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Bot Is NOT picking up items
My Bot would sometimes kill every monster in pindle, and i would see items drop, but i woudnt see my bot picking crap up. it just stands there then leaves the game and it would just pickup items either 1 or 2 runs.

here is whats in my events log.

03/24 15:52:10 [i]>
03/24 15:52:10 [i]> ========================================
03/24 15:52:10 [i]> mm.BOT.544B6u3 was launched for Battle mode.
03/24 15:52:10 [i]> ========================================
03/24 15:52:10 [i]>
03/24 15:52:10 [i]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> PKID loaded 358 XUniques statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> PKID loaded 551 XRares statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> PKID loaded 9 Sets statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> PKID loaded 169 Grays statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> PKID loaded 64 Whites statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:11 [i]> PKID loaded 175 Magics statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 1326 Total statistics in iding database.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 225 XUniques items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 71 XRares items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 9 Sets items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 31 Grays items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 39 Whites items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 51 Magics items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> PKID loaded 426 Total items to pickup.
03/24 15:52:12 [i]> 2 Cd-key sets available.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> Cd-Key set id 1 correctly injected into .mpq files
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded Precast with 5 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded GotoPindle with 10 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded Blizz1 with 9 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded CTA with 10 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded Blizz2 with 5 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded QuickTele with 5 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded IB with 6 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded Pickit with 3 commands.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> SEQUENCER loaded 8 Total sequences.
03/24 15:52:13 [i]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
03/24 15:52:14 [i]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
03/24 15:52:15 [i]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
03/24 15:52:15 [i]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
03/24 15:52:27 [i]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
03/24 15:52:27 [i]> Diablo II started.
03/24 15:52:36 [i]> Login done.
03/24 15:52:38 [i]> Character selected.
03/24 15:52:38 [i]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started. [Games created yet: 1]
03/24 15:52:52 [i]> Game Created successfully.
03/24 15:52:52 [i]> Starting from Act5.
03/24 15:52:54 [i]> Inventory reference:

== Inventory: ==
o o o o + + + + + +
o o o o + + + + + +
o o o o + + + + + +
o o o o + + + + + +

03/24 15:52:55 [i]> Inventory: 24 used 1*1 spaces.
03/24 15:52:55 [i]> The maximum PicKit clicks have been cuted to 4 max.
03/24 15:53:17 [W]> Time out while switching. Cannot see primary skin at left skill when switching back. Retry.
03/24 15:53:20 [E]> Time out while switching. Cannot see primary skin at left skill when switching back.
03/24 15:53:20 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ10 => SWITCH2 . 0 . 0
03/24 15:53:20 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying CTA sequence.
03/24 15:53:23 [i]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 30.8 seconds.
03/24 15:53:23 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
03/24 15:53:23 [i]> The first run must return successful status everytime.

and here is my sequence that i use for my blizzard sorc:

;==========>>Ramadash Script Series<<============
;=== Script: Super-Fast Blizzard Sorceress sequence
;=== Author: Ramadash
;=== Based: Nicotine
;=== Monsters: Pindle
;=== Version: 5.44B6
;=== Date: FEB. 05, 2005
;=== Tested: Hell
;=== WebSite:
;=== Email: [email protected]

