03-14-2006, 02:25 PM
I am maknig a ladder useast hammerdine i jsut need to know what skills and how much and what stat pts to use and how much. I have items that i can order so tell me if these items are good for ahammerdine
Heart of The Oak
Hearld of Zachlum
Arachnid Mesh
Harlequin Crest
Seraulls hymn- I May have spelled wrong.
2 SoJ's
Tell me if i should change anyhting or take off soemthing or addsomehting. I dont have any gloves. I dont know what ones are good ones. Plz reply soon. I havea b day march 15 so i need to know by that morning what i need and the skills and so on for a perfect hammerdine. I wil lbe ordering the items march 15 also. Thx bye
Heart of The Oak
Hearld of Zachlum
Arachnid Mesh
Harlequin Crest
Seraulls hymn- I May have spelled wrong.
2 SoJ's
Tell me if i should change anyhting or take off soemthing or addsomehting. I dont have any gloves. I dont know what ones are good ones. Plz reply soon. I havea b day march 15 so i need to know by that morning what i need and the skills and so on for a perfect hammerdine. I wil lbe ordering the items march 15 also. Thx bye