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Need help with mer
iam making a light sorc , and as i can see in the guides she needs a merc with
infinity to work well in hell , but , witch one?
Prayer? Thorns? Might? Defiance?Holy Freeze? Blessed Aim?
plz tell me witch one and why
I suggest holy freeze, the freeze will serve you better then any of the others.
thanks but i need more suggestions
HF. it helps a lot because it slows every1 down making the sorc freer to move about.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
Put on him:

Andys Visage
Guardian Angel

Um and up the Andys and Guardian. That will give him nice damage, a great aura for your sorc, some life steal and godly resists.
Yep, holy freeze. Monsters are much easier to hit with lightning then.
well defenetly holy freze , thanks
Well ... Holy Freeze does seems like best for you unless you're going to melee with your sorc ...
I use holy freeze merc. Andy Visage, Fort armor, and I don't have Infinity yet but I don't have any problem using Bonehew.

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