Legal Notes:
This Faq is resricted to Rpgforums.com, Pheonixgamers.net, and blizzsector only, and may
not be used for promotional purposes, advertisement,
copied onto any disk or altered in ANY way. It may not
be incorporated into any guide EVEN for private use.
Not to be inserted in magazines, put onto a private or
secured website where membership or a fee is required.
All profesional Rights belong to me, and me alone, the
author Dynafrom.
Diablo, Diablo2, and Diablo2:LoD are copyrighted to
Blizzard entertainment.
Table of Contents:
1)FaQ Information
-Legal Information
-Update Info
2) Magic Find Basics
-Advanced tips
3) Magic Find Equipment
-*Suggested Equipment
4) Setting up a Magic Find Character
-Bosses You can Do
(working on)
-Merc Equipment
6)Hints and Secrets
-Cow Level
-Horadric Cube
7)C & C. Contact and Credits
-Terms and Lingo Used
-Contact Info
Update Information
Fixed A Few Errors - Sept 18 2005
Addded Extras - Sept 23 2005
Fixed Few Errors - Sept 28 2005
ADDED VIDEO - Oct 1 2005
Magic Find Basics
Magic finding is a stat found on magical, rare, unique, and set items. It increases your chance of getting good items.
It works on treasure chests (any kind) bosses, monsters, and etc. Be aware though, magic find does not increase the chance of getting runes. Magic find is also added onto your merc, so if you have 510 and your merc has 200, when your merc does the final blow, he'll have 710 mf.
Despite what people say on battle.net abut having TOO MUCH mf, its just lies. The more the better. I made a open character with 8000+ Mf, and first run on meph dropped ALL uniques.
Remember, this faq is written for HAMMERDINS and SORCS, not for other character classes (yet).
a) Helmets -
Shako- Probably best helmet for mf, 50% mf, 10% dr, +2 to all skills, its a must for any mfer.
Grizwolds Valor- Decent helm, with 2 sockets throw in 2 ptopazs for extra 48 mf to the 30% thats already on the helm.
Armor -
Enigma- THE Best armor for hammerdins and sometimes sorc, mf based on character level, dr, and str, amazing armor if you want to keep your base strength low.
CoH- THE best for a sorceress, +2 to all skills, resistances, dr, mf, this armor should guarantee that you won't die.
Skullders- Very nice MF, and VERY nice defence if its ethereal, good for people just starting out on ladder.
Tal Rasha's Guardianship- Full tals and your sorc is ready to go, decent mf, and good resistances, very good choice for a sorc, combine this with tal amy, and belt for good mf.
Skin of Vipermagi- Despite what people say, this armor is pretty good if upped, it has +1 to all skills, resis, and fcr, a very nice armor.
c)Weapons -
Occy- For sorcs, GODLY mf tool, use this over anything else.
Gull Dagger- Good for when your starting out, later on you'll want to use occy because its faster killing bosses.
Hoto- Good for hammerdins, resis, skills, #1 choice for hammerdins.
6xIsted Sword- Not a bad choice, very nice for a final blow.
d)Shields -
Monarch (isted)- 100% mf, VERY nice.
HoZ (isted)- For hammerdins, very nice skills and stats on the shield.
Spirit - Very nice shield, only problem is that theres no MF
Lidless - For people who can't afford the above.
Milabregas - For really poor people, least favourable choice.
e)Gloves -
Chance Guards- #1 Choice for any of these 2 classes.
f)Boots -
Wartravelers- #1 Choice for mfers
Eth Treks, or Waterwalks- Very good stats, and bonuses.
g)Belts -
Arach- Skip 30% mf from goldwrap and go with this, +1 to all skills and fcr, you can't go wrong with that
Goldwrap- Last choice, not bad, but pretty crappy
Rare Belt- 24% FHR, and etc are very nice bonuses.
Tal Rashas- Very nice belt to coimbine with the tal arm/amu combo.
Nagel rings- 30% mf is very nice to have.
Magical/Rare Rings- 40% mf is also very nice, sometimes comes with resis/str.
45-50 Mf Amulets- Very nice for mf.
Tal Rashas Amy- Very good choice for people who can't afford the following:
+3sorc class+Mf amy- Very nice, my sorc owns one at +3 lit, 35% mf.
