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Think about this
Before you reinstall d2 and try to start all over think about this...

Pretty much everyone who had a MH made up the percentage of "elite" players of d2.
Now that they all lost their accounts, the price of everything is going to SKYROCKET in the next 2 days meaning It'll be no where near as fun as it used to be because you'll never get as good as you used 2 be.
+ all the runes and items added into the circuit of trade from Ebay now will be gone soo HRs will be so scarce no one will be able 2 trd 4 them

about 35% of all accounts on were just banned

Don't support Blizzard and buy another game ***** them

Hacks are needed; only way 2 make that game fun d2 now blows
duppers will lower them back down
ok for duper.. ok for packed dealer.. BUT **** WE NEED MAPHACK. GAY BLIZZARD IS !
u really u dont need maphack and although maphack does help alot, and its nice to have, it hasnt stoped me playing or anything ok my key runs maybe 10 or so secs slower WHOOP DEE ****ING DOO! if u use a hack of any kind being banned is a risk u take, almost every 1 has taken that risk including me but while theres even a hint ill get banned i wont use map hack, simple as! if u cant play without hacks then u really shouldnt be playing at all.... !
"ok for duper.. ok for packed dealer.. BUT **** WE NEED MAPHACK. GAY BLIZZARD IS !" - I'm just keeping this for when twa insists it was banned for d2loader.

I agree about the price of items - at first people will probably just horde them, but I don't think the economy will be "ruined". Going under the set presumptions (mh users being elite), this just means we won't be able to get "elite" items right away. That's fine, we don't need "elite" items right away. We need to remake characters and that will force us to use lesser items, which can still be traded for at the previously set value b/c (according to previous statements) 65% of d2 users were unaffected.

Essentially, we will just be able to get to the point where we will be able to find the elite items again.

Actually, after typing that, yeah, this probably won't affect the economy much at all. No worries Smile
i dont think the economy is going to change at all, youre jsut too lazy o get back to your former glory. You dont need MH, contrary to popular belief. I'd like a mephbot, but i can dow ithout it. Dupers will have the amount of itmems back to what it was by tonight.
Playing without maphack sucks. I got addicted to diablo2 with maphack and all the other good useful hacks. When i first got diablo2 i didn't even play it i had no idea there were hacks. Diablo2 does ****in blow the horn w/o maphack.

I'v been banned myself BUMMMMMMMMMER.
IMO, mh made everyone lazy. If anything, playing without it makes you a better player. After a couple of runs, you start to see certain patterns or you just get better strategies. I'm also sick of people in dueling games "peeking" you before they duel you, or the ones who say "only noobs play without mh."
It sucks that people got banned but it also kinda weeds out the real players because no real player would let getting banned effect them to the point of quitting permenantly. Sry to wander off topic but everyone needs to stop whining about it.
"Sry to wander off topic but everyone needs to stop whining about it."

-Acutally, I think that was a very good and valid point Smile Nicely put! While I agree with others that using mh can enhance the gameplay, people do become too dependant, and the "pk" issue of course (I agree with you). Sometimes, mh gives people a false sense of place - but of course, that is when you compare mh users to nonusers. It wouldn't be so bad if mh users only dueled mh users and the same for non users.

It would be nice if we had a realm just to use mh. Like bnet allowed mh's (which would be submitted to them) and then kept up regular detection for all other hacks (b/c people would surely be motivated to make other hacks). I guess kind of like ladder, a mh ladder lol Smile
Myabe everyone would stop b**tchin if you stopped defending the guy. for all anyone knows he learned to hack from just copying other people great accomplishments. Bottom line ill going criticize you for every post you make in his defense:p so get used to it
Do you even know what you are talking about sublime? Has Jan's name even been mentioned in this thread? Have I or anyone in this thread defended Jan? Yeah, no. Go learn to read before you start talking shit. I'm sick and tired of losers like you who come on here to post worthless drivel just because you're like 12 and have no life. And you are going to post a responce every time I post something in his defense?? How immature is that. Spammer. Go play on mouse's forums or something. The only reason I come here is to defend Jan because it is only appropriate (in any setting, not just this retarded game) to have balanced views on the subject. IF you want to live in your magical world of onesided arguments, please do so, but don't bring it and all of it's retarded majesty into ours.

Quote:for all anyone knows he learned to hack from just copying other people great accomplishments
-Yeah, that's only one of the most generic arguments made against Jan. Maybe if you could learn to think for yourself and formulate your own opinions/ideas and not just regurgitate what you hear everyone else saying, I will listen to you. Until then, go ahead, post w/e you want, but they will be completely disregarded.

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