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Joined: Dec 2005
I was reading the file in sting's and i can't understand what it means by the directions of minimizing diablo 2. So I start D2, minimize it, run sting's mh, unminimize it and log onto D2 and while its loading up minimize it, then unminimize it and tehn pick my guy and then start a game and press reveal act?
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Joined: Aug 2005
lol ima just tell u what to do to start it and pretend i did read what u said cause u confused me. first of all u can start maphack whenever u want it can be before u start d2 or after or even when ur in game it dosnt matter. but u only press reveal act when ur in a game. and it reveals it only for that ACT the rest u have to minimize and do agian. its annoyying but u get used to it.
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Joined: Aug 2004
you can set it auto reveal it self every act u goto. just load sting mh and click options then click Auto reveal without Iscan" or "auto reveal with Iscan"
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Joined: Dec 2004
som1 told me that d2loader works with it... but it doesnt work for me. So?