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Business & Computer Science major
Bloodangel26 Wrote:do what your mom says and stop crying...parents have their to her about it if you think you are being treated unfairly...if your mom is anything like mine, she will treat you with respect if you do the same

ha Blood, u have a nice mom, i know him mom, she bitches at him just like my mom everyday!!!
Suck it up. As old as it makes me feel, I have to do punishments like that to my son, and he bitches just like you do. But then again, we all bitch when you're young and even thinking back on it I'm glad that I was punished.
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
you have to face the fact that she's your mother and your going to do what she says and she can do what she want's you have to respect your parents if you want to be resected later on in life. so suck it up and stop bitching
`Echo Wrote:Suck it up. As old as it makes me feel, I have to do punishments like that to my son, and he bitches just like you do. But then again, we all bitch when you're young and even thinking back on it I'm glad that I was punished.

wow if i would have gotten 5 cents for every single time i would have heard that i would have been rich, its just not fair for ur kids
yo she is my mom and i love her but i dont spend all my time on computers playing games......the only reason she took my computer is because i told her i was movin in wiht my dad and she got pissed off!!!!! and i only go on the computer after work witch is like midnight at the earlyest...............................................................................................................

any way i am happy to report that we had atalk and she admitted to doing the wrong thing and overreacting..... she gave us back the computer and we both apologized to eachother and that was that
I swear to god allmighty. Do you asshats know what a 9PM curfew on a Friday/Saturday night is like up until 3 months until your 18th birthday? On a July night having to be home right as the sun went down is super lame. You guys think being forced to get out is bad?

Get a life. You'll begin to live for going out and doing things, meeting new people. Playing on the computer is such a drag, especially when you have absolutely nothing else to do. If you think she's doing you wrong, give it about a year and you'll love her.

My mom was like .. and I almost quote (this happened when we argued at 2pm about me going to a friends) "So what you have gas money, wouldn't you rather stay home and play games?" She being dead ass serious. I was barely 17, had my own vehicle, had a job, and had cash.

Did not have permission to go to a friends house to meet and chill out.

*cue mr weed*
WAH WAH WAH my mom wants me to have a social life and i'm pissed.

This post is not directed solely to WEEd. I remember in the past some idiot made a thread just like this. I know there's like.. four of you reading this thread in this situation. Make the best of it instead of being a bitch about it.
tigeroip, it's true. I mean, theres nothing else to it, so deal with it (all of you.)
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
yeah, i agree with Longpole. my cousin, all he did was sit in front of the computer all his life basicly(not games but aim and shit) and now he's 19 and in jail for smoking pot(was caught on home comfinment). but basicly what i'm saying is, it sucks that you can't use your computer but there are more things. do other stuff for a while then one day come back to the computer and go on for like 30 minutes. then slowly start using the computer more but don't abuse it. get a mix of both*cough* girls Wink too.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
if the power cords are where u can get em plug em in while ur mom gone but if there hiiden go up to ur mom and pull out some $$$ for them cords(i might be kiddin but not sure bout $$$)
Quote:now he's 19 and in jail for smoking pot

LOLing at this.

Poor guy.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
PantallicA Wrote:LOLing at this.

Poor guy.

I witnessed a bust at 9pm. I may have mentioned to a few of you I party at McDonalds sometimes because that's just where our crew goes. Well, I get off of work and park my truck, and up rolls this cat. He's packing four people and a system from hell, two blunts going around. I speak, was about to hit a blunt and the cops came.

4 went to jail, two for being caught with the blunt in their hands (just detained and picked up by someone) and the other two were booked and are sleeping on a misdemeanor. Nothing's really funny about getting busted, but I always tell my buddies they're idiots for smoking literally in the parking lot

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