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Welp, I'm bored - Bugged Games
Hello there, Evan here. I was looking around and noticed that I was able to bug many games everytime I try, and was thinking if there might be some possibilities to create a hack from that. Like, for instance, "ghosting" yourself so that the server doesn't understand that you ARE in the game and shows you as back in the lobby. Here's how I sort of outlined a method I was thinking about:

For our purposes, we will use Player 1, Player 2, and Player 3

1.) Player 1 joins the game.
2.) Player 2 bugs the game.
-- NOTE: This causes the game to appear full to the server. --
3.) Player 3 joins the game, but is ghosting, so the server is tricked into thinking he's not there.
-- NOTE: Since the server isn't aware of his presence there, it will not save him. --
4.) Player 3 drops an item or multiple items.
5.) Player 3 leaves the game
-- NOTE: Player 3 was not saved, so he still has the items on him. --
6.) Player 1 picks up the dropped items and leaves.
-- NOTE: Player 1 WAS saved, so he has the items saved in his inventory now. --

I spent about 5 minutes outlining that. It seems like the only "road block" is trying to find out how to sort of "ghost."

Bugged (noun), Word that describes a game that isn't full but appears to be full.

Ghost (verb), The action of going into full games, etc, without being tracked by the server.

Yes, I am fully aware that I am insane. With the ghosting part aside, it sounds like it would work.
Go you!! Let us know if it works.
It would be nice if it works...I wonder how "buggin" the game works Oo
This was basically just an outline for the whole thing. I myself am not sure on how to go about tricking the server, but I bet someone else here might be able to outline a few methods of the whole thing.

P.S : I love the word "outline," if you didn't notice.

There was a thread with a dupe like that...a bowzon with torches goes into cow level and uses will lag like hell...I think it could work like that
Well, the thing about the method I'm thinking of using for bugging games requires you to be able to exit out of the game fast. I can do the bugging, and if someone can take care of the "ghosting" thing, then it -might- actually work.

P.S : I do programming, but I've never attempted to hack D2, but I'd say you could do this to trick the server ( With the method included )..

We will use three players, Player1, Player2, Player3.

1.) Player1 makes a private game.
2.) Player2 enters the game name and password in, but does not hit join.
3.) Player3 bugs the game, but Player2 joins right as Player3 joins, so when he gets there, no one else can enter.
4.) Player2 drops the item to be duped.
5.) Player1 picks up the item to be duped.
6.) Player2 exits out of the game ( I'd ALT + F4 )
7.) Player1 exits out of the game.
8.) Player2 comes back on, Player1 makes a game for all three to join.
9.) Players 1,2, and 3 sit around laughing and enjoying the duped item.

If anyone is willing to test this out, I'll be Player2. I play on USEast, but I play SoftCore, Classic, Non-Ladder. The people can be any lvl, it really doesn't matter. Once we all get on, I'll explain the method for bugging the game to Player3, then I'll pick a random horrible item to try this with, so that we don't lose anything if Player1 happens to crash.

I'm sure there is probably an easier way to do the ghosting thing with packets, but I'm really still thinking about that. I'm starting to think along the lines of forcing entry to the game after getting the IP, but we'd need to know what packet sends the join game command, and then the params as well as a possible way of bypassing the check for number of players in the game. Once you get in the game, we can find a way to stop the server from saving.

NOTE: There are two possible methods of stopping the saving that I can think of:

1.) If the server automatically saves without any notification from the client, we might be able to block some PONG ( Isn't that C->S, or is that S->C and PING is C->S? ) packets for a little bit to prevent saving here and there.

2.) If the server is told when to save, we can try to block the save packets from ever reaching their destination.

::EDIT:: You can contact me by using /mail - Get on USEast and just do a simple " /mail XT- I'm interested - [insert account name] - [insert time zone] "

Once you mail me, I'll look it up, and try to find a good time when we're both on to do this. Same with the third person, except I'll try to coordinate it with the other person.

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