Setting Up a Magic Find Character
![[Image: screenshot0400sf.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/262/screenshot0400sf.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0418vs.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/7597/screenshot0418vs.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0426ne.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/6622/screenshot0426ne.jpg)
Vit: 300 |ALL points should be in here |
Str: 100 |Least as possible |
Dex: 0 |None in This Catagory |
Enrg: 50 |Just enough. |
Good Things About Sorceress: Good Attacks, teleport is already there
Bad Things: VERY weak, relies too much on mana, and the merc to be a tank, immunes.
In-depth: Sorceress.
Sorceresses have an advantage skill called teleport. It
reduces the time of a MF run dramatically. She can sacrifice
melee damage for better MF, like the Gull Dagger. It can also
use the Occulus. a +3 sorc skill weapon with nice Faster cast
rate and 50% Mf, (80% with IST.) A dramatic downfall of the
sorceressis that she has no warcries to boost her life,
she has realativily low life compared to the palidan and
must pull circles around Most Bosses to Kill them, it cant
tank hits.Thunderstorm, once cast can Attack Bosses auto-
-maticly if you are within range. And Energy Shield will
withdraw Mana as damage instead of life.
Skill Distribution-
Lightning Sorceress-
20 In Chain Lightning
20 In Lightning
20 In Charged Bolt
20 In Lightning mastery
20 In Nova
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
(Preferred damage around 17-30k)
Fire Sorceress-
20 In Meteor
20 In Fire Bolt
20 In Fire Blast
20 In Mastery
20 In Frozen Orb
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
Cold Sorceress-
20 In Blizzard
20 In Ice Bolt
20 In Glacial Spike
20 In Ice Blast
5-10 In Cold Mastery
Rest of the skills can go anywhere
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
Alternate Cold
20 In Frozen Orb
20 In Ice Bolt
20 In Cold Mastery (Trust me It Helps)
*17 In Telekenisis
*10 In Energy Shield
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
*Reason for those skills are that they reduce the damage to 2, and that goes straight to your mana, keep yourself a belt full of mana potions, and you'll be fine.
Vit: 300 |ALL points should be in here |
Str: 100 |Least as possible |
Dex: 125 |Enough for block with Holyshield |
Enrg: 50 |Just enough. |
![[Image: screenshot0350ug.jpg]](http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1142/screenshot0350ug.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0374hl.jpg]](http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/3894/screenshot0374hl.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0382ii.jpg]](http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/6307/screenshot0382ii.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0397py.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9395/screenshot0397py.jpg)
Good Things- Nothing is immune to it, can tank, and can easily kill bosses.
Bad Things- No teleport, and requires a enigma(very expensive)
In-Depth Hammerdin:
Hammerdins have the advantage of taking alot of hits
Doing lots of damage, and still being able to live.
The only drawback is thefact that you have to run to each
boss if you don't have enigma.
Skill Distribution-
20 In Blessed Hammer
20 In Concentration
20 In Vigor
20 In Blessed Aim
20 In Holy Shield
( Aim for AT LEAST 8k+ Damage )
Bosses -
The following is a graph of what bosses your character can do:
/////////|Lit Sorc| Fire Sorc | Cold Sorc |*Hammerdin|
Andarial |Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Pit //// |Yes ////| Yes //////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Countess |Yes ////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Summoner |Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Trav ////|No /////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Mephisto |Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Diablo //|No /////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Shenk ///|Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Pindle///|Yes ////|Yes ///////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Baal ////|No /////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Cows ////|Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
*Hammerdins are assumed to have Enigma
*Sorceresses are Assumed that they have no infinity
For a video on how to mf.
Hirelings And Mercs
Brief Note--
Act 2 Defensive merc is a good choice (nm) because of holyfreeze, allowing you to do more hits while the enemy does less. Any other mercs are not recommended.
a) Equipment
CoA - Use this for max DR, Combo it with levi or Eth upped shaft for max dr, socket with 2 ists if you want merc to have crushing blow
Shako - Very nice helmet, Make sure its eth for a extra defence boost
Delerium - Very nice helmet, because once confuse sets off, all the monsters will be distracted and you will win the battle undamaged.
Gaze - Very nice, dual leech and 15-20% DR, only drawback is no mf on the helm.
Eth Andy - +20% ias, massive leech and god def, a very good helm.
Leviathan - 25% dr, 45 to strength, VERY VERY Nice armor, I personally would choose this over all the other armors.
Fortitude (eth or Non) - 300% ed, and your merc will be just as strong as you, added to it is 30 resis, and major defence.