;=== N/A

@Teleport_Key = F1 ; Teleport Skill Key (must have it)
@Blizzard_Key = F2 ; ChainLightning Skill Key (must have it)
@IB_key=F3 ; Ice Blast Key (must have it)
@Shiver_Armor_Key = F4 ; Frozen Armor Skill Key (put a blank if you dont have)
@Battle_Commands_key = F5
@Battle_Orders_Key = F6
@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle = 100,200 ; <mini>,<maxi> TOWN random delay (ms.)
@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay = 1200 ; Delay before retry to teleport (ms.)
@Timeout_Pindle_Attack = 15000 ; Maximum main attack time on Pindle (ms.)
@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay = 200,300 ; Random Delay when casting CTA or Pre-Cast (ms.)
@Key_Push_Delay = 10 ; Delay to let the Skills appears at right click (ms.)
;///<sequence name="">MAIN</sequence>
;/// Here is the part that will tell the bot wich of the sequences defined above to execute.
;/// Each sequences are either "from-start-to-end" (sequencename,0) where the 0 tell's that
;/// the sequence will end after it is executed once.
;/// They can also "loop" (execute itself more than one time and exit when some conditions are met)
;/// like if the sequence timed out (the timeout replace the 0 and is in milliseconds, 1000MS=1sec)
;/// so if you do mySequence,2000, it will exit after 2 seconds if no other conditions are met
;/// eg: CMDEAD(Check Monster Dead), CLM (Check Life Mana), CML (Check Merc Life)
;/// to know more about each loops, refer to the comments above each of them.
;///<sequence name="">Precast</sequence>
;/// This is the precast; it will press the key tied to @Frozen_Armor_Key
;/// then make a Mouseclick with the right mouse button (so it will cast frozen armor)
;/// Energy shield is not supported; if you wan't to use it you need to implement it yourself.
;///<sequence name="">GoToPindle</sequence>
;/// this call the function A5WPtoATP wich is Needed to walk from the precast position to the red portal.
;/// after this it press the teleport hotkey you defined in the variables at the start of this sequence;
;/// it then perform 3 teleports and land close to pindle, hiding a little below the left wall
K(@Teleport_Key); Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay); Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(400,-310); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay); Wait End of Teleport.
RC(735,35); No green blocks in the screen, lets do a "Blind" Teleport click here.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay); Wait End of Teleport.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay); Wait End of Teleport.
;///<sequence name="">Blizz1</sequence>
;/// This is the first blizzard that the sorceress will cast; it will do a double click at a position.
;/// after this it will do another click at a different postition; the wall sometime prevent us
;/// to cast at the first position.
;///<sequence name="">CTA</sequence>
;/// This is the sequence that will cast cta
;/// note; if you don't want to use cta, you will need to add a sleep there instead
;/// the way my sequence works, it blizz once, then cast cta; by that time the blizz timer
;/// will end, and you will cast blizz again after, so if you wan't not to use cta;
;/// delete everything included in that sequence, and put a sleep instead.
;/// start with S(2000) and work your way down until you are able to cast a 2nd blizz righ after.
;/// note on cta use; to prevent useless questions (and endless also)
;/// I will try to explain how cta work the best I can.
;/// the Cta use your left skills to detect if you changed weapon tab.
;/// so let's say you have glacial spike on your left skill, if you switch to cta
;/// and on your cta tab you still have glacial spike, the bot will end and you will have an error.
;/// so in order to cast cta, when you switch, your left skill needs to be different.
;/// so you have glacial spike on left skill, you switch, and you have normal attack on left skill
;/// then the bot will reckonize the weapon changed.
;/// try not have ANY skills attached to left skill tab or you might either;
;/// 1. never make a run susceed
;/// 2. sleep for 720 minutes after a set of time
;/// If youhave any problems with cta after those explanations then I think you need to give up botting.
SWITCH2; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch back to primary gear).
;///<sequence name="">Blizz2</sequence>
;/// this sequence is basically the same as blizz 1, with the difference that it only click once,
;/// sleep for 1/10th of a second, and attack close to the sorceress (to follow pindle movement)
;/// nothing should need editing in this sequence.
;///<sequence name="">QuickTele</sequence>
;/// this will tele in the middle of the room, and at the same time replace the teleport
;/// that was first used with the original sequence (so you dont get stuck in the wall)
;/// it also can make monsters move in your blizzard if they counter it
;/// it also makes your Ice Blast's most likely to hit.
;///<sequence name="">IB</sequence>
;/// this is the finishing sequence using Ice Blast skill.
;/// at this point usually only ~2 pindle minions remain, IB is faster to kill them since you can aim
;///<sequence name="">Pickit</sequence>
;/// well... what more to say?

I only have one key but i use this script because its the only blizzard sorc pindle script that works properly for me. Also i set it to long delays to prevent realm downs/ip bans.

If anyone knows why my bot is not picking up items most of the time please do tell me why. Thanks in Advanced.

p.s can someone tell me why Shiver Armor and BO is not working proplerly, sometimes it bo's sometimes it doesnt at all, and sometimes it just uses BO as its main weapon and doesnt switch back to its first weapons.
Your bot isnt having issues with picking up items. Its not running right in the first place.

