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Atticus' PvP Hammerdin Guide
Atticus' PvP Hammerdin Guide
[SIZE=1]© Atticus - Written for

When most people think of Hammerdin's they are thinking of player versus monster. However, follow this guide and you will be able to absolutely destroy any dueler you come across.

Character Statistics
Strength: None
Dexterity: None*
Vitality: All
Energy: None

*This is assuming you are able to get the gear listed later in the guide. If you are unable to achieve enough dexterity for max block, then I suggest you put the appropriate amount of statistic points into this section.

Character Skill Points*
Blessed Hammer - 20
Blessed Aim - 20
Vigor - 20
Concentration - 20
Holy Shield - 20

*You will need to get to level 97 to have maxed all of the skill points along with putting 1 into each of the required prerequistes. My suggestion is to max Holy Shield last out of all the skills.

Faster Cast Rate Frames
0% FCR 15 Frames
10% FCR 14 Frames
20% FCR 13 Frames
30% FCR 12 Frames
50% FCR 11 Frames
75% FCR 10 Frames
125% FCR 9 Frames (This is the best FCR rate. You will need slightly more to come close or to constantly achieve double hammers)

Faster Hit Recovery Frames
0% FHR 9 Frames
7% FHR 8 Frames
15% FHR 7 Frames
27% FHR 6 Frames
48% FHR 5 Frames
86% FHR 4 Frames (This frame is probably the best without having to sacrifice gear to add FHR)
200% FHR 3 Frames

Helm: Shael'd Coronet (+2 To Paladin Skill Levels, FCR, FHR) / Um'd Shako (PvM)
Armor: Dusk Shroud Enigma
Weapon A: Perfect Heart of the Oak Flail (+40 To All Resistances, 40% FCR, +3 To All Skills)
Shield A: Um'd Herald of Zakarum
Weapon B: 6 Battle Orders Call to Arms Flail
Shield B: Spirit Heraldric Shield
Gloves: Magefist Gauntlets (Adds FCR & Mana Regeneration)
Boots: Ethereal Sandstorm Treks (+15 To Strength)
Belt: Arachnid's Spiderweb Mesh (FCR & +1 To All Skills)
Rings: +15 To Strength, +15 To Dexterity, +10% Faster Cast Rate (I have these rings and they are very hard to get, but this guide will fail without them)
Amulet: +10% Faster Cast Rate, +2 Paladin Skill Levels, +10 or more to Dexterity.

Annhilus: 20/(15+)/X
Paladin Torch: 20/(15+)

Grand Charms: 9 Paladin Combat GCs with +6 To Dexterity Mod
Small Charms: +20 To Life SCs / +5% FHR SCs / Combined If Possible

Act 3 Mercenary

Weapon: Ethereal Insight Colossus Voulge
Armor: Ethereal Fortitude
Helm: Ethereal Andariel's Visage

*Your mercenary will undoubtedly die during duels, this is just for when you are doing player vs. monster.

Short Dueling Strategy
To successfully duel with a paladin you need to know how to effectively hit your enemies.

Hotkeys (Left Side):
- Blessed Hammer (No Hotkey): Just leave this constantly equipped.

Hotkeys (Right Side):
- F1: Teleport
- F2: Concentration
- F3: Holy Shield

Teleport & Concentration: These are your two main spells/auras other than Blessed Hammer. Always hold shift in duels and simply teleport onto your enemies and switch to concentration and then cast Blessed Hammers.

End Note
I may post specific dueling strategies later, but for now this is the guide I will leave you with. Hope it fufills the aspects you're looking for in a Hammerdin.

it might be a good idea not to hotkey holy shield so u can use the mouse wheel to switchfrom aura to tele, other than that, nice guide, good idea to include fcr and fhr tables, +rep!
you screwed up your merc a bit. you meant to put a2 merc not a3. use bigger font next time please. good guide, well written. but just a cookie cutter build, not really any new information.
Strategy is kind of crude... A druid would "pwn j00 ez" if you used that strategy, as I believe would most other classes.
First of all, mercs are not allowed in duells. Second is, that everyone will own you like Frater said if you don't use namelock. Also, many PvP Hammerdins use wizzy so they can reach the 125 FCR breakpoint so they can use harle for DR.
razz, hammerdins dont namelock. the path of the hammer makes namelocking worthless. i believe mercs are allowed unless you are in some sort of tournament or something.
Instead of um'ed zaka use p spirit shield and use shako. This will give more fcr and dr, unless you got a godly ber ber circlet.

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