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is it worth the str points
to put a spirit monarch onto my bone
or should i just got all vit and use homun?
If you are a boner necro try and use lots str adding gear. Torch, anni, (get 125%fcr str fcr rings/ammy) boots etc.

My necro used no str at all and i can use a SS. All vit. If you are not as rich and spend only 10-15+ stats in str its ok
thanks, kinda new with necros
I think that bones necro have better use boneflame shield because I think it is a little better.But if you wan't to use boneflmae it must be perfect (+3 necros skills) and you must already have 105% fcr cause boneflame adds only 20%
Or u could do the now infamous, 125Fcr/40+Dr/84Fhr Necros
how would i do that?
Toch + anni=40
Boots=18 [using imps for wnl]
Rings and ammies might get u 10+.
Circlet might get u 20..If using valk..then ney

40+18+15[rings ammy]=73

73+15 base=88
If using circ=108

My nec is using 19str ring + 17str ring + 15str ammy
+some other misc charms...0str needed.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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