Are you using CTA if not you have to disable warcrys. REad your script for this "
;/// This is the sequence that will cast cta
;/// note; if you don't want to use cta, you will need to add a sleep there instead
;/// the way my sequence works, it blizz once, then cast cta; by that time the blizz timer
;/// will end, and you will cast blizz again after, so if you wan't not to use cta;
;/// delete everything included in that sequence, and put a sleep instead.
;/// start with S(2000) and work your way down until you are able to cast a 2nd blizz righ after.
;/// note on cta use; to prevent useless questions (and endless also)
;/// I will try to explain how cta work the best I can.
;/// the Cta use your left skills to detect if you changed weapon tab.
;/// so let's say you have glacial spike on your left skill, if you switch to cta
;/// and on your cta tab you still have glacial spike, the bot will end and you will have an error.
;/// so in order to cast cta, when you switch, your left skill needs to be different.
;/// so you have glacial spike on left skill, you switch, and you have normal attack on left skill
;/// then the bot will reckonize the weapon changed.
;/// try not have ANY skills attached to left skill tab or you might either;
;/// 1. never make a run susceed
;/// 2. sleep for 720 minutes after a set of time
;/// If youhave any problems with cta after those explanations then I think you need to give

if you are, im not certain but i believe your left skill has to be different on weapon set 1 than on weapon set 2.

then the last thing is you shouldnt have so many charms.
i do use cta, and the first 4 columns of my inventory is empty for the bot to pickup things. And also it does uses the cta but it rareley happens.

Additional Comment:
okay nvm i got the bot to work well with the cta and its warcrying. When i changed my spells to Shiver_Armor_Key instead of Chilling Armor_Key i forgot to change it in the pre-cast " K(@Frozen_Armor_Key) ", But STILL my bot is NOT picking up the items that pindle drops. Sometimes it would but most of the time its not. Sometimes the bot kills pindle and all minions, and leaves game w/o picking up items, and sometimes when pindle is dead first before his minions, bot would tele in middle of pack then fail to pickup stuff then leave.

if its my pkid.ini heres whats in it:

; v 1.0
; ================================================== ===========================
; ================================================== ===========================
; Special thanks to MozartMcLaus that converted original compiler from Au3
; (was slow...) to C++. Also other thanks to Robert Chady for his fixes in
; last compiler release (adding items sections & typo).
; Special thanks too for all people that added items and advices.
; ================================================== ===========================
; Any line that *contains* the ' ; ' symbol will be considered as comment.
; Note: Never forget: the bot item string reader is Case Sensitive.
; ================================================== ===========================
; ================================================== ===========================
; - MAKE A "DEATH TEST" in pvp game or with a friend to check if you get
; back all your items properly when clicking on your body (Strenght bug).
; - Have 8 left free columns in inventory if you use default settings below !
; ====================== WARNING: VERY RESTRICTIVE PKID =======================
; - Settings below are very restrictive... Keeping only the vey best items.
; - If you need a more "tolerant" PkId just look/ask in forums about
; - You can also simply edit this file, replacing statistics with "Stash".
; ================================================== ===========================

;################################################# ######################
;############################ XUNIQUE ITEMS ############################
;################################################# ######################
[XUniques items section]

"Tal Rune" = "Sold"
"Ral Rune" = "Sold"
"Ort Rune" = "Sold"
"Thul Rune" = "Sold"
"Amn Rune" = "Stash"
"Sol Rune" = "Sold"
"Shael Rune" = "Stash"
"Dol Rune" = "Sold"
"Hel Rune" = "Stash"
"Io Rune" = "Sold"
"Lum Rune" = "Sold"
"Ko Rune" = "Stash"
"Fal Rune" = "Stash"
"Lem Rune" = "Stash"
"Pul Rune" = "Stash"
"Um Rune" = "Stash"
"Mal Rune" = "Stash"
"Ist Rune" = "Stash"
"Gul Rune" = "Stash"
"Vex Rune" = "Stash"
"Ohm Rune" = "Stash"
"Lo Rune" = "Stash"
"Sur Rune" = "Stash"
"Ber Rune" = "Stash"
"Jah Rune" = "Stash"
"Cham Rune" = "Stash"
"Zod Rune" = "Stash"

