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free trade agreement
lol sry dont got any extras.......

haha 300 posts on this thread
Ok.. Sad
My account is Greenmen13
I lost my favorite account and I am trying to my things back some how:confused:

It would be nice to give me tal rasha armor
how did u looose ure account and what relm and ladder or nl and hc or sc do u play on ?
Well blizzard won't help me get my account back because I lost my password.
I go on the West Realm, Non-ladder,and Non-hardcore
do u need help il give some stuff tips etc

oh yea im on useast my acc name is Mista_Bean
I can help ya in 3 weeks....hope ur patient Smile
Hey guys...i really need help...ill jus get to the point str8 off poor on bnet...and i need help...i have a lvl 76 necro wit full trang 2 sojs and marrows wit white wand....but.....i hate him
im lookin for ne help(cold sorc mf gear)
acc name RebelSoldier
USWest Non Ladder
Aight hello everyone i made new account Big Grin hehe messed up on old ones name i was [Dr.PepperRulea but now i am new and improved Dr.PepperRules workin on my sig and my avatar right now but its goin good so i am happy Big Grin

w00tw00t i got my avatar workin hehehe thats pimp aight now on to my sig aidos

PS if u need ne items just msg me in game i am USW L SC Dr.PepperRules Cool

hay does ne one have a wf or some good pally items u could hook me up with???? if so msg me Dr.PepperRules

OOOOO BABY after about an hour of gettin the dang thing to work finally got my sig up woot woot Big Grin

YES I AM SOOO PUMPED I GOT IT UP (lol it was hard for me Sad call me dumb) Big Grin but i still am pumped!!! Cool
Does anyone need buriza on UsWNL...i am giving away free...
Just need a HoZ!!!(i know i said that a lot of times...)
Heh...if ure good enuf,add in a um...Big Grin
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
does anybody need arreats or jalals on useast non ladder
I don't on useast non ladder.
does anyone have a skullders i can have, i really need for my new mf sorc im us east ladder softcore. i have a couple tings i can give away but im kinda poor my only good things are on my characters but if u need anything msg me and ask ill see if i got, cool_blue69 is my account
I have 6 ladder char on USWest I'm giving serious thought to clearing them out, since they were my first chars and didn't have the best skill point distribution. I have a lvl 76 bowazon with a p skulled Buriza and other stuff, a lvl 52 assassin with dual bartucs, and some other stuff. I will be on later this evening, USWLadder acct *stickman1971.
Evil_Leprechaun Wrote:Hey guys...i really need help...ill jus get to the point str8 off poor on bnet...and i need help...i have a lvl 76 necro wit full trang 2 sojs and marrows wit white wand....but.....i hate him
im lookin for ne help(cold sorc mf gear)
acc name RebelSoldier
USWest Non Ladder

evil, do u have som pnb gcs? or life sc's, i can get u some mf stuffs...
...z...doesnt anyone have a spare hoz?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
sry alfzz i play east and west but not nl i play both ladder....
Smile Ultimate , Nick . If thats are the Demon Arch I gave you ,I feel happy . I found Ethereal Titan's yesterday . You need them , Nick ???

And ... erm . That ' information telling sig ' was kool before I started seeing that more than 1 person had it .
hmmm any1 here except me that play Single Player? I find it sooo much more amusing
Nope, and never will...

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