Quote:i suggest that you use official sites to download hacks/files like d2sector
Official as in all of these hacks are created by the owners of the site? .... rolleyes:
I suggest you go to the site of the program's creator and download/ask questions there. Not only will you get accurate information, but you'll avoid downloading viruses / tampered rip-off files.
*Dont' get me wrong, it is convenient to have particular sites horde files that other people worked hard to make (even old outdated ones for some reason) - sometimes the authors even encourage such behavior - I mean, obviously they wouldn't want people to come to their forums that they put money into to make available to the public to ask questions, that's nuts. In fact, the authors only have those sites for looks, so that we can all gawk at empty nonexistant threads. Just to be sure that people don't accidentally find their way to the authors sites, it's probably a good idea too to not mention their names/homepages.
Now I also understand that some authors really don't have a homepage, and/or even submit their work to the "horde sites". In such cases, horde sites actually prove useful. This is convenient for the horde sites, because then they don't actively have to do anything and can in fact sit back while people think they are cool for having all of these hacks that don't give credit to the authors (unless of course if someone searches through countless old threads for the author's original post, something everyone does ofc). It kind of makes it look like the horde sites made the hacks. Funny how that works.