Eth Shaftshop (upped) - Aiming for 2k+ Defence, your merc would probably not need CoA for max dr, very ncie defence, and best of all it won't break.
Stone - Though unrecommended, the defence is very high especially on a bugged armor, only drawback is no dr.
Infinity - BEST merc weapon for a sorceress, conviction = mass pwnage, the chart on the bosses you can do. FORGET ABOUT IT, youc an kill off any boss.
Insight - VERY nice, you can teleport forever and attack forever with meditation by your side, and it even has nice damage too.
Eth Reapers - VERY Nice choice as well for people that just start out.
Hints And Secrets
Cow Level - To open this wonderful level, you must get a wirts leg (tristram) and you the cube to combine it with a tome of town portal.
When in the cow level , it is advised not to kill the cow king, because when he dies you can't make the level anymore.
Open all the chests, this place is known for the runes it drops. The following graph will show the TC for cow runs. Though it seems rare that a cow game will drop a rune such as zod, take in account that it is equal to all (around 100-200 cows) in the run.
r01(Rune/[1/El]) 0.03694207
r02(Rune/[2/Eld]) 0.02462805
r03(Rune/[3/Tir]) 0.02052337
r04(Rune/[4/Nef]) 0.01368225
r05(Rune/[5/Eth]) 0.01436636
r06(Rune/[6/Ith]) 0.00957757
r07(Rune/[7/Tal]) 0.01197197
r08(Rune/[8/Ral]) 0.00798131
r09(Rune/[9/Ort]) 0.00838038
r10(Rune/[10/Thul]) 0.00558692
r11(Rune/[11/Amn]) 0.00512134
r12(Rune/[12/Sol]) 0.00341423
r13(Rune/[13/Shael]) 0.00270293
r14(Rune/[14/Dol]) 0.00180195
r15(Rune/[15/Hel]) 0.00138901
r16(Rune/[16/Io]) 0.00092600
r17(Rune/[17/Lum]) 0.00070415
r18(Rune/[18/Ko]) 0.00046943
r19(Rune/[19/Fal]) 0.00035452
r20(Rune/[20/Lem]) 0.00023635
r21(Rune/[21/Pul]) 0.00017788
r22(Rune/[22/Um]) 0.00011858
r23(Rune/[23/Mal]) 0.00010182
r24(Rune/[24/Ist]) 0.00006788
r25(Rune/[25/Gul]) 0.00005824
r26(Rune/[26/Vex]) 0.00003883
r27(Rune/[27/Ohm]) 0.00003330
r28(Rune/[28/Lo]) 0.00002220
r29(Rune/[29/Sur]) 0.00001903
r30(Rune/[30/Ber]) 0.00001269
r31(Rune/[31/Jah]) 0.00001088
r32(Rune/[32/Cham]) 0.00000725
r33(Rune/[33/Zod]) 0.00000081
Horadric Cube - Keep all the gems you find and transmute them into PGEMS, and trade them for runes or re roll your charms (3 Pgems + charm in cube) You can also open portals such as uber tristram (Hammerdin can do this, sorc sux in uber)
Mephisto - In the durance, if you lure mephisto out to the moat, and teleport off it, you will be invincible because he won't be able to reach you.
Killing bosses faster -
Use static field on bosses to knock down there hp quick.
Then just before they die, throw on alot of mf gear, and deal the final hit.
Contact And Credits
Terms used-
MF = Magic Find
Hammerdin = A Palidan who uses BLESSED HAMMER
Meph = Mephisto
Andy = Andarial
DR = Damage Reduced
ED = Enchanced Damage OR Defence
Pwnage = Ownage ( If You Don't Know this... Shoot Yourself)
FHR = Faster hit Recovery
FCR = Faster Cast Rate
Upped = Upgraded
TC = Treasure Class
Conatct Info:
[email protected]
/w *Dynafrom2 /w *Dynafrom3 /w *Dynafrom4
On battle.net
Writer - Dynafrom
Editor - Dynafrom
Pictures - Dynafrom
Video - Dynafrom
Everything Else - Dynafrom
Person Who Helped find Errors - THIS COULD BE YOU!!
Kraka (Young Immortal)
Useful Links-
Feel free to leave comments/suggestions to improve the guide.
Legal Notes:
This Faq is resricted to Rpgforums.com, Pheonixgamers.net, and blizzsector only, and may
not be used for promotional purposes, advertisement,
copied onto any disk or altered in ANY way. It may not
be incorporated into any guide EVEN for private use.
