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Will My Avenger Last In Hell?
i don't think mana is a problem for avenger
with redemption and meditation
you can regain mana in seconds
unfortnunately, i consider redemption a waste of skills, too many pre req's when all u need to do is set zeal at f5, use it for 3 seconds, then switch back to vengeance... Smile
._| 3 Vv |3 Wrote:unfortnunately, i consider redemption a waste of skills, too many pre req's when all u need to do is set zeal at f5, use it for 3 seconds, then switch back to vengeance... Smile jesus, i forgot how good shaeffers was for a zealot, i haven't had one in a while so i just checked the mods on bnet, the static would help a shitload since your hitting so gd fast.. not to mention decent dmg... eh i'll go try it out
unfortnunately, i consider redemption a waste of skills, too many pre req's when all u need to do is set zeal at f5, use it for 3 seconds, then switch back to vengeance...

While this is true for a zealot I think redemption is a very important one point skill. Vengence takes alot of mana especially when maxed. You can switch to zeal like you said but after a large battle, or mana burn enemies, and your bulb is empty you can just flash to redemp and instantly fill it. Works great if out of potions and keeps monsters from being revived too. Just dont do it to necros they hate it Smile
redemption just keep the act5 skeleton warrior away from revive
yeah i know vengeance takes a lot of mana, i made 1 remember? and i'm telling u that w/ANY ml item whatsoever, by switching to zeal (takes 2 mana) you can leech it all back in about 1 second of solid hits... after about a full set(5 hits) you can generally fill up ur mana (this was the case w/mine at lvl 80)
what will you do if facing PI monsters with a zealot?
switch to a magical weapon?
I would say that your avenger would die within seconds. I'd just rebuild it to 1.10 specs. My 1.09 zon still rocks in 1.10 though.
don't understand what you mean by die within seconds
A 1.09 avenger build isn't that strong. A 1.10 rebuild of it would be more effective with the synergies.
i haven't built an avenger in 1.09
1.10 is quite effective, can gain max resist and dmg through the synergies
just problems when face huge number of enemies
btw merc help me a lot
later I will build a zealot to have a comparison
Yup, a hybrid would be effective too.
I found a guide for a Freeze Zealot. It was designed for hardcore ladder but I was thinking about trying it out on softcore ladder.
Emphasis on cold dam:

-20 Zeal
-20 Holy Freeze
-20 Resist Cold
-20 Salvation
-5 or more in Holy Shield

Build uses Holy freeze as main aura to freeze and slow all enemies and use zeal as main attack. The other skills pump these as synergies. You may say that you could just use an act 2 nm merc for holy freeze but he cannot gain the damage you can from the synergies. Once synergies are maxed you will be doing +1000 cold dam plus physical a hit while greatly slowing all enemies. I dont like seeing the same builds all the time)i.e. frozen orb sorc, hammerdin pally) and thought this could be some fun.

I was thinking about trying this build out. What is everyones take on this build?
with a doom
i think this build is quite good
you can always opt for your alternate weapon to be a massive 2-handed weapon, so if it gets to the point where you are getting hit with your defese set, you can at least dish it out. More base damage = more life steal = equivelent if you are getting pounded anyhow. Time in battle costs potions and increases your chance of getting killed.
the only problem with a zealot using a 2h wep.... they die. The primary advantage of zeal is that your able to take on 5 enemies simultaneously.. now you might be tempted to say, well the more dmg i do the faster i kill them, but, unfortunately, generally monsters don't come in nice pre-packaged groups of 4 or 5, when your looking at 15 monsters, hitting a third of them for decent (4-5k) dmg... your going to need your max block (holy shield) and high def.. (i.e.-Eth "exile" Big Grin) now if your talking a few main monsters... such as minions of des. it might be a little different, but i'd still rather have my shield than take all 5 and getting hit 100% of the time... because i'm almost positive you won't be able to leech back enough hp to keep you alive against all 5

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