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ok i may look real pathetic for doing this but ill give it a shot ne ways...
wen 1.11 came out i got banned...i got banned for using gonna gonna weep over that TOO MUCH...but i would like to mention i lost lvl 90 mf sorc who i miss very much...i have bin playing d2 for like 3 years now...and i am so sick of lvling chars that im just tired, BUT I HAVENT GIVEN UP HOPE!!! i tried so many scams and other things like that to get all the gear back and willing to give u my d2 acc pw if u r bored enough to lvl my 1 char...i will only give pw to mods and such...i apologize for stooping so low, but i am just so tired i lost all my godly's...if u steal my account i wont weep bcoz i have nothing to loose if ne one gives a crap and is bored enough, pm me and i will let u on my acc to lvl my sorc...currently she is lvl 54...already has a nm rush i think...thank you guys alot...also if u can help in ne other way ill be happy...wen i say "ne other way" i dont mean that u give me free thing u can do to make me feel better is appreciated...

probably shouldnt have mentioned that you tried to scam people
yeah. throw away your cd and play halo 2 on xbox live. it's a step toward social interaction
well u guys didnt make me feel better...but w/e, im sick of d2 now...i gave up lotta times but always came back...btw if ne one still wants to contribute in ne way, im in nonladder uswest...
okok scammers suck who have sucessfully used scamms Big Grin... i have too tried out some scams for learning purposes and never used them really. How come you cant rush on? lvl54 is more than enough for nm baal til you are 75. Im sorry cant help you with rush im on europe. Anyway good luck
hey, if u were in my position, u would prolly take the route i did...well the scams never worked since everyone is too smart...dont hate me plz...
use a bot if you're that desperate to get back into d2. otherwise, find a new game
well i thought bout that too...but now im really scared to use ne hacks coz i might get banned fact, im making my own bot with autoit, but its so annoying i gave it up for now...i might go back to it later....but ne ways thanks for even reading this thread...
btw the bot im making is a baal doesnt kill for u, it just sits in baal games while other ppl kill, so basically its a leveling uses pots for u, it joins new games wen ppl leave, it goes thru the tp for baal running, it also accepts the party invites and stuff...basic stuff...rite now im working on the part where the bot will buy pots for u wen pots run out...also, i dont intend to release the bot, its prolly gonna be private for me, bcoz fag blizz might patch the bot if not ALL the autoit scripts...even tho i might release puny little things from the bot...upon request i will post up the "party up" function... basically it will check for ne party invites and accept them, i know this is useless but if ne one is curious, i will post up that func....o and also, THIS BOT ONLY WORKS IN WINDOWED MODE...due to the pixel color check u might need to set the gamma and stuff like that the way i did....

haha pretty long post sorry for mentioning so much about the bot, kinda off topic sorry
lmao i just quit d2, deleted 500 hi worth of stuff. off topic too, but just wanted u to know
ya so? i got banned in the 1.11 patch for useing easyplay i didnt scam or anything i just moved to open bnet....for a year out of the 3 years i played onn closed..ill continue to play d2 but halo sucks ass

I DONT SCAM its agansit everything the peacemaker stands for!

dont scam....and ull be a good person..

haha my bro taught me to scam but i rejected it..
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