; Only keep lvl 50 or more amulets (remove Nokozan to Saracen)
"Amulet" = "MINLVL:20"
; Only keep lvl 29 or more rings (remove Nagel and Manald)
"Ring" = "MINLVL:20"
"Helms" = "Elite"
"Shields" = "Elite"
"Belts" = "Elite"
"Axes" = "Elite"
"Swords" = "Elite"
"Boots" = "Elite"
"Gloves" = "Elite"
"Paladin Shields" = "Elite"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Elite"
"Spears" = "Elite"
"Bows" = "Elite"
"Polearms" = "Elite"
"Body Armors" = "Elite"
"Amazon Weapons" = "Elite"
"Barbarian Helms" = "Elite"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite"
"Wands" = "Elite"
"Paladin Shields" = "Exceptional"
"Body Armors" = "Exceptional"
"Helms" = "Exceptional"
"Scepters" = "Elite"
"Scepters" = "Exceptional"

"Small Charm" = "Stash"
"Large Charm" = "Stash"
"Grand Charm" = "Stash"
"Jewel" = "Stash"

"Monarch" = "Stash"
;"Grim Shield" = "Stash"
"Demonhide Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%185"
"Dusk Shroud" = "15%" | "Enchant"
"Wire Fleece" = "Ethereal" & "AC%190"
"Balrog Skin" = "+2 to" & "AC%177" | "+2 to" & "Ethereal"
"Kraken Shell" = "DAMRED%24"
"Shadow Plate" = "Ethereal" & "AC%210"
"Sacred Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%210" | "MINLVL:84"
"Serpentskin Armor" = "ALLRES%35" & "y 13"
"Cuirass" = "Ethereal" & "AC%195"
"Mesh Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%215"
"Russet Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%190"
"Templar Coat" = "Ethereal" & "AC%195"
"Chaos Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%190"
; Note: if you find the SarkTooth armor below on Europe Realm contact me.
"Sharktooth Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%210"

"Scarabshell Boots" = "Ethereal"
"Boneweave Boots" = "AC%195" & "+20" & "+17"
"Myrmidon Greaves" = "DEX+23"
"War Boots" = "AC%195"
"Battle Boots" = "MF%40"
"Sharkskin Boots" = "AC%200" & "LIFE+63"
"Boots" = "Normal" & "+6 Defense"

"Shako" = "Stash"
"Spired Helm" = "15%"
"Demonhead" = "LS%10" & "AC%140" | "Ethereal"
"Corona" = "(2)"
"Bone Visage" = "(2)" & "STR+30" & "MINDEF:440"
"Casque" = "MF%47" & "AC%230" & "Ethereal"
"Death Mask" = "AC%220" | "Ethereal" & "AC%210"
"Grand Crown" = "12% Life" & "AC%198" | "12% Life" & "AC%190" & "Ethereal"
"Grim Helm" = "Ethereal" & "DAMRED%19" & "LS%7"

"Diadem" = "Stash"
"Tiara" = "Stash"

"Vampirebone Gloves" = "+15 to Str"
"Ogre Gauntlets" = "Stash"
"Light Gauntlets" = "AC%30"
"Chain Gloves" = "MF%40"
"Gauntlets" = "AC%20"
"Heavy Gloves" = "AC%20"

"Spiderweb Sash" = "Stash"
"Mithril Coil" = "DAMRED%15"
"Battle Belt" = "AC%170"
"War Belt" = "AC%195"

"Ward Bow" = "ED%195" & "+5"
"Hydra Bow" = "Stash"

"Archon Staff" = "Stash"
"Quarterstaff" = "ED%295" & "Ethereal"

"Lich Wand" = "+3 to Bone S" & "+3 to Bone W" & "+5 to Bone A" & "+5 to T"
"Unearthed Wand" = "Stash"

"Caduceus" = "Stash"

"Tusk Sword" = "ED%190" & "Ethereal"
"Espandon" = "ED%200" | "ED%195" & "Ethereal"
"Phase Blade" = "ED%200"
"Colossus Blade" = "ED%245"

