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i cant decide if i am going to start playing again....i want to play, but at the same time i dont. diablo can be so much fun and so addicting, but it can also be very annoying and frustrating(mostly because of the jerks that populate bnet) at the same time. also i used to play so much, i dont know if i want to give up all that time again that i used to spend playing...
anyone know what i mean? heh
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Bloodangel26 Wrote:i cant decide if i am going to start playing again....i want to play, but at the same time i dont. diablo can be so much fun and so addicting, but it can also be very annoying and frustrating(mostly because of the jerks that populate bnet) at the same time. also i used to play so much, i dont know if i want to give up all that time again that i used to spend playing...
anyone know what i mean? heh Yeah, I do, I have lost 5 different accounts, all just as I got godly, and this last time I told my friend if I lost another account I was going to quit, forever. Well, I got banned again and I had to keep my word, but I want to play again, but I don't. It is very confusing =S
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Sorry for stealing your topic Bloodangel, but also I started playing Hardcore now. I'm making a hammerdin, with the intention of taking him to lvl 80. If he survives until then, I'll buy him the equipment (Enigma, HOTO, such things). Also, 80+ I am not going to a single public baalrun. I have the fortune of already having tons of friends in HC, so that won't be a problem.
Can anyone give me any advice on what I should be looking out for? Are things done differently in Hardcore as opposed to Softcore?
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are you playing europe server still? if you switched over to us east hcl i might have a few things to help you get started, since i am not using them anymore. for the most part the same things you would want on sc are good on hc. obviously you need to focus a lot more on your life than you might have in sc. full rejuvs are extremely important...start collecting asap
if you are doing private runs you wont run into pkers, so that will help you out quite a bit. pkers are the biggest thing to watch for on hc in my opinion, so its good that you are only doing private. if you arent getting CS'ed the best way to lvl is to get enchanted. but watch out for public chant games, those are pkers too sometimes. until you get that godly gear going, WATCH OUT FOR SOULS AND DOLLS! i cant really think of anything else at the moment but if you have any more specific questions i'll try to answer them
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I'm still Europe, but thanks for the offer. Fortunately, I still have a decent amount of forum gold left at d2jsp, so I can buy myself the essential equipment (Eni, hoto etc), but I don't want to do it before I reach level 80.
I didn't know the part on full rejuvs... Guess it's time to start getting them.
I leveled 1->15 by being enchanted (44 atm), and it was pretty efficient. Fortunately, I have a friend who's got an enchanter, so that won't be a problem. Can you still level with enchant around the levels of 40 and 50? I doubt it, because my hammers already do over a few thousand damage...
Also, I don't think that souls and dolls shall be such a big problem, since I am definately getting an act3 merc with Lawbringer... (The aura keeps the undead away and stuns them). Also, my brother has a sorc, so I won't be teleing to the throne...
What about annies and torches? Do you recommend getting low ones because you cannot salvage them?
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yea, i wouldnt recommend spending extra for higher torches/annis unless you are pretty confident you will not be dying. because like you said, you cant get them back if you die even if you have someone to loot you.
i dont recommend chanted leveling after 25 personally. what i do is start at lvl 1, go get cain will get you to about 9. do countess, will get you to about 12. andy will get you to around 14, so you are almost ready to tomb. either get a rush thru a2 or go through it with your chant will put you in tombs range. then tomb till 20. if you have high chant and a ravenclaw, do chanted cows till 24, if not keep tombing to 24. you can figure it out from there, same as sc. but yea, your hammers will probably do about as much damage as the chant after like lvl 50, so just do baal runs like normal.
good strategy for the dolls/souls...make sure the merc stays alive though or you might all the sudden have a problem
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Oh my ****ing god, I am already on the verge of quitting Hardcore. Basically, the only reason for why I started playing Diablo again, and Hardcore in particular was because one of my friends started again. He is the most 1337 person I have ever met in Diablo. After his restart, he had already acquired a fortune of 12 Ists (that is shitloads in Europe) in one week, without anybody's help. He also managed to take down dclone with a cold sorc (no good eq yet).
