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Bot Died
my bot died in a half a second at pindle, i guess it was its gear, stat pts, and skill pts. when i use her, i can kill with ease, it just depends on where i tele, and attack. can someone post a good guide to a mf char setup? or give me a link to one?
...what kinda sorc was it
it was a blizz sorc, but it is pretty old, i havent bothered to make a new once since it can kill meph and pindle with ease.
well i dont know how well a cold sorc can do on this, better leave it up to someone with experience with a cold bot sorc
you're using Blizzard right ?
ya, the whole,
hollowpoint2urhead Wrote:it was a blizz sorc
might have been a hint. lol
Another question... do you have a merc? =P

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