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wind druid build plz
I need to know what gear to use, stats and items.

str: base(torch and anni will give you more then enough)
dex: none
vit: all points
eng: none


max cyclone armor
max twister
max tornado
max hurricane
max oak sage

helm: Rich: 2/20/20 or p nightwings Poor: jalals or shako
armor: mage nig (this is a must as u wont have enough str for archon nig)
wep: hoto pvm spirit sword pvp
shield: spirit
belt: arachnids
boots: treks
gloves: mages
rings: sojs
ammy: maras or 2/20 d ammy
charms: torch, anni, fhr scs, ele gcs
wep switch: cta (preferably 3+)
shield switch: another spirit or lidless or sigons shield

my druid had this same build and was doin 7k nado 3k hurri and had 6.7k life wit sage and bo
Razrmeth, to be honest, I don't really like your build. It's not geared for damage in PvM and it will get obliterated in PvP.

New-b if you can be bothered to wait, I have a wind druid guide coming up in a few days, that should answer all of your questions.

STR: none
DEX: Enough for max block
VITA: Rest
NRG: None


Max hurricane, max tornado, max twister, max cyclone armor, max oak sage.

Same as PvM, the only difference is that you put 1 point into the summoning bear, 1 into both kind of wolves, the birds (dunno the name for them in english) and then the rest goes into oak sage.


Helmet: Jalals SHAEL'd
Armor: Enigma MP
Belt: Arach
Ring 1: SoJ
Ring 2: SoJ
Amulet: Mara's
Weapon: Hoto
Shield: Stormshield UM'd
Boots: Sandstorm Trek
Gloves: Magefist

Helmet: Gozu Rare/Magic Helmet with +druid skills, +tornado and FHR SHAEL'd
Armor: Enigma MP
Belt: Arach
Ring 1: Gozu FCR STR DEX RES Ring
Ring 2: Gozu FCR STR DEX RES Ring
Amulet: Crafted +2 druid skills 20 FCR amulet with some nice adds like STR, DEX and RES
Weapon: Hoto
Shield: Stormshield UM'd or Cold facetted
Boots: Shadowdancer
Gloves: Bloodfist

Here you go man.
Basic stats

Strength : 20
Dexterity : 83
Vitality : 472
Energy : 15

Items :

Helm : + 2 Druid Skill, +2 Elemental Skill [Try to get FCR + FHR on it aswell, with two sockets, putting two perfect rubys in the helm for extra life]

Armor : Enigma [Great Hauberk] (Eth If wished for extra defense)

Weapon : Hoto [Flail]

Shield : Spirit [Monarch]

Amulet : +2 Druid Skills, +2 Elemental Skills [Try To Get One With FCR , LIFE, MANA, STR (The STR is Important, don't take any less than 12!!)]

Gloves : Magefists

Rings : 2* Sojs

Belt : Arachnid

[[[2ND TAB]]]

Weapon : CTA

Shield : Spirit

Boots : +18 Str, + 13 Dex, Try and get some with resists aswell! [These boots will be hard to get!!]

Charms :

Druid Torch
10 * (SC) +2 Str, 3 FR/W
6* (GC) Elemental Skills [DRU] + Life
3* (GC) Elemental Skills [DRU] + FHR

Skills :

1 Raven
1 Summon Dire Wolf
20 Oak Sage
6 Summon Spirit Wolf
1 Summon Grizzly
20 Twister
1 Arctic Blast
20 Tornado
20 Cyclone Armor
20 Hurricane


Do all Bo's [Bo, Doggies, Oak Sage etc]
Teleport away, Cast Hurricane, Teleport ONTO enemy, cast Tornado.

Play about with him, this is one of my best builds :]

Life without bo:6591
Mana without bo:958

Life with bo:8187
Mana with bo:1341
solid, we typically dont support reviving two year old threads even tho they are still on the first page. for future references we would appreciate it if you checked the "last reply" date.
but since its bumped anyways allow me to link you to a post containing one of if not the best druid guide around.
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
very nice thanks so much guys

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