So this friend of mine was baaling me in Nightmare, since he told me that you go to hell at level 70, instead of the 60 in softcore. We got a nice run going, I was already level 67, almost ready to go to Hell, when this guy entered with BMPK. You can read about it here: , his name there is David, one of the biggest Pkers in Europe. Anyway, it's a very good PK hack. This guy killed four people in our run, I barely managed to save and exit, but that friend of mine and another estonian guy both got killed... Meaning, that he lost his perfect Dusk Shroud CoH, anni, arach, etc, so he's left with absolutely nothing...
I don't want to leave the impression that I'm crying for support here, but what I'm saying is that hardcore seems pretty pointless if you manage to make a 1337 high level character and then some smacktard comes and kills you... Have a look on the site, they kill loads of high level characters all the time... **** this, I am not entering another public game in HC, and I will not Baal with anyone that I don't know.
Anyway, sorry for this outburst...
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Playing D2 can get to the point sometimes where it seems the only fun thing to do is pk, he he >8), maybe you need to take a break. Start a new game, Kal Online is a really good alternative, a lot better than D2, Koreans can make some games I'll tell you. Try it.
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you know you kindly forgot to tell us THE WHOLE GAME IS IN KOREAN hot damn it look so cool to but i dont plan on learning korean or any other oriental language till around college hell im in class so i couldnt see all the details but you can redeem yourself if you can prove that it has language options
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zerokool Wrote:Playing D2 can get to the point sometimes where it seems the only fun thing to do is pk, he he >8), maybe you need to take a break. Start a new game, Kal Online is a really good alternative, a lot better than D2, Koreans can make some games I'll tell you. Try it.
I just took a break. I only restarted about 2 days ago. I really like D2 HC, but those damn PKers :S.
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yea, i warned you...pkers really can ruin the fun of the game...i hope your friend at least muled the ists?
zero, by pk i think you are referring to dueling on sc. but if you do really mean pk on hc, **** you, go to hell.
i really wish i could hack that site or at least some of the people on it to get them back for all the misery they've caused others. wish they would at least have the courage to duel people to kill them, instead of cowardly tppk..i'd like to meet a tppker offline to show them what its really like to be a bully...
on a brighter note, i made a seperate thread on this, but i decided to start playing scl and need to get CS'd. so if anyone can help a vet out i'd much appreciate it and would pay you back later
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lol bloodangel You dont know anything about hacking haha, why not go start again and join my clan. well i dont technically own it and I only play scl SO if you do decide to play hardcore and need of friends go sign up for hardcore.
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your right i dont know anything about hacking...i'll consider the clan thing, i already have a good # of friends on hcl. only 1 or 2 on scl
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I highly recommend you reference your friends to join. (you cannot have non clan members on f list) also if you dont care. tell them to post that i sent them. lol ;p
oh yeah and while you are at it. go download xfire
(just do a search on google, it'll pop right on top)
or w/e
tis' like msn and yahoo messenger but WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better becuase you can send messege's within game
and doesnt lag you as much, I would know I have a crappy computer. haha..
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screw that if they are so picky that they dont let you have non clan memebers on your flist
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zero also forgot to mention that though the game itself is free the currency in the game is generated by REAL money real money that i dont have real money that i dont anyone has thats why we're playing d2 instead of WoW duh
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Red_Brilliance Wrote:zero also forgot to mention that though the game itself is free the currency in the game is generated by REAL money real money that i dont have real money that i dont anyone has thats why we're playing d2 instead of WoW duh
huh? what are you talking about? that korean game he posted?
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...the game is free, but u need real money to get the items? thats pretty ****ed up
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yes, that game apparently sucks, but lets get back on topic
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bloodangel26 so crazy but yeah i think you should get the ladder only items