"Fanged Knife" = "ED%295" | "Ethereal"
;"Bone Knife" = "Stash"
"Legend Spike" = "ED%240"

"Battle Dart" = "Ethereal" & "ED%160"
"Francisca" = "Ethereal" & "ED%180"
"Winged Knife" = "Ethereal" & "ED%240"
"Winged Axe" = "Ethereal" & "ED%200"

"Berserker Axe" = "Ethereal" & "ED%270"

"Yari" = "Ethereal" & "ED%195"
"Lance" = "Ethereal" & "ED%195"

"Ogre Axe" = "ED%318" & "Ethereal"
"Thresher" = "Ethereal"
"Cryptic Axe" = "(3)" & "Ethereal"

"Tyrant Club" = "ED%230"
"Scourge" = "ED%290"
"Martel de Fer" = "ED%160"
"Legendary Mallet" = "Required Level: 68" & "ED%315" | "Required Level: 79" & "ED%125"

"Blood Spirit" = "+4 to Shape Shifting"
"Totemic Mask" = "AC%199"
"Earth Spirit" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "24%" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "25%"
"Sky Spirit" = "ALLRES%23" & "-19%" | "ALLRES%23" & "-20%"

"Fury Visor" = "+3 to Wa" & "+6 to Fe" & "+6 to Ly" & "+6 to We"
"Slayer Guard" = "6%" & "AC%199" | "5%" & "AC%195" & "Ethereal"
"Conqueror Crown" = "AC%165" & "+2 to Battle Co" & "+2 To Battle Or"
"Destroyer Helm" = "+3 to Co" & "+3 to Wa" & "+3 to Ma"

"Bloodlord Skull" = "+3 to Po" & "+3 to Su" & "+3 to Cu" & "AC%170"
"Hierophant Trophy" = "AC%199"
"Succubus Skull" = "AC%140" & "+3 to Nec" & "ALLRES%28"

"Ceremonial Javelin" = "Stash"
"Matriarchal Javelin" = "+4 to" & "ED%195"

"Swirling Crystal" = "Stash"
"Eldritch Orb" = "+3 to"
"Dimensional Shard" = "Stash"

"Gilded Shield" = "Stash"

;################################################# ######################
;############################## SET ITEMS ##############################
;################################################# ######################
[Sets items section]

"Amulet" = "+2 to Sorce"
"Lacquered Plate" = "Stash"
"Mesh Belt" = "MF%15"
"Sacred Armor" = "Stash"
"Caduceus" = "Stash"
"Corona" = "Stash"
"Vortex Shield" = "Stash"
"Heavy Bracers" = "Stash"
"Scissors Suwayyah" = "Stash"

;################################################# ######################
;############################## XRARE ITEMS ############################
;################################################# ######################
[XRares items section]

"Armors" = "Sold"
"Swords" = "Sold"
; Line below is Rejuvenation potions...
"Rpot" = "Sold"
; Line below is Full Rejuvenation potions...
"Frpot" = "Sold"

"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Skill L" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill L" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Only)" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "(2)" & "LIFE+50" & "Resist"

"Jewel" = "Fast" & "Requi" | "Fast" & "STR+6" | "Fast" & "DEX+6" | "Fast" & "ED%25"
"Jewel" = "Fast" & "ALLRES%8" | "Fast" & "Resist" | "Requi" & "STR+6" | "Requi" & "DEX+6"
"Jewel" = "Requi" & "ED%25" | "Requi" & "ALLRES%8" | "Requi" & "Resist" | "STR+6" & "DEX+6"
"Jewel" = "STR+6" & "ED%25" | "STR+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "STR+6" & "Resist" | "DEX+6" & "ED%25"
"Jewel" = "DEX+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "DEX+6" & "Resist" | "ED%25" & "ALLRES%8" | "ED%25" & "Resist"
"Jewel" = "AR+50" & "ED%25" | "AR+50" & "Fast" | "AR+50" & "Requi" | "AR+50" & "STR+6"
"Jewel" = "AR+50" & "DEX+6" | "AR+50" & "ALLRES%8" | "AR+50" & "Resist" | "To Mana" & "Fast"
"Jewel" = "To Mana" & "Requi" | "To Mana" & "STR+6" | "To Mana" & "DEX+6" | "To Mana" & "ALLRES%8"
"Jewel" = "To Mana" & "Resist" | "To Mana" & "ENE+6" | "ENE+6" & "Fast" | "ENE+6" & "Requi"
"Jewel" = "ENE+6" & "STR+6" | "ENE+6" & "DEX+6" | "ENE+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "ENE+6" & "Resist"
"Jewel" = "MAXDAM+19" | "MINDAM+13" | "ED%25" & "MINDAM+8" | "ED%25" & "MAXDAM+13"
; Note (%ED associated with Min/Max) is bugged in D2 : use such jewels only on weapons.

