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Post Ur Best Duelers Here
Hey guys Post ur best PvP duelers here. Add What skillz they have and what Equipment they Use
actually this'll sound a little wierd, but i've been able to basically rape anyone i've come across w/my psn necro lol.... he uses shako/enigma/blackhand(waiting for deaths web)/trangs gloves/belt/shield (set bonus of -25% enemy psn res, not to mention 40cr on belt and 30% mana regen) fcr/life/pris rings, maras, don't remember what boots.. probably silkweaves or something... don't think i'm usin marrows... too high str req...but yeah, standard psn mancer skills... maxed psn dagger, psn xplosion, psn nova, lower res, and strangely enough, i've found a clay golem is actually helpful, with the new bonus of slowing targets, by putting 1 point into him as well as 1 point into golem mastery and summon res, he has enough life to stay up against hell d for about 20 sec, and when he dies, vwahla another one, as for pvp, haven't used him yet, but i'm sure the slows target will come in handy, psn nova at this point, w/o lower res, or any -enemy psn res equip is 5k... xplosion is 30k, and i'm waiting for "bramble"... hopefully that 96% one that wzw has :p... then.. 10k nova, and 60k xplosion (keep in mind this is w/o lower res or equip -enemy res bonuses... so..... oh yeah and lets not forget if i end up w/death's web.... +4 pnb skills
I don't understand why some people think bramble goes from 50-100. If you do more investigating you find out its 25-50 at most, so if you use the 50 bramble you will do 7.5k psn nova dmg. Still not that bad...
well if u've read previously stated posts.. there's a glitch at current... the makes the mods between 70-100% ... have wzw send a screen shot of his... it's 96% Wink
well i was able to just about kill ne one wit my good ol bowzon lvl 78 but im not sure if my lvl 70 bone nec can be stronger cuz wit him i was killing ppl tat were 10 lvls or more higher than me
A pally with: Doom, Um Zak, Enigma, 40/12 verdungos (not sure), perfect ravenfrost, viper whorl, vamp gloves, gorerider, 40 15 ias gaze, highlords ammy, 3/6/4 cta (not sure, i just know that it gives you +6 to bo) and lidless, in inventory it have 20 3/20/20 (or around that) 10 3/20/5 (3 ar, 20 life, 5 run/walk) and some 5% fhr (like 8 or less dont remember)

Its a zealer, 20 zeal, 20 holy shield, 20 fanat, 20 sacrifice (zeal synergie) and some points into defiance (holy shield synergie)
i have 2 dif duelers, a ww asn for casters and a bone necro for melee. ww has 2x chaos 16060 max, 40/15 shako, highlords, verdungos, dracs, gores, 2x raven- resist stuff are jade talons, soul shanks, and tgods.

bone necro has enigma, wiz, homonc, storm circlet, arach, magefists, 2x soj, marrow, shako
My fire sorc does 22k fireball dam and owns all.


firebolt: 20
fireball: 20
Meteor: 20
Fire Mastery: 20
En Shield: 1
Frozen Shield: 1
Warmth: 1
Hydra: All remaining skills into this

I know it might sound kind of funny that I lvled hydra but may i remind u that it isnt my primary skill. Hyrda can be affective agaisnt melee chars such as Barbs or even charger pallys or zealots. What u do is cast 4-5 hyrdas around u as the melee char is coming at you and spam fireballs at him if they fireballs dont kill him the hydras around u will have a ez target and kill him no problem. I dont generaly use this tactic, just for fun everyonce in a while. Hydra works for me cuz i got tons of + to fire skills and a base lvl one hydra with all its syn ( fireball, bolt) does me 2.1k which isnt to bad cuz thats every little bolt they shoot.

These are the iteams I use:

Um'ed Shako
Dusk COH
2xsoj/1 soj +raven
Perf ELdrich
Sancuray Trolls Nest (ko,ko,mal)
10x + Fire skills Grand charms
3 to fire skills ammy


Im not gunna go into great detail because this differs pending on the iteams one is using.


I did not touch this because i use en shield. But on the other hand i have heard of sorcs beefing up their dex for block but i like my en sheild.

Vit: This is were the majority of your points go into. My sorc has 1.5k life with a really really bad cta (2/2) life is important because that is the differnce between loosing a duel and wining (duh).

