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Good combat rogue build
Well my friend and I made this build and it's pretty good. It focuses mainly on combat skills and works really well with PvM not sure about PvP though but it's probably good. It's basically for those who don't want to be in stealth 24/7 to do good damage. Just max your skills in this order.

Rogue Talents

Minimum Required Level: 60
Required Talent Points: 51
Assassination Talents - 11 point(s)
- rank 5/5
Ruthlessness - rank 3/3
Improved Eviscerate - rank 3/3 (After done with all other skills max this)

Combat Talents - 38 point(s)
Improved Sinister Strike
- rank 2/2
Lightning Reflexes - rank 5/5
Deflection - rank 5/5
Precision - rank 5/5
Riposte - rank 1/1
Dual Wield Specialization - rank 5/5
Blade Flurry - rank 1/1
Sword Specialization - rank 5/5
Aggression - rank 3/3
Adrenaline Rush - rank 1/1
Dagger Specialization - rank 5/5

Subtlety Talents - 2 point(s)
Master of Deception
- rank 2/5
Why max both Dagger and sword spec? Cause if your gonna use a sword might as well use 2 of them. I can see maxing one or the other but not both... probably just the way you play tho. Looks good though
Change the required level to 70 as I believe you made a typo that might confuse some people. Also, dagger spec? Combat builds are almost always maces or swords. Other then that it's pretty solid. Might I suggest:
variableIsSite = 1;
Use Wowhead: World of Warcraft Database and go to the talent calculator for linking talents. Short links don't break the page Tongue
Sorry, but imo it's totally useless.

Why both sword and dagger specc?
Why 5/5 Lightning reflexes?
Why 2/5 MoD?
Why no Relentless strikes?
...and WHY no Imp. SnD?

Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

The 3 points @ T1 combat are variable. If you like more dodge, choose Lightning reflexes. If you like a longer Gouge for PvP or solo PvE, choose Imp. Gouge (I like Gouge more..). Weapon Expertise isn't really needed also, but I think that it's the best option for a good combat PvE build. For PvE, you could choose Imp. Sprint or Imp. Kick.
my build for combat daggers
Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
i have the same comments as everyone else mainly.

you definately would utilize ur points much better if you picked picked up a good offhand sword rather then a dagger. sometimes it can be tough but....much better. S/S is always better IMO then S/D.
i would suggest respec'ing even before you get rid of your dagger because im pretty sure you dont have to have 2 swords for sword spec to crit.
as for those extra 5 points coming from taking out dagger spec, listen to Razz, he seems to know whats up.


most ppl agree with Imp Gouge> Lightning Reflexes but i find (at least on the grind up) that being a dodge build rogue is much better.
at lvl 52 i have over 30% dodge, and its Vnice. but as i said, this is being for the Grind up to 70.
when i stop at the top of the bracket to PVP ill generally respec a little depending on how long ill be pvp'ing, but this seems to be best for pve.
other then that, i totally agree with you.

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