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1.10 v 1.11 help??
Well, I haven't played d2 in over 1.5 years and I want to know how v1.11 is compared to v1.10 since I might get started again. I played a couple months in 1.09, where chipped and p gems were actually worth decent items in large amounts, but with 1.10 they became worthless because of botd. When 1.10 came, rune prices just went up like rocket. SoJ's were worth more, damage reduce went out of style and casters started kicking....

After spending a couple hours reading the forums I learned some things like: sojs are worth more than high runes now (eek: ). Runes are still worth a lot, but I don't know their cost in comparison to 290's or 32020's or items like shako or arachnid sash.

Anyways, can anyone tell me what happened to the economy when 1.10 went to 1.11, since I was not around. Thanks in advance.
Ist = .5 sojs now due to the mass dupe of them
Ber, Vex and sometimes Jah are considered equivalent to soj now, rarely will you get an soj for Zod, Zod is considered .5 sojs most times.
Man, the US realms are seriously ****ed up. If you start again, perhaps try Europe, it's affected very little by dupers (HR = 4 Ists, SoJ = 2.25 Ists).
I wonder how you got a .25 of an Ist Frater.

Some Us East Prices

Shako = Um
40 Pgems = Pul
Arachnids = 2-3 HRs
Ist = 4Um
Ist = 2 Mal

Simple enough this far right? Now, getting slightly more confusing. If 4Ums equal 1 Ist, then 1 Um must be 0.25 Ists. In Europe SoJ is 2IstUm, amounting to a total 2.25.
r these ladder prices??
on east ladder a soj goes for 3 hrs and a mal or ist is usually worth a hr now even though they aren't considered hrs.
N0vak Wrote:r these ladder prices??

This price guide should be mostly up to date (USEast-SCL)
Other then all the value of things, have you read about uber trist yet? its pritty sick. If you havent read about it theres a sticky on the d2 discussion page. Alot have changed since 1.09.
Yes, I have read about uber trist. Last time I played was in 1.10 and I managed to get annihilus (only 1 though). Uber Trist sounds easier to do than dclone since finding dclone is mostly by chance and with Uber trist you can trade for keys to open the portal.
Yeah, even though Übers are noobs, you could have a tough time taking them down with an incomplete character, so I suggest that you don't try it by yourself, especially if you're still used to 1.09.
I agree with frater, dont try to solo uber untill you get a nice melee char set up or hammerpally. Get a couple of your friends together and get the hang of the place a few times.
On USWest Ladder

Shako = um depending on def pul if low

ist = um pul

Mal = can be traded for an hr

Hoz = roughly 2-4 hrs

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