;"Akaran Rondache" = "Iding and sold it"
;"Akaran Targe" = "Iding and sold it"
;"Royal Shield" = "Iding and sold it"
"Sacred Rondache" = "Iding and sold it"
"Sacred Targe" = "Iding and sold it"
"Vortex Shield" = "Iding and sold it"

"Polearms" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Polearms" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"

"Ring" = "Cast R" & "MANA+70" | "Cast R" & "MF%10" | "Cast R" & "STR+10"
"Ring" = "Cast R" & "DEX+10" | "Cast R" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "Cast R" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15" | "Cast R" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15"
"Ring" = "STR+10" & "MF%10" | "STR+10" & "DEX+10" | "STR+10" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "STR+10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "STR+10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"
"Ring" = "DEX+10" & "MF%10" | "DEX+10" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "DEX+10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "DEX+10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"
"Ring" = "MF%10" & "ALLRES%8" | "% Life" & "% Mana" | "LS%8" & "AR+100"
"Ring" = "MF%10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "MF%10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"

;"Chipped Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Skull" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Flawed Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Skull" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Amethyst" = "Sold"
;"Diamond" = "Sold"
;"Emerald" = "Sold"
;"Ruby" = "Sold"
;"Sapphire" = "Sold"
;"Skull" = "Sold"
;"Topaz" = "Sold"

;"Flawless Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Flawless Topaz" = "Stash"
;"Flawless Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Flawless Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Flawless Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Flawless Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Flawless Skull" = "Stash"

; Well only flawless stashed here.
;"Gems" = "MINLVL:15"

;################################################# ######################
;############################ MAGIC ITEMS ##############################
;################################################# ######################
[Magics items section]

"Armors" = "Sold"
"Swords" = "Sold"
"Ring" = "Fast" & "MANA+115" | "Fast" & "ALLRES%14"

"Amulet" = "+3 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+3 to" & "Only)" & "LIFE+70"

"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+3 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+3 to" & "Only)" & "LIFE+70"

"Small Charm" = "MAXDAM+3" | "MAXDAM_L+40" | "MAXDAM_C+13" | "MAXDAM_F+18"
"Small Charm" = "MAXDAM_P+100" | "LIFE+17" & "MANA+14" | "MF%7" | "ALLRES%4" | "11%"
"Small Charm" = "LIFE+18" & "add" | "LIFE+18" & "%" | "LIFE+19" | "MANA+16" | "AR+30" & "LIFE+17"

"Large Charm" = "MAXDAM+6" | "MAXDAM_L+80" | "MAXDAM_C+26" | "MAXDAM_F+36" | "MAXDAM_P+175"
"Large Charm" = "ALLRES%7" | "LIFE+29" & "MANA+19" | "LIFE+29" & "%" | "LIFE+29" & "add" | "AR+60" & "LIFE+30"

"Grand Charm" = "MAXDAM+9" | "ALLRES%13" | "AR+120" & "LIFE+32"
"Grand Charm" = "Sorc" | "Assa" | "Drui" | "Amaz" | "Necr" | "Pala" | "Barb"

;################################################# ####################
;############################ GRAY ITEMS #############################
;################################################# ####################
[Grays items section]

; Faith Grand Matron Bow
"Grand Matron Bow" = "+3 to Bow" & "(4)"

; Ethereal Hoto, spirit, or cta...

