while, you find an old-school bowazon with wf, and the rite skills maxed that will give you a huge chalange. A slim chance, the good zons will keep a HUGE distance away from you and let the guided arrows fly, try to teleport close enough to stun and cast traps.(8-10)

Lighting/Java- I dont have much experience with theese, but a lot of the times, when the ligthning strike hits me, I die(?-10)

Bone- Wow, the most overused character. You are not going to come out happy on this, it will only take a few of the bone spirits to kill you, try to get close enough to cast a few traps(8-10)

Poison- This is your toughest chalange by far, 1 hit from poison nova and ur life goes down to 1 REALLY quick. Most of them also have a fire golem, which, the fire aura he is equiped with, finishes you off. Try to kill him before he casts the nova(9.5-10)

Hurricane- The most common druid you will face. They are ****y and will try to teleport on you. Set a few traps and lure them in, as soon as you see them teleport move back behind your traps and watch the show, but if you get close to the hurricane, youre good as dead.(5.5-10)

Fireclaw- Slow, Extremely strong, fire damage only. Add this up, its a very easy fight indeed, use as ww or conc barb.(1-10)

Hammerdin- Lots of weakpoints to this character, first of all he has to teleport by you to cast hammers, which gives you the time to cast traps and kill him.(3-10)

Zealot/Charger/Smiter- They will all try to charge at you. Have the traps ready, if they hit you, you will die, not ifs-ands-ors,or buts.(4-10)

Foh- Try to keep away from their screen. His foh will kill you before you have time toi react.(5-10)

SorceresFire-A tough duel, they will spam fireballs, teleport, and repeat. 1 hit from a fireball usually kills you, so try to keep away and wait for them to come to you.(7.5-10)

Lightning- Most of theese duelers are experienced, and will kill you in a blink of an eye, try to stun them so they dont teleport, and let them traps do the work.(8-10)

Blizzard-The almighty blizzard will kill you quick, luckily its easy enough to dodge, and cast the traps to kill the sorc(3-10)

Well thank you for Reading my assasin guide. If you have any tips or sugestions please e-mail me and you will eb credited. Thank You

[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
ok thx for that now i will follow it and make a hell of a hammerdin Smile
That hammerdin doesn't even hit 125 FCR BP. Here... I'll post my hammerdin build that I used to beat #1 HvH on East. confused:


Str- Enough to wear gear
Dex- Enough for MaxBlock
Vit- Rest
Energy- None


20Blessed Aim(Syn)
Rest Holy Shield (HS)


08 Valk or FCR Circlet or get a 3 soc circlet with base 20%FCR and put in 3 sheals
Perf Hoto (keep 15/-15 wiz in stash)
HoZ (keep ss in stash)
FCR ammy with life/str/res/dex if you can
1x Soj 1x BK
FHR Rare Boots with res
Magefist or Trangs gloves
CTA/Spirit switch


1x Anni
1x Torch
1x GC with either FHR or Life
Rest of your spaces use 20 lifer SC's

My hotkeys are:

V:Med/Redemption or whatever I have to use... I switch it

Pretty much your strategy is to desynch, you want to charge with vigor on then hit X/A switch to hammers and cast maybe 3-5 then go back to C/D (Charge/Vigor) to start desynching again. If you have the chance vs a caster to get close, of course... tele on them and hammer away.

My hammer has 4.4k life, and 75% block.

Some other things to get in your stash would be


Vs druids make sure to use SS. A nice strat is to cast hammers behind them after you've desynched then tele infront, use smite and knock them into the hammers. Druids are always a tough challange for any hammerdin.

FoH paladins just make sure you use 2x wisp (high%) tgods and that nice 15/-15 wizspike is the stash.

I think i've rambled on enough and if you've followed this guild properly you should have a very nice hammerdin. eek:
If you add that up for fcr, you get: 40(hoto) + 20(helm) + 20(arach) + 10(ammy) + 20(trang) = 110. So you didnt hit the 125 bp either =\.

You also didnt mention armor, even though I'm almost 100% sure its an enigma.
LostTrance Wrote:That hammerdin doesn't even hit 125 FCR BP. Here... I'll post my hammerdin build that I used to beat #1 HvH on East. confused:


Str- Enough to wear gear
Dex- Enough for MaxBlock
Vit- Rest
Energy- None


20Blessed Aim(Syn)
Rest Holy Shield (HS)


08 Valk or FCR Circlet or get a 3 soc circlet with base 20%FCR and put in 3 sheals
Perf Hoto (keep 15/-15 wiz in stash)
HoZ (keep ss in stash)
FCR ammy with life/str/res/dex if you can
1x Soj 1x BK
FHR Rare Boots with res
Magefist or Trangs gloves
CTA/Spirit switch


1x Anni
1x Torch
1x GC with either FHR or Life
Rest of your spaces use 20 lifer SC's

My hotkeys are:

V:Med/Redemption or whatever I have to use... I switch it

Pretty much your strategy is to desynch, you want to charge with vigor on then hit X/A switch to hammers and cast maybe 3-5 then go back to C/D (Charge/Vigor) to start desynching again. If you have the chance vs a caster to get close, of course... tele on them and hammer away.

My hammer has 4.4k life, and 75% block.

Some other things to get in your stash would be


Vs druids make sure to use SS. A nice strat is to cast hammers behind them after you've desynched then tele infront, use smite and knock them into the hammers. Druids are always a tough challange for any hammerdin.

FoH paladins just make sure you use 2x wisp (high%) tgods and that nice 15/-15 wizspike is the stash.

I think i've rambled on enough and if you've followed this guild properly you should have a very nice hammerdin. eek:

NEVER add a point to meditation. A hammerdin with meditation, is a bad hammerdin.
kyle_zalucha Wrote:NEVER add a point to meditation. A hammerdin with meditation, is a bad hammerdin.

You're such a moron, don't ever comment on my posts again. You use med for HvH. It's one point to spare from HS and its WELL worth it, dolt.rolleyes:

DisposableHero Wrote:If you add that up for fcr, you get: 40(hoto) + 20(helm) + 20(arach) + 10(ammy) + 20(trang) = 110. So you didnt hit the 125 bp either =\.

You also didnt mention armor, even though I'm almost 100% sure its an enigma.

08 valk = 30% moron. Don't talk please?rolleyes: And if you're actually poor enough not to afford even a duped 08 valk, then use a FCR ring. Jesus... stupid people **** me off. =/ ROFL I didn't even notice you mention 10 for the ammy.. the ammy is 20 because its a fletch, but ok, whatever you say
LostTrance Wrote:You're such a moron, don't ever comment on my posts again. You use med for HvH. It's one point to spare from HS and its WELL worth it, dolt.rolleyes:

08 valk = 30% moron. Don't talk please?rolleyes: And if you're actually poor enough not to afford even a duped 08 valk, then use a FCR ring. Jesus... stupid people **** me off. =/ ROFL I didn't even notice you mention 10 for the ammy.. the ammy is 20 because its a fletch, but ok, whatever you say

Lets calm down. Calling people stupid and moron doesn't make you sound anything but arrogant. I never said I was a pro, I merely stated a problem that I saw, I never expected to be harrassed like you did, a polite correction would have had the same effect.

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