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Arrested.... Need advice.
Ok well last night I was at a giant local party called River Fest. Needless to say **** River Fest because the cops get you on the most bullshit charges. They originally cuffed me for littering because I dropped a pamphlet then they searched me and found about a quarter of pot and a Soma in my pockets. They said the pot charge is a misdemeanor but when they booked me for the Soma they said it was felony possession of a controlled substance. Take note that I only had 1 Soma in my pocket.

Honestly I don't think they can give me a felony for having 1 pill. It's bullshit, I didn't have a whole bottle or nothing. I was wondering if anyone knows if they can charge me with a felony for it? I would appreciate any input, and this is my first drug charge. I start rehab monday I guess.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
yah man. u had only 1, not like u had 10. cops are pigs. u should have resisted when they arrested you. in fact, u should have punched the cop in the face and pulled out his club to whack him across the head to show who is boss. if that doesn't help, try to get a hold of his gun and friggin' blast his brain out. now laugh at his headless body and think what u have just did. ROFL & GOOD LUCK with a criminal record. hope they rape you in prison anal-style.
Just go through Rehab and see how it plays out.
I would just ran if I was on foot already, its not like they are going to identify you if there is 100+ people there.
What the **** is a Soma?
some kind of a pill for somthing its a perscirpition, if you ran the cops probally would have got the tazers, guns and clubs then beat, tazed and or shot you and then after they had their fun would have searced you more and chared you with resisting arrest and if you even TOUCHED one it would have been assult on a poliece man and instant fellony so just do the rehab and see what happens(it could have been worse)
have fun in rehab, my advice dont do drugs
tigeroip Wrote:have fun in rehab, my advice dont do drugs
True and true. Best of luck in rehab my friend.
yea dude. go to rehab, that will look good on your court date and maybe they will drop it to just a misdemeanor. btw somas are crap, thats sucks you got busted with 1 f'in pill. dont do drugs.
Here that all you little children?? Don't do drugs if you don't wana go to rehab or get arrested! (tough luck man that sucks!)
Yeah, I didn't want to get eluding, assault, or something else. They got enough bullshit on me. And yeah I'm hoping when I go to court it gets dropped to a misdemeanor.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Get representation. The state/county as prosecutors working for them so you should have a defender working for you. If you can afford a lawyer I would strongly reccomend it, they may seem expensive but weigh that against how our goverment rapes you on felony charges. Trust me when I say the state doesn't want you rehabed, they just want your money.

If you don't have the money to get a lawyer then go with the public defender, it's better than nothing, though you'll have to show proof you don't hafe the financial means to get a lawyer.

I got picked up for wreckless driving while street racing, and I had absolutely no record prior to my arrest, but it still didn't keep the ****ing prosecutor for burning me to the fullest extent. Over a thousand dollars in fines, five days of jail... Which is stupid becuase you have to actually pay to go to jail, or you can do alternative senatcing (pick up garbage) that I still had to pay for albiet a bit less then going to jail. And to top it all off I have had to carry an SR22 "financial responsibility" filing, which in laymans terms = Extremely expensive insurance (120/a month just for ****ing liability) .... And wreckless is just a misdemeanor

And what really gets under my skin is I had a friend get popped for more or less the same thing, and he went with the public defender to get it lowered to an inattentive driving ticket.

So do what you can to help yourself. Personally I to me it seems pretty weak that they did a search on you for littering, especially at a river fest (the river fest in my town is huge, and the park just gets trashed after it's over).
I know it sucks I'm going to have to go with a public defender. And yes, they set you up to fail. Thats why so many people end up locked up on bullshit charges.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Were you the only one arrested at the river fest? and also do me a favor go back to that location and take a picture of it. I garentee its trashed and what happend to those people? And also what was the complete story? did they just rush the site and start targeting random people or were they present when you were littering? My advice is to not get to worried about it cause i am almost positive that it will be dropped from a felony, the pill is probalby already gone eaten by one of the cops on the way to the station
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
No, tons of people get arrested at the fest. I guess the pigs saw me but I didn't see them or something. Because I didn't even know they were around till they were right behind me.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Where'd you get the pot?
you prolly already realize/know this, but if u didnt do drugs in the first place, that wouldnt have happened. stupid choice on your part.
Clipper Wrote:you prolly already realize/know this, but if u didnt do drugs in the first place, that wouldnt have happened. stupid choice on your part.
stop being retarded!! he might be capable of making his own decisions. weither or not you agree with them.
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
Soma is not illegal to posess.

>Carisoprodol (Soma) is unscheduled in the United States, but is available by prescription only. This means that sales and distribution are allowed only by those with a license and only to those with a prescription (according to FDA regulations). Possession is not illegal even without a prescription.

Even where it is scheduled it is only Schedule IV. Far from a felony in any case. Don't be a dope; fight it. Get a lawyer.

Why you were charged is beyond me. Soma laws are very lax. It's easy even for a minor to order large and unusually vast amounts of carioprodol online.

Fight the charge, and because the pigs charged you a felony for a substance that is probably unscheduled in your area, the judge will probably drop all charges and wipe it from your record.

Be smart. The people giving advice in this thread aren't smart. I would go as far as to call them dumb on this subject.

Good luck.

Additional Comment:
Now, I hate to go on a rant here, but you guys telling someone to go to rehab over reefer, get a clue.

I don't like telling people this, but whatever, it's the internet. I overdosed on an over-the-counter disassociative which in molecular relality is similar to Ketamine and PCP called DXM/Dextromethorophan. It's the active ingredient in almost all over the counter cough medicines, and I must say it's one hell of a ride. I was ordered by the hospital to go to therapy and to a rehab facility three times a week for drug testing and therapy.

It was so stupid. As an admitted stoner, it's pointless. I was wasting YOUR money (Yes, it was your money. Good ol' uncle Sam stung you for it) on some therapy and "treatment" I did not want. They make you watch exagerated propaganda flicks on addiction to your drugs of choice. Considering mine is legal and heavily taxed and regulated (and hence makes our wonderful Gov't lots of money) there were no videos on it. They then, obviously, moved on to Marijuana, considering I tested positive on pot every time I went in. The videos told me one hit causes brain damage and chronic pot smoking causes irreversible neuron damage, lung damage, heart damage, etc.

Which, is obviously bullshit.

I could go on, but rehab is bullshit for those who don't want it. You aren't going to force a heroin addict into rehab and make him clean up. As soon as he's free he's just gonna go hit up his smack dealer and get all junked out. Rehab only works for those who want to change. Metalhead got charged, searched, and arrested unlawfully and unjustly, not to mention unconstitutionally.

You were ****ed from many ways Metal, and you let them do it. You could have told them to go away and get a Warrant, but you allowed them to search you. Sorry, your fault. Learn from your mistakes. Cops do not have the right to arrest you for littering. Fine, maybe, but cuffed, searched, and arrested is unlawful. Any good lawyer knows this.

Get a good lawyer, and get smart with your laws and drug usage. Never, ever give consent to a cop to do anything. They cannot do anything without reasonable doubt or a warrant. Stoners get a bad rep because we think that the cops are always out to get us.

This is a prime example of how our paranoia would have won the cause. If it would have been me..

"Officer, I am sorry for littering. I will pick up my garbage and other garbage surrounding me. It will not happen again"

As soon as they mentioned handcuffs and searching, I would have informed them I knew my rights and they were violating them, and they should have a nice night and take care.

Sorry about what happened, but it's your fault.

Fight the felony and I'd bet my ass both the charges get dropped with a good lawyer, along with your dirty record.

Good luck.
The advice has been given, This thread was against the rules but i'll let it slide.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]

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