; Infinity polearms with at least a little EC%
"Thresher" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Great Poleaxe" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Cryptic Axe" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"

; Enigma or Fortitude good quality or very good base defense
;================================================= ==========
"Sacred Armor" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%13"
"Archon Plate" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%12"
"Dusk Shroud" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%12"
"Archon Plate" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "MINDEF:520" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Dusk Shroud" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "MINDEF:463" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Ethereal Random Sockets bugged ED with good base defense
;================================================= =========
"Sacred Armor" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:880" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Lacquered Plate" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:800" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Kraken Shell" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:775" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Archon Plate" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:775" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Enigma only perf AC%
"Scarab Husk" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"
"Wyrmhide" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"
"Breast Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"

; Enigma only, near perf base defense or good AC%
"Light Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%14" & "!Ethereal"
"Mage Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%14" & "!Ethereal"
;"Light Plate" = "(3)" & "MINDEF:105" & "!Ethereal" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Mage Plate" = "(3)" & "MINDEF:258" & "!Ethereal" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Superior with more than 3 sockets
"Berserker Axe" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "ED%7"
"Phase Blade" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "ED%7"

; PalaShields For Dream or Exile or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" | "Elite" & "Ed%55" & "!(1)" & "!(2)"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" | "Elite" & "Ed%55" & "!(1)" & "!(2)"
"Zakarum Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" | "Elite" & "Ed%55" & "!(1)" & "!(2)"

; Dream & Delirium Helms perf quality or very good base
;================================================= =====
"Bone Visage" = "AC%15" & "(3)"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:229" & "!Socket" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:153" & "(3)" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Demonhead" = "AC%15" & "(3)"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:225" & "!Socket" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:150" & "(3)" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Necro items for White or Splendor
"Wands" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit" & "!(1)"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit" & "!(1)"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Poison Nova" & "!(1)"

;################################################# ######################
;############################## WHITE ITEMS ############################
;################################################# ######################
[Whites items section]

; Enigma or Fortitude (good quality or good base def)
;================================================= ===
"Sacred Armor" = "AC%14"
"Archon Plate" = "AC%14"
;"Archon Plate" = "MINDEF:520" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Dusk Shroud" = "AC%14"
;"Dusk Shroud" = "MINDEF:463" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Helms" = "Sold"
; LastWish Maybe
"Berserker Axe" = "ED%14"

; PalaShields For Dream or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%44" | "Elite" & "ED%60"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%44" | "Elite" & "ED%60"

; Necro items for White or Splendor
"Wands" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Poison Nova"

; Can only be used with map hacks with teleport-to-target feature.
;================================================= ================
"Key of Destruction" = "Stash"
"Key of Hate" = "Stash"
"Key of Terror" = "Stash"

; mm

Additional Comment:
hello is anyone gonna answer me?
" 03/24 15:52:55 [i]> Inventory: 24 used 1*1 spaces.
03/24 15:52:55 [i]> The maximum PicKit clicks have been cuted to 4 max."

you need more space than that. have atleast 6 rows of open space

try replacing the pickit code in ur script

with the one from mm's script


and then try to change the delays "(200)";"(600)" to longer if your still having troubles

i did this becasue I dont know what k(SHIFTUP) does. and ive never had trouble with it.
that pickit list looks famillar.....
yeah i searched the forums on this site for a pkid config, and got it from one of the people who posted there config, because the original one was too picky.

Additional Comment:
oh and kijer does it really have to be 6 columns in my inventory free?
I don't know what it is leaving behind, but my bot doesn't pick everything up either. I "Paused" the game and went back to see what whas left behind. It turns out is was just junk that wasn't good enough to be picked up by my PKID file. That might be what's happening to you too. Give it a try and see.
Good luck.
was it from this forum? cause if it was then its mine Big Grin i cant believe something i did so lazyly was actually used...i'm so happy..

if it wasnt from this forum ingore the post, which could be counted as spam.......oh well
yay thank you, my bot is working now and picking up items, but sorry to be a pain in the ass and all that but can someone post up a tad more better pkid file? Im not sure if the pkid im using will cut it for my bot, i just need a pkid config thats not too picky but wont pickup crap items (picking them up and selling them would be neat thou), and will pickup uniques even thou its low (i.e 21 maras). It would be greatyl apreciated thanks in advanced.
yeah, on mine if i foget to stash it says 18 used spaces, thats TOO much bot will stop now.
i wonder if there going to make Mephisto scripts soon for mm bot.

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