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EasyPlay Free 3.0 Beta 7
Hello everyone,
It's been quite awhile since I've posted in these forums. I've been busy studying and developing EasyPlay. I'm happy I haven't forgot about these forums, and hope to support Diablo II hacking over here again in the future. IF anything is wrong with this post, please PM me and I'll fix it. I've added a direct link, so you don't need to register in my forums. I believe this latest version is very stable, so I've decided to visit my old friends.

EasyPlay Free
"The basic EasyPlay"
[SIZE=1]Latest Version: 3.0 Beta7[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Latest Update: 14/05/2006[/SIZE]

Note: You can use this thread for discussion.

License Agreement and Disclaimer
Quote:EasyMap/EasyPlay ("Software") is owned by Jan Miller ("Author") and is © 2005 Jan Miller.
By downloading and/or using this Software you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions stated below.

The Author of this Software asserts that while every care has been taken in the creation and distribution of this program and related files, neither the Author, the file host, nor any associated service provider are, in anyway, responsible for any loss or consequential damage that may arise from its usage. The user accepts that they use the Software at their own risk.

The Software is distributed "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. In no event will the Author, the file host, nor any associated service provider be liable to you for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or any other damages caused by the use, misuse, or the inability to use of the Software.

The Software has been created specifically for "Diablo II: Lord of Destruction v1.11b" (© Blizzard Entertainment) single player mode only. The Author explicitly prohibits the programs use for any other purpose. Any “anti-detection” functions have been created solely as an intellectual exercise and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of its use on "BattleNet" (© Blizzard Entertainment). Users of this Software disregarding these instructions should be fully aware, that such actions violate the "BattleNet" (© Blizzard Entertainment) EULA (end user licence agreement) and TOU (terms of use). This may result in, but not limited to, the banning (from "BattleNet" (© Blizzard Entertainment) of the associated CD-Key(s) and account(s).

You are not allowed to modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Software except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law. You are not allowed to distribute or use any parts of the Software separately. You may make and distribute copies of this Software provided that;

1) the copy contains all files from the original distribution and these files remain unchanged;
2) if you distribute any other files together with the Software, they must be clearly marked as such and the conditions of their use cannot be more restrictive than conditions of this Agreement; and
3) you collect no fee, even if your distribution contains additional files.

The terms and conditions of this licence may be subject to alteration without prior notice. It is the users responsibility to stay up to date. Current terms and conditions will always be displayed on the Authors website:
Note: You must agree to the license, before downloading and using EasyPlay.

Download latest EasyPlay Free (v3.0 Beta 7): [URL=""]here
[/URL] Direct Download Link: here

[SIZE=1]EasyPlay 3.0 Changes (not all apply to basic version)[/SIZE]
Quote:[SIZE=1]Beta7 Changes:-
-Improved pathfinding to work in "extreme situations" (new "EnableExtremePathing" option) for act3 jungle levels especially
-Added new string 112
-Added "AutoItemDumpOnGameJoin" option to config.ini
-Added "ClearCacheOnCleanup" option to config.ini (fixes news re-loading in lobby, even if EP isn't loaded)
-Fixed "DoBaalAutoTP" and "DoChaosSanctAutoTP" options (didn't work properly before)
-Fixed itemdump to print "poison damage over x seconds" item stat
-Fixed bug with exp-counter if player is lvl 99
-Fixed bug that wouldn't reload items.ini when using reloadconfig hotkey
-Fixed bug with NEWS.dat parsing that caused ACCESS_VIOLATION crash when leaving game
-Optimized code (file size reduced by ~4 KB)
-Updated rus.lng (thanks norlander), fra.lng (thanks herm) and added new ger.lng language files

Beta6 Changes:--Improved pathfinding core algorithmn speed by ~40% (ex: path that took 1800 ms now takes 1100 ms) and pathways abit more "straight" now (especially for town-pathing)
-Fixed bug that would do safety check twice, if loaded in SP game
-Fixed bug that wouldn't print ilvl in itemdump
-Fixed a few bugs with auto-tele in very specific situations
-System / Elapsed time now prints above vectors/monsters
-Fixed small drawing bug with vectors, if vector dest/source scrolled off automap completely
-Fixed a bug with itemdump that caused d2 crashes occasionally (new since 3.0 beta series)
-Added new string 111 and "PrintPathCalcTime" option to epg.ini
-Updated credits section

Beta5 Changes:-
-Added "ToggleChickenKey" hotkey option to enable/disable config.ini (default is num-lock key)
-Added "chicken" command for console (can set hp/mp/mode in-game)
-Added 5 new strings (106-110) to language files (fra.lng and rus.lng need to be updated)
-Fixed a bug with exp-counter display that caused text to "float away"
-Added "PickAllQuality" to pickit main section, which allows you to specify "pick all uniques, .." etc.
-Added "AutoDisableOnFullInv" to pickit main section, so you can specify wether or not to auto-toggle pickit off in such a scenario

