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I need an opinion or two
Which is the best a summoner, a shape shifter or a ele druid, i have a hard time deciding which is better, i have made an ele druid but he seemed to suck, even with magefist, enigma, hoto, and jalals...What should i be wearing and why? what does it do and what can it do for me...or if you want to answer that for which type is best go for it i just need an opinion so i can start building another druid..
Summon/Ele? i thought i saw a couple of Druid Guides somewhere around this forum
thing is i need to know peoples opinions on which type of druid is the best
Ele: Good for baal runs, Pvp.

Summon: Not that good at all.

SSer: Great for Pvp.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
i like wind ele druids myself....theyre decent if you have not good gear and great if you are godly
summoner druids are better than shapeshifters, believe it or not lol

at a high lvl, the bear does huge dmg and has a shitload of life. most chars with average life (casters) die in 1-2 hits from the bear. the build although is very BM, as the strategy is to stay in town and just summon bears, letting them nk ppl after killing them. the good things of this build is that u will never die during pvp, only ur bear will Smile
id say wind druid..its very good in pvp
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Yeah Elemental Druid are nice in PvP
Elemental druids are good all-arounders, I suggest you remake one.
Ele druid with max block --> ownz pvp and pvm
Thanks guys for your does anyone have a Guide to a PvA which is Player vs all, i need to know what to stats and skills into because i hate dying in a4..
Search the forums here. There is a good Wind ele druid guide that really helps. Since it's for 1.10 there are minor changes need to be done but nothing dramatic. I refer a lot to this site when I'm about to create a new char.

BTW I think Wind Druids are one of the best characters
What skill do you use for a Summoner if not a druid...what i mean by skill i mean i go with vines, wolves, or a bear..or what is the best..i wanna be a somewhat pvp but in the same sense a pvm if i have to be...What i really need is a Real PvP guide...if someone can tell me what post i can find it in..that would be appreciated
well you for sure are not going to go vine as your main thing...bears are great, but they kind of suck pvm because there is only one of them and they can get overwhelmed easily by large groups. but bears are still way better than wolves, i dont think wolves can do much damage(somebody correct me if i am wrong). either way, you are going to want to max oak. and i'd go with a carrion vine, just one point in it, to help keep your life full when you are doing pvm.
yes, bears are best. u dont really need vines, u need a few in oak sage, u gotta max bear + wolves since they are synergies. the bear can do a shitload of dmg at a high lvl, and if u use enigma u can tele him away if he gets overwhelmed. but its a little harder to pvm with a bear, cuz bosses kill summons exrtemely fast.
wind druids are good too, but can be a bit costly
i've always found the vines very useful...
ShapeShister are the best of the best in pvp. Equipt with the right stuff and use fury/oak sage/wolf/and lycanthropy.

2x raven frost
rising sun ammy
thundergods vigor
botd/grief beserker axe

Note*If your dueling melee you can use angelics...
Use it right and its godly pvm and pvp Tongue
A ele PvP ele druid will do fine PvM. so just find you a good PvP guide and follow it, and it should be awesome in PvM also. Just as long as you have max resistances...
Well, ele druid is good but if you have a shako + maras + ss and some other stuff, trade the ss and some other stuff for a hoz and make a hammerdin.
Yea.. Hammerdin = PwnZor

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