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free trade agreement
ill do this agrement thing i got alot of stuff i dont need or use my accnt isd Ptitty05
hey thanx for the help meet me on wednesday ill msg u when i get on.

and my mfing is gettin better since i started doin countess runs i picked up three unique exceptionals in one run if i find any thing like a ss ill post it on here.

O and good news some one saw my post and is going to quit d2 so hes gonna give me his mule account i will soon have many gf, ss, botd and other things when i get access to the account i will list all the items and allow u all to pick some of them.

they will be free of charge to u so dont worry abount gettin anythin to trade.
3 exptional uniqs in one countess run thats nice
i was surprised to i almost pissed my pants and they went that bad either but i already traded them for a titans revenge and a soj. for my new zon an now i just need a buriza and an enigma but ill get those by myself.
TwistedJoker Wrote:hey uber if i find any aldurs you can have ok? i got arreats alfzz you can have it
kewl.....when are u on?whats ur time there?GMT+/- what?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
I am trying to build a sorc, pally and barb.... so noob, but i need items. i will be willing to share items that my char. dont need. my acc. name is xXC.netXx.
i got a wolfhowl and demon limb if anyone needs
West non ladder
hey alfzzz i live in on alot...GMT + 1:00
#29 GMT+8 lol....
i got beginner pally shield i can give if u need....stormclash or
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
from what twisted told me.....he gave almost everything to chromium may i see what he gave?I need armour and swords only....and pdscs....or if ure good enough may i have the gaze he gave u for my ama? =)
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
i have a lightsabre and a hellslayer and a couple peices of good armor. i dont knoe the next time ill be on but when i am ill msg u when i get on. i also have a couple items that i found last night
hey you guys! I' very noob and i was wondering if i could join your free trade thing... i just started my first character and he is a level 17 paladin on useast.. and by the way is baranar's star good? Because sum guy dropped it for me for free. and to Uber_Diablo i have the aldur helm if you dont have it yet, but i put 2 perfect topaz's in it. Smile
o ya, my account name is SamKrebs
u are on us east though most of us are on us west so youll have to make a new account o get som help. no i dont really need those items anymore im just fine its my brother that need the aldurs set and yes finally baranars star is very good for vengence palis until u get somethin like a lightsabre or the new azurewrath.
uber D....kewl...i need those...btw,i dun need the gaze...keep it for urself...ull need it... =) i am a barb,obviously ill need high anyone have nice pdcs?(poison dmg charms)[regardless of size....just need high dmg] =)
thank you everyone...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
sorry for double posting....but is anyone kind enough to give me a 40/ request for a lot eh.... =)
and ill shall emphasize that i need more = )
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
does anybody have some free stuff for a trap assn like bartucs or vipermagi or some other stuff
Hay i am tryin to make an OK mf sorc and i really need some help gettin an occy Sad if ne one could help me out i would appriciate it soooooo much ty
hey ill be on today 1 got a lot of items like a hellslayer a lightsabre 2 unique mage plates and a lot of other things youll have to meet me to see what they are. srry alfzz no 40/15's but lots of other things u may be able to use.
also srry fordouble posting but hey that gaze and the other items i have kept i relly needed for my new amazon cuz i onky have 1 character that i can mf pvp and kil monsters with so thats why im making a new char. but everything else is ffree for u.

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