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PvP 200FCR FBer Guide
1337_Orange. Presents: PvP 200 FCR Fber

This is a guide to one of my favorite characters: the 200 FCR Fire Baller. This sorce uses FB as her left skill and tele as her right and can cast around 6 Fb's a second obliterating mostly all chars in your path. This build isnt for the -Poor- We will start with the Gear


Helm - 2 Sorce (Or Fire) skills 20 FCR Helm. You will need this to reach the breakpoint of 200fcr. Strength and/or Resists help also.

Weapon1 - 3 Skill Good fire dmg added Eschutas. 40 FCR 3 skills and added fire damage.

Weapon2 - Cta. Make with something with low req like a cs.

Shield1 - 35 FCR Spirit Monarch. Needs to be 35 fcr

Shield2 - Lidless/sig shield/spirit. For skills with BO

Rings - 10 FCR rings. Strength Help alot

Ammy - 15+ 2 fire skill. Needs to be over 15 fcr to meet BP

Armor - 35 RA Vipermagi. 30 FCR! And Resists!!! Upped and Umed is awsome

Belt - Arachnids. 1 Skill, 20 FCR, and added mana

Boots - 15 Strength Treks