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Fuggle Wrote:Currently though, the 3rd advancement still hasn't come out. So Thunder Spear isn't around for awhile. Also lvl 100 takes like forever, as in like 1 year+

what? do u mean no one has reached the third job adv? or that it has yet to exist?
could u elaborate, this is useful info
in gms 3rd job isn't out yet
link_4_ever Wrote:what? do u mean no one has reached the third job adv? or that it has yet to exist?
could u elaborate, this is useful info
you must be lvl 70 to do the 3rd job advancement. in OMS/GMS and MapleSea you can only do part 1 of the advancement(fighting your instructor) and not part 2. Part 2 is done by going to the Holy Obelisk and answering some questions, but since it's not implemented yet, no 1 can complete it.

only MapleSea and MapleGlobal do not have the 3rd job advancement.

and yes, lvling takes a lot of time. When i first switched from D2 to maple I was shocked at how hard it is to lvl. it took me a good few hours to reach past lvl 10, as opposed to maybe 15 mins in d2.

at lvl 70 it takes approx 10 hours to lvl. this time increases slightly per lvl, but if you have excellent gear you shouldnt notice any difference.

both fire mages and ice mages are good characters to choose, both have advantages and disadvantages at the third job. Thunder spear is very strong, but its very slow to cast, even with magic booster. Fire skills are moderatly fast, but dont do as much dmg. If your just looking for large numbers go make a fighter. They are very strong but boring after a while. just find a character that suits you and go with them.
Silver Ice Wrote:currently... an ice mage can use lightning to attack multiple monsters... but lightning is weak

an ice mage current has fire drakes to fight at high lvls, they drop steely throwing stars which are now 10M each.

a fire mage can hunt lycanthropes at higher lvls, which drop illbis, which are over 60M each(i think the last one went for 60M+steely)

eventually ice mages will be able to hunt bains, but for right now, fire mages can hunt pretty much any monster... they arent stopped by ossyrian monsters, which are usually strong against cold. fire mages can use psn... which does massive dmg to any high hp monster. ice mages have freeze, which would really suck if you are fighting an ice based monster. fire mages have fire arrow, which is the strongest mage attack in the game, with a whopping 120 base dmg when maxed, vs a ice mage's beam doing only 100 base dmg.

here are some advantages of fire
-strongest magical attack
-has psn which is very strong
-can hunt any monster efficiently except bains and fire drakes
-can hunt lycans and werewolfs for illbis and evil wings

and for ice
-can freeze enemies so theres no chance of getting hurt
-will be able to hunt bains for expensive items later on

sure ice mages will be even with fire when lvl 70+80 items come out so hunting bains would be useful since they drop a lot of lvl 80 items, but for now, fire triumphs.

and as for the 3rd job skills, ice mages do get thunder spear, which has the highest base dmg when maxed.

actually by the time fire mages go hunting lycanthropes they would be into the 3rd job... and by that time fire is no longer the strongest... lit spear over powers fire... and you get a long-range-multi-target freezing atk.

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