11-23-2005, 02:59 AM
I am running into a problem where the bot stops after the pickit sequence at pindle because it is unable to open a tp. By unable to open, i mean the portal will not open on the screen. My character makes the casting gesture, the hotkey is selected, and i have a full tome. The portal (displayed in bright orange if i manually open it through the inventory) does not open by using right click once the hotkey is selected. I had to remove pindle and just continue with eldritch/shenk for this reason. Others have said that a portal is not needed, but this would require the bot doing eldritch/shenk first, then returning to town via waypoint. Is the return from shenk to the waypoint defined somewhere? Has anyone written it flawlessly enough to share? Any help would be great. I would rather figure out why i cant see a portal pop up, unless i manually open the inventory and right click the tome, than switch up my sequence.