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best and why...
What is the best kind of sorc type and why..whats so good about them? i am just curious because i need to know opinions so i can make my choice on what type i should make.
I like lightning sorcs. They have lots of damage and speed.
orb rocks
i agree with Bloodangel26 orb sorcs pwn house >Big Grin
Blizz, Orb, Light, Fball/Meteor are all good choices.
Well my problem is that, fire doesnt do Hell, and Orb cant do countess...maybe i shouldnt even make a sorc...
Do a lightning sorc, and any sorc can do hell with infinity.
Thats true bartender til you go to a4 and you run into fire immunes...especially after having iron maiden casted on ya..
Make a lightning sorc, but for a cold/fire sorc and if your wanting to do runs after you think of doing key runs w/ it get a strong merc. (if you have) Static field them and let merc kill away.
True true..but they gay thing is theres immunes everywhere whether it be cold, fire, or light.. which makes me mad cuz its dumb..
Well, if it makes you mad on how you see either Light, Fire or Cold immunes then maybe try a hybrid. Ex. is an Orb/Boltress, Orb/Firewall, Orb/Enchant (for those w/ merc's) Boltress/Firewall, etc.

Or you can make a tri-sorc. Though they do suck in damage but the good part is that there is no monster with all three immunes (Not that i've seen in my 4 years of playing), except when your in Chaos trist.
Blackfox, do you know you runewords? Infinity has conviction, conviction= -enemy res..
Blackfoxx417 Wrote:Thats true bartender til you go to a4 and you run into fire immunes...especially after having iron maiden casted on ya..

Yea... umm... You do know that iron maiden doesnt affect casters... right?? IM only affects melee..
my orber on hcl had no problem with countess...static+kickass merc...and then theres the fact that she could sit and tank hell lister
Quote:Well my problem is that, fire doesnt do Hell, and Orb cant do countess...maybe i shouldnt even make a sorc...

Any single-sorc will have a hard time in hell, the best bet if your rich is light/infinity.

If you are too poor for infinity and only want countess runs, then I've found..

20 light, 20 light mast, 20 orb, rest cold mast (+armor, ES, and tele) will do alright in countess runs with low gear, but that's about as far in hell as you'll get with that.

Fact of the matter is most all sorcs rock with good gear in hell, I see a lot of topics wanting builds that are cheap and do good in hell, which really don't go together. Personally 90% of my builds have crap gear and are just for fun, alot of people get mixed up in the 'item race' that they sometimes forget the most enjoyable experiences are just the normal dungeon crawling. Finding string of ears off of Hell meph is nothing, but finding it while looking for Anya in NM makes you feel special.
whats the best type of sorc against meph

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