Energy: I put some but very few into this one. Most sorc iteams have plenty of mana/en/mana regenerate so that you dont have to much of a problem. I have mine at like 50 some do base but i like not running out of mana (Just plain annoying). And another is the skill warmth with + to skills can have a ton of mana regenerate so that helps a ton.

I hope this build helps some of u guys out there and If you want to challegne me to a duel just msg me my acct is Silentbob and i play on USeast ladder.

GL yall
My windy druid is really good he owns in duels but he is weak against necro...but you must understand that necros are the hardest class for windy druids to beat.

He is currently at lvl 87


20 tornado( main attack)
20 hurricane( 2nd attack)
20 cyclone armor
20 twister
1 grizzly bear (great tank & decoy)
13 oak sage (lvl 94 he will be done)

Hoto 30%
ss with hel rune
Dusk enigma
trang gloves
storm treks
maras ammy (28%)
2x sojs

Str- enough to hold gear
Dex-225 max block i think i put to much thou
Vit- rest here
eng- n/a

He does around 2k-2.8k hurricane and around 3.5k-3.9k tornado

I got this from a guide on this site but i cant find the writer but as soon as i do they will recieve credit for this awesome build
Char: SmItEr
Level: 99
Str: 998877
Dex: 998877
Vit: 250
Energy: 250
Mana: 12000
Life: 43000
Smite Dam: 1230-1230
Holyshock Dam: 1-1432K
i would give more but i am in school but u ownzs most people i one hit Cool
wtf tat has to be on open bnet, it is impossible to have 998822 str and dex because even if u kept putting points every single lvl u gain up to lvl 99 u still cant have tat many points into a stat unless ur on open bnet
Open guys man. Smile
I suggest you check out my Light Sorc, around 40k dmg, and some other awsome qualities...
plz post build/equip, i'm curious now Smile although it's believable, with all the +ele dmg gear and facet's... it's not hard to boost ele dmg waaaaaaaay up there... like psn explosion w/necro for example... with the right equip u can boost it into the hundreds of thousands...
frm all the pple i went against (lvl 78) my tree looks like this

all the synergies 4 bliz lvl 26
ice bolt:22
cold mastery:10

well i thik thats it
how much you do dragon? my friend usin that same build does 5k at 67, but he's not usin his tals or fathom yet...a 5/5'd 29%nat fathom Big Grin
Wow your fireball does 22k? Would that build also work for an mf sorc?
Wussup.My duelers are ALL asn's mainly cuz they kick all ***...

4 asn's

Pure WW asn

Pure Kicker

Hybrid Trapper/WW'er

Hybrid Kicker/WW'er

These builds dont die much, the only asn with under 4k life is the hybrid Trapper. If the pure WW sin dies from a GODLY barb, just bring in the ol' Trapper, If the Trpper dies from a Gos Darn FoH'er ora smiter, yea bring in the good ol WW Kicker//WW'er, i duel consistantly, i have every strat u can think of in situations. If anyone wants to duel in USwest to test out asn's just gimme a call.

If u wanna look at my items and such ill get my own page and get soe screen shots... well i gtg cya everyone
ok...dont laugh when i say this...but my best duel char is probably my lvl 51 zealot pally.
obviously im too low lvl for the higher-end items out there, but ive managed to kill most chars higher lvl than me with ease.
over the hour prior to posting this, ive clearly defeated a lvl 83 bone necro (3.5k spear dmg), lvl 76 zealot pally (eth botd zerker, enigma), lvl 86 trapper asn (dunno what she used), lvl 89 zon (wf, 160/60, 120/45), and countless others between lvl 60-90 who posed an even lesser challenge.

this is what my pally at lvl 51 can do. though i'd like to see how he'd do 30 lvls later, i'd rather keep him at this lvl for a while.

typical zealer stats and skills...common sense really...dont bother asking about those.

my weapon is merely a 266%ed cruel truncheon of quickness, and my zeal dmg is only about 1.6k, charge dmg 1.8k, so i suppose skill is a factor in my duels. um gaze, um shaft, um hoz, eye of etlich, tgods, gorerider, bloodfist, ravenfrost, raven spiral. like i said...nothing spectacular due to my low lvl.

i havent really kept track of my win/loss count, but i estimate at least a 6:1 kill:death ratio in fair 1-on-1 fights.

edit: just for the record, last weekend i killed 3 townguarders (all well above lvl 70), 2 fire sorcs and a wind druid within 10 seconds...1 against 3.

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