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Roc + ttf cd key for runescape stuff!
If you didn't see my post in small talk I'm in dire need of runescape items for my clan that I am trying to start. I have around 23 members that are active everyday and it is getting to expensive for me to support them. I know there are a few of you out there that have items efficient for a clan the size of this one and have no other use for them so If possible i am trading my roc and tft cd keys for runescape items seeing as the cd keys cost around 30$ please make the runescape offer generous. either items or an account. Please send me a private message I might not be coming back to check the replies. thanks a ton Big Grin

oh yea im a member so member items always accepted.

p.s. feel free to donate and give stuff for free even if you don't need the cd key thanks.
How do we know your going to give us the Keys?

P.S. Runescape sucks!
Depends on if im getting want i need for runescape if its something i want of course ill trade you warcraft sucks compared to runescape i havnt played warcraft in about 5 months since ive bought it i dont over 10 games played on my accounts. Ill do anything for runescape right now. Besides you show me the item your offering in runescape and ill most likely trade you the cd keys first let you check them and then you can give me. But depending on the item its you i need to be trusting not you trusting me.
If only you had a Guild Wars account...

Because I have some neat stuff I "borrowed" from my brother.
guild wars account or cd key i dont understand ill go buy the game guild wars and give you the cd key if it has one. if that stuff is good and i need it.
or of course you could let me "barrow" it lol as a gift for ever. im sure your bro wouldnt mind to much.
Theres an edit button if you didnt know.
I know. thanks.

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