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getting key from nithalak
i read somewhere on here that u can do the key run for nithalak (sp) but still b able to do pindle runs, can someone explain this for me?
from what i hear u don't get the halls of pain wp and just kill pindle and nith without wp every time and u don't close pindle tp ( but idk) idc about pindle tp so i close it on my key runner:p
Well.... If you kill nithilak, the quest closes, then the TP closes, and you cant pindle. To do nithilak repeatedly, you must get the WP.
yup just dont get halls of pain wp, do pindle and go there, its much better to do pindle then nith,. IMO
hrm well i remember doing pindle then going to do nithalak then next game i couldnt go thru pindle because portal had closed. i remember because i had to go thru the long way to get the wp for halls of pain, so r u guys sure abouyt this?
If you bot pindle dont kill nillithak, if you use a key runner make sure u get wp bottom line and YEs these folks here told u the honest answers
Heres what u do ( or what i do). If you finish the quest the portal closes unless you have don't have the wp. DO NOT GET THE WP if you want your pindle portal still open. I do niki runs constantly going through the pindle portal, not too much of a hassle considering i have teleport. Smile

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