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Does AR increase chance to max dmg?
Maybe I'm just a noob (probably) but I was reading a zon guide and it was talking bout maxing crit strike and penitrate skills so you would always do double your max damage. Does AR give you a better chance to do max damage?

I've always just made sure I have enough to get 95% chance to hit...
i dont tihnk so, AR is just ur chance to hit, basically accuracy. min-max dmg is completely random
i spose logically the more times you hit the more chance you have of doing more damage?
Critical strike allows you to deal double damage. I think that's what the guide was refering to.
Found the guide. I know it's kinda a silly one, but spareked my intrest.

go to the bottom under "Strategy"

On a related note, does anyone have a PURE bowazon guide? Like just guided arrow for main attack and a maxed valk?

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