Beta4 Changes:-
-Moved "out-of-game" options from gold-only to free version (savelastgame/savelastpass/..). GameSearch/PlayerSearch was excluded and remains gold-only feature.
-Added "DoChatLog" option to free/gold versions (simple chat-logger)
-Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow disabling system time display
-Added "PrefixIPs" and "PrefixElapsedTime" options to optionally remove the "S: ", "C: " and "Elapsed: " prefix strings
-Removed PrintGainedExp, PrintRemainExp and PrintTotalExp options
-Added two new interactive in-game commands (alot more options than before): $exp and $info
-Added "DisplayNoClickMonsters" option for monsterhack, to allow displaying monsters that are not clickable usually (i.e. behind walls, etc.). Note: Monsterhack had changed with 3.0 beta, and didn't display monsters that were not clickable anymore (hard-coded).
-Fixed a bug with auto-potion: Rejuvs are preferred above Potions now, if life is below Rejuv<Life/Mana> and Potion<Life/Mana>
-Language Strings in default.lng 47,70,93,104 and 105 modified
-Added french.lng language file (thanks to herm!!!) and removed other (outdated) language files
-Added "CmdPrefix" and "ConsolePrefix" options to allow configuring cmd/console identifier
-Fixed TPPK hotkey description in epg.ini
-Added "DisableTownVectors" option for free users (town vectors are useless for free version)
-Updated documentation (requirements section)
-Updated credits section (finally took the time to flesh it out properly)

Pre Beta4 Changes:-
-Added townpathing for all acts and any location of the player
-Added townvectors to TP location/Waypoint/Heal NPC
-Added custom vectors (ctrl-click mouse on automap) for town/out-of-town
-Added auto-reset skill after auto-tele (pickit/sequence/sessions)
-Custom vectors now ignored if chatbox open, chatbox open, stash interaction, NPC interaction, inventory / skill / quest / stat windows open
-Added five move related config options and custom vector / skill restore related options
-Fixed a bug that would try to feed dead merc with potions infinitely
-Added IntegrityCheck to prevent loading into dirty game (prints to Logs folder)
-Added client error logs (see DoClientErrorLog option)
-Added "#include" option to config files (allows splitting of one config file into multiple files)
-Renamed easyplay.ini to config.ini and added epg.ini
-Console commands now appear in "sent messages" history if you type up/down arrow keys with message box open
-Inventory dump logfiles now added to "Logs" folder
-EasyPlay Free and Gold features now seperated properly
-Added new "PreventMinimize" option to config.ini
-Added new "filter" command to selectively sniff sent/recv game packets
-Added new "search" and "psearch" command to search for games/players from channel
-AutoEnterWaypointTarget will now interact twice with a waypoint, if it was never accessed by player (now the waypoint window always opens)
-Player interaction is now automatically cleared if town-vector is executed during NPC (only NPC!) interaction
-Added AutoInteractNPCTarget option to auto-heal after executing special town vectors
-Fixed bug that occured on "Failed to join game" errors and would occasionally crash EasyPlay
-Fixed bug that would sometimes make one teleport if trying to execute non-existant vector
-Fixed bug with SaveLastPass option
-Fixed bug with MercChicken and MercPotion functions that failed to check if merc is dead
-Fixed bug that would incorrectly display level vector in "Forgotton Tower" and a few other levels on rare occasions
-Updated default.lng file (doubled size) - other .lng files need to be updated
-Added "NotifyOnFilter" for message filter
-Message filter now filters whispers (channel only) and channel chat messages, too
-Prints extra warning message if no tome book or no TP's left
-Added "AutoPickCorpse" option (only on game-join)
-Updated EP API (see EP API documentation)

Files Changed in v3.0
-EasyPlay.ini (now config.ini and epg.ini)

[Image: tn_EPF1.jpg] [Image: tn_EPF2.jpg] [Image: tn_EPF3.jpg] [Image: tn_EPF4.jpg] [Image: tn_EPF5.jpg]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I register EasyPlay and get the Full Version?
[INDENT]You can support EasyPlay development and the GameMuncher's community by donating 30$ to me. "EasyPlay Gold" has MANY MORE features than "EasyPlay Free" and is a gift to those of you that support me, my work and the community. Read more about this topic here
[/INDENT]I don't have a paypal account, but would still like to donate?
[INDENT]We have a forum gold system that allows those of you to become a donor, that do not have/want to donate money via paypal. Everybody that has atleast 300 GMFG (10 GMFG is equivilant to 1$) can exchange their GMFG for "donor status". Read more about this topic here
[/INDENT]Where has auto-teleport disappeared to?
[INDENT]Auto-Teleport, as many other features have moved to EasyPlay Gold (see first question in the FAQ).
[/INDENT]Is EasyPlay detectable?
[INDENT]Currently it is not detectable. It still doesn't have any pre-emptive anti-detection, so use it entirely at your own risk. This beta was mainly released to rid EasyPlay from all errors feature-wise and share the new version with the user-base. Remember: It is likely that you will be banned *IF* Blizzard updates their anti-cheat detection methods to detect EasyPlay. Use EasyPlay only at your own risk and make sure you read the license before use.
[/INDENT] How can I suggest new features?
[INDENT] Please use this thread or send me a Private Message.
[/INDENT]Where can I get support for EasyPlay Free?[INDENT] In the EasyPlay Free Support Forums.
[/INDENT]Where can I get support for EasyPlay Gold?[INDENT] In the private EasyPlay Gold Support Forums (you need to be a donor to access this page).
[/INDENT]Help! I got banned!?
[INDENT] EasyPlay is for single player mode only. Didn't you read the license file at the top of this page before downloading?
Thanks netter for the update... i shall be doing the same to this site.
[Image: Sig2Vectorcopy.png]

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