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Eth armor Upgrade BUG in 1.11b
Does the eth upgrade bug work in 1.11b. I dont have the armor nor runes to check it out now. taken from www.*******.com

Eth Armor Upgrade Bug

Affects Realms and SP/Open
Due to a calculation skip, the ethereal bonus to defense is lost when upgrading any unique ethereal armor piece (belt, gloves, boots, armor, shield, helm). The item remains ethereal, but loses all defense bonuses. There is no fix at the moment.

From GoddessLeela/Leelality:
When a piece of armor is dropped, its defense is calculated in the following manner:
1) A random number is selected between the min/max base defense for that armor type.
2) If the armor has ED%, step 1 is ignored and the base defense is instead set to max+1
3) If the armor is ethereal, multiply the base defense by 1.5
4) ED% is applied as a multiplier on base defense
5) Defense+X is added
... and you have the final, displayed defense rating for armor.

Now, for the bug: when you upgrade unique armor, steps 2 and 3 are skipped when calculating the new defense.

Many armors which have elite min not much above exceptional max will not benefit much from the upgrade, and will probably not be worth upgrading at all considering the rune cost and str/level reqs. *Ethereal* versions of armor are even less worthy to upgrade, as they lose the 50% bonus and can often end up with *lower* defense and have higher reqs. Not a good deal. :-

From Scythetleppo:
If u use the cube formula:
1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + *Normal* Body Armor = Socketed Body Armor of same type

Random number of sockets 1-Max.
You will get 50% more def on all ETH armors.
Ethereal bonus is 50% and the bugged Ethereal armor bonus is 100%.
If you found Ethereal boneweave that had 750 defense, this would become 1000 defense.

500 base defense makes 750 defense ethereal, and 1000 defense bugged ethereal

it does work with shields and helms...
1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm = Socketed Helm of same type
1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield = Socketed Shield of same type
Yes the ethreal bug still works for armor.
i dont understand, and i tried to cube my eth armor(normal with ed%)+tal+thul+Ptopaz, wait cube method is it means horadric cube?(dont laugh at me plz) then i click transmute on the horadric cube, nothing happen?
Dude, the cube formula you listed is correct but the armor has to be plain. No enhanced defence or durability. Good luck dude!
is only for eth armor?
The cube recipe will for work for non eth armors but you won't get the benefits of the bug. The bug only works for plain eth armors.
first of all, that bug was created since 1.11, not b
secondly, why dont you go read at the arreat summit site and look at the CUBE FORMULAE to add sockets to an ethreal item and read the notes, it clearly states the armor must NOT have sockets, and must NOT be superior

Before making threads like this, why dont u go directly to the source where you can easily and quickly find the answer to your question

the thing you posted in the first post is an 1.10 bug that caused ethreal ***UNIQUE***items to LOSE defense, to my knowledge, that is not a bug, when u upgrade an item u get the elite version with random defense according to the range of defense it can have. there is another bug though, where u would upgrade an ethreal arreats and it would get 0 def when equiped, that has been fixed to my knowledge. it has nothing to do with the new 1.11 eth armor bug, which is merely a socketing bug, and kicks ass

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