Not to be inserted in magazines, put onto a private or
secured website where membership or a fee is required.
All profesional Rights belong to me, and me alone, the
author Dynafrom.
Diablo, Diablo2, and Diablo2:LoD are copyrighted to
Blizzard entertainment.
Table of Contents:
1)FaQ Information
-Legal Information
-Update Info
2) Magic Find Basics
-Advanced tips
3) Magic Find Equipment
-*Suggested Equipment
4) Setting up a Magic Find Character
-Bosses You can Do
(working on)
-Merc Equipment
6)Hints and Secrets
-Cow Level
-Horadric Cube
7)C & C. Contact and Credits
-Terms and Lingo Used
-Contact Info
Update Information
Fixed A Few Errors - Sept 18 2005
Addded Extras - Sept 23 2005
Fixed Few Errors - Sept 28 2005
ADDED VIDEO - Oct 1 2005
Magic Find Basics
Magic finding is a stat found on magical, rare, unique, and set items. It increases your chance of getting good items.
It works on treasure chests (any kind) bosses, monsters, and etc. Be aware though, magic find does not increase the chance of getting runes. Magic find is also added onto your merc, so if you have 510 and your merc has 200, when your merc does the final blow, he'll have 710 mf.
Despite what people say on battle.net abut having TOO MUCH mf, its just lies. The more the better. I made a open character with 8000+ Mf, and first run on meph dropped ALL uniques.
Remember, this faq is written for HAMMERDINS and SORCS, not for other character classes (yet).
a) Helmets -
Shako- Probably best helmet for mf, 50% mf, 10% dr, +2 to all skills, its a must for any mfer.
Grizwolds Valor- Decent helm, with 2 sockets throw in 2 ptopazs for extra 48 mf to the 30% thats already on the helm.
![[Image: cool.gif]](http://www.*************.net/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)
Enigma- THE Best armor for hammerdins and sometimes sorc, mf based on character level, dr, and str, amazing armor if you want to keep your base strength low.
CoH- THE best for a sorceress, +2 to all skills, resistances, dr, mf, this armor should guarantee that you won't die.
Skullders- Very nice MF, and VERY nice defence if its ethereal, good for people just starting out on ladder.
Tal Rasha's Guardianship- Full tals and your sorc is ready to go, decent mf, and good resistances, very good choice for a sorc, combine this with tal amy, and belt for good mf.
Skin of Vipermagi- Despite what people say, this armor is pretty good if upped, it has +1 to all skills, resis, and fcr, a very nice armor.
c)Weapons -
Occy- For sorcs, GODLY mf tool, use this over anything else.
Gull Dagger- Good for when your starting out, later on you'll want to use occy because its faster killing bosses.
Hoto- Good for hammerdins, resis, skills, #1 choice for hammerdins.
6xIsted Sword- Not a bad choice, very nice for a final blow.
d)Shields -
Monarch (isted)- 100% mf, VERY nice.
HoZ (isted)- For hammerdins, very nice skills and stats on the shield.
Spirit - Very nice shield, only problem is that theres no MF
Lidless - For people who can't afford the above.
Milabregas - For really poor people, least favourable choice.
e)Gloves -
Chance Guards- #1 Choice for any of these 2 classes.
f)Boots -
Wartravelers- #1 Choice for mfers
Eth Treks, or Waterwalks- Very good stats, and bonuses.
g)Belts -
Arach- Skip 30% mf from goldwrap and go with this, +1 to all skills and fcr, you can't go wrong with that
Goldwrap- Last choice, not bad, but pretty crappy
Rare Belt- 24% FHR, and etc are very nice bonuses.
Tal Rashas- Very nice belt to coimbine with the tal arm/amu combo.
Nagel rings- 30% mf is very nice to have.
Magical/Rare Rings- 40% mf is also very nice, sometimes comes with resis/str.
45-50 Mf Amulets- Very nice for mf.
Tal Rashas Amy- Very good choice for people who can't afford the following:
+3sorc class+Mf amy- Very nice, my sorc owns one at +3 lit, 35% mf.
