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Call to Arms
What does a cheep CTA go for?
Any BO will do.
u can usually get a 2 bo for 1 soj a good one can cost u as much as 6 sojs though
Wow seems like it might be cheeper to just make.
1 hr per lvl BO seems to be the they go from 1-6 hrs
Thanks blood, whats the trade value for hr. Isn't it like; 2x Um + Pul ?
i think 2um is consider hr cause now mal=hr

6bo go for 7hrs now
wtf mal is not hr..vex+ is high
Yeah blood, he means that Mal is going for a hr now so it is basically a HR, but isn't really one.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
Mal isn't a HR...


Additional Comment:
Mal isn't a HR...
Bloodangel26 Wrote:wtf mal is not hr..vex+ is high

yes thats true

but mal is worth hrs now cause of bo and other runewords
yaoc1987 Wrote:yes thats true

but mal is worth hrs now cause of bo and other runewords

ist is 2 mals, gul is 2 ists, vex is 2 guls...gul is the highest rune you can get from hell forges...vex+ is high rune...anyone who gives a hr for mal is a retard
did u stop playing or something???

right now all mal can get u hr

i just traded 2mal 2vex for 180 up'd hoz

and lots of ppl r trading hrs for mal

somehow guls r worth um or lower now
no, i didnt stop playing, i played HCL....where people arent newbs...
You are all ****ing dumbasses, Mal is worth a HR right now, and no that is not stupid. Mals can be used in so many nice runewords, and they are in high demand right now. Also, Mals aren't really duped that much because they can be found in hell forge.

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