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sleep after login screen, cant login
It seems that after the game loads it chooses bnet, then it just sits on the login screen until it times out, then goes into sleep mode. It do NOT try to put my account name/pass into the feilds. I have set-up my .ini file with this information. Here is a log of it.

12/03 17:07:30 [i]>
12/03 17:07:30 [i]> ========================================
12/03 17:07:30 [i]> mm.BOT.544B2 was launched for Battle mode.
12/03 17:07:30 [i]> ========================================
12/03 17:07:30 [i]>
12/03 17:07:30 [i]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
12/03 17:07:31 [i]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
12/03 17:07:31 [i]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
12/03 17:07:31 [i]> PKID loaded 199 XUniques statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:32 [i]> PKID loaded 5263 XRares statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:32 [i]> PKID loaded 7 Sets statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:32 [i]> PKID loaded 249 Grays statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:32 [i]> PKID loaded 76 Whites statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:32 [i]> PKID loaded 943 Magics statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 6737 Total statistics in iding database.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 122 XUniques items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 379 XRares items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 7 Sets items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 50 Grays items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 34 Whites items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 94 Magics items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:33 [i]> PKID loaded 686 Total items to pickup.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded PreCast with 9 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoToAct5Wp with 2 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded SwitchCTA with 20 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoEld with 11 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded KillEld with 21 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded LootEld with 5 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoHomeEld with 5 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoPindleTP with 1 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoShenk with 35 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded KillShenk with 21 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded LootShenk with 10 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoHomeShenk with 5 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoPindleTP with 1 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GoPindle with 11 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded KillPindle with 26 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded LootPindle with 11 commands.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded 16 Total sequences.
12/03 17:07:34 [i]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
12/03 17:07:35 [i]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
12/03 17:07:36 [i]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
12/03 17:07:36 [i]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
12/03 17:07:48 [i]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
12/03 17:07:48 [i]> Diablo II started.
12/03 17:08:18 [E]> Unable to get the Login fields. Exit and wait ~5 minutes. Hope it's just an Ip ban.
12/03 17:08:24 [i]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
12/03 17:08:24 [i]> Sleep : 5 Minutes (Randomized)

I hope someone could help me with this, seems kinda like a let down to be cut off right there...Smile THANKS!
joe, something is wrong on your side, maybe put a screenshot of your whole screen ?

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