Setting Up a Magic Find Character
![[Image: screenshot0400sf.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/262/screenshot0400sf.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0418vs.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/7597/screenshot0418vs.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0426ne.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/6622/screenshot0426ne.jpg)
Vit: 300 |ALL points should be in here |
Str: 100 |Least as possible |
Dex: 0 |None in This Catagory |
Enrg: 50 |Just enough. |
Good Things About Sorceress: Good Attacks, teleport is already there
Bad Things: VERY weak, relies too much on mana, and the merc to be a tank, immunes.
In-depth: Sorceress.
Sorceresses have an advantage skill called teleport. It
reduces the time of a MF run dramatically. She can sacrifice
melee damage for better MF, like the Gull Dagger. It can also
use the Occulus. a +3 sorc skill weapon with nice Faster cast
rate and 50% Mf, (80% with IST.) A dramatic downfall of the
sorceressis that she has no warcries to boost her life,
she has realativily low life compared to the palidan and
must pull circles around Most Bosses to Kill them, it cant
tank hits.Thunderstorm, once cast can Attack Bosses auto-
-maticly if you are within range. And Energy Shield will
withdraw Mana as damage instead of life.
Skill Distribution-
Lightning Sorceress-
20 In Chain Lightning
20 In Lightning
20 In Charged Bolt
20 In Lightning mastery
20 In Nova
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
(Preferred damage around 17-30k)
Fire Sorceress-
20 In Meteor
20 In Fire Bolt
20 In Fire Blast
20 In Mastery
20 In Frozen Orb
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
Cold Sorceress-
20 In Blizzard
20 In Ice Bolt
20 In Glacial Spike
20 In Ice Blast
5-10 In Cold Mastery
Rest of the skills can go anywhere
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
Alternate Cold
20 In Frozen Orb
20 In Ice Bolt
20 In Cold Mastery (Trust me It Helps)
*17 In Telekenisis
*10 In Energy Shield
1 In Warmth
1 In telekenisis
1 In Teleport
1 In Frozen Armor
1 In Energy Shield
*Reason for those skills are that they reduce the damage to 2, and that goes straight to your mana, keep yourself a belt full of mana potions, and you'll be fine.
Vit: 300 |ALL points should be in here |
Str: 100 |Least as possible |
Dex: 125 |Enough for block with Holyshield |
Enrg: 50 |Just enough. |
![[Image: screenshot0350ug.jpg]](http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1142/screenshot0350ug.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0374hl.jpg]](http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/3894/screenshot0374hl.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0382ii.jpg]](http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/6307/screenshot0382ii.jpg)
![[Image: screenshot0397py.jpg]](http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9395/screenshot0397py.jpg)
Good Things- Nothing is immune to it, can tank, and can easily kill bosses.
Bad Things- No teleport, and requires a enigma(very expensive)
In-Depth Hammerdin:
Hammerdins have the advantage of taking alot of hits
Doing lots of damage, and still being able to live.
The only drawback is thefact that you have to run to each
boss if you don't have enigma.
Skill Distribution-
20 In Blessed Hammer
20 In Concentration
20 In Vigor
20 In Blessed Aim
20 In Holy Shield
( Aim for AT LEAST 8k+ Damage )
Bosses -
The following is a graph of what bosses your character can do:
/////////|Lit Sorc| Fire Sorc | Cold Sorc |*Hammerdin|
Andarial |Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Pit //// |Yes ////| Yes //////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Countess |Yes ////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Summoner |Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Trav ////|No /////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Mephisto |Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Diablo //|No /////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Shenk ///|Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Pindle///|Yes ////|Yes ///////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
Baal ////|No /////| No ///////| No ///////| Yes /////|
Cows ////|Yes ////| Yes //////| Yes //////| Yes /////|
*Hammerdins are assumed to have Enigma
*Sorceresses are Assumed that they have no infinity
For a video on how to mf.
Hirelings And Mercs
Brief Note--
Act 2 Defensive merc is a good choice (nm) because of holyfreeze, allowing you to do more hits while the enemy does less. Any other mercs are not recommended.
a) Equipment
CoA - Use this for max DR, Combo it with levi or Eth upped shaft for max dr, socket with 2 ists if you want merc to have crushing blow
Shako - Very nice helmet, Make sure its eth for a extra defence boost
Delerium - Very nice helmet, because once confuse sets off, all the monsters will be distracted and you will win the battle undamaged.
Gaze - Very nice, dual leech and 15-20% DR, only drawback is no mf on the helm.
Eth Andy - +20% ias, massive leech and god def, a very good helm.
Leviathan - 25% dr, 45 to strength, VERY VERY Nice armor, I personally would choose this over all the other armors.
Fortitude (eth or Non) - 300% ed, and your merc will be just as strong as you, added to it is 30 resis, and major defence.
Eth Shaftshop (upped) - Aiming for 2k+ Defence, your merc would probably not need CoA for max dr, very ncie defence, and best of all it won't break.
Stone - Though unrecommended, the defence is very high especially on a bugged armor, only drawback is no dr.
Infinity - BEST merc weapon for a sorceress, conviction = mass pwnage, the chart on the bosses you can do. FORGET ABOUT IT, youc an kill off any boss.
Insight - VERY nice, you can teleport forever and attack forever with meditation by your side, and it even has nice damage too.
Eth Reapers - VERY Nice choice as well for people that just start out.
Hints And Secrets
Cow Level - To open this wonderful level, you must get a wirts leg (tristram) and you the cube to combine it with a tome of town portal.
When in the cow level , it is advised not to kill the cow king, because when he dies you can't make the level anymore.
Open all the chests, this place is known for the runes it drops. The following graph will show the TC for cow runs. Though it seems rare that a cow game will drop a rune such as zod, take in account that it is equal to all (around 100-200 cows) in the run.
r01(Rune/[1/El]) 0.03694207
r02(Rune/[2/Eld]) 0.02462805
r03(Rune/[3/Tir]) 0.02052337
r04(Rune/[4/Nef]) 0.01368225
r05(Rune/[5/Eth]) 0.01436636
r06(Rune/[6/Ith]) 0.00957757
r07(Rune/[7/Tal]) 0.01197197
r08(Rune/[8/Ral]) 0.00798131
r09(Rune/[9/Ort]) 0.00838038
r10(Rune/[10/Thul]) 0.00558692
r11(Rune/[11/Amn]) 0.00512134
r12(Rune/[12/Sol]) 0.00341423
r13(Rune/[13/Shael]) 0.00270293
r14(Rune/[14/Dol]) 0.00180195
r15(Rune/[15/Hel]) 0.00138901
r16(Rune/[16/Io]) 0.00092600
r17(Rune/[17/Lum]) 0.00070415
r18(Rune/[18/Ko]) 0.00046943
r19(Rune/[19/Fal]) 0.00035452
r20(Rune/[20/Lem]) 0.00023635
r21(Rune/[21/Pul]) 0.00017788
r22(Rune/[22/Um]) 0.00011858
r23(Rune/[23/Mal]) 0.00010182
r24(Rune/[24/Ist]) 0.00006788
r25(Rune/[25/Gul]) 0.00005824
r26(Rune/[26/Vex]) 0.00003883
r27(Rune/[27/Ohm]) 0.00003330
r28(Rune/[28/Lo]) 0.00002220
r29(Rune/[29/Sur]) 0.00001903
r30(Rune/[30/Ber]) 0.00001269
r31(Rune/[31/Jah]) 0.00001088
r32(Rune/[32/Cham]) 0.00000725
r33(Rune/[33/Zod]) 0.00000081
Horadric Cube - Keep all the gems you find and transmute them into PGEMS, and trade them for runes or re roll your charms (3 Pgems + charm in cube) You can also open portals such as uber tristram (Hammerdin can do this, sorc sux in uber)
Mephisto - In the durance, if you lure mephisto out to the moat, and teleport off it, you will be invincible because he won't be able to reach you.
Killing bosses faster -
Use static field on bosses to knock down there hp quick.
Then just before they die, throw on alot of mf gear, and deal the final hit.
Contact And Credits
Terms used-
MF = Magic Find
Hammerdin = A Palidan who uses BLESSED HAMMER
Meph = Mephisto
Andy = Andarial
DR = Damage Reduced
ED = Enchanced Damage OR Defence
Pwnage = Ownage ( If You Don't Know this... Shoot Yourself)
FHR = Faster hit Recovery
FCR = Faster Cast Rate
Upped = Upgraded
TC = Treasure Class
Conatct Info:
[email protected]
/w *Dynafrom2 /w *Dynafrom3 /w *Dynafrom4
On battle.net
Writer - Dynafrom
Editor - Dynafrom
Pictures - Dynafrom
Video - Dynafrom
Everything Else - Dynafrom
Person Who Helped find Errors - THIS COULD BE YOU!!
Kraka (Young Immortal)
Useful Links-
Feel free to leave comments/suggestions to improve the guide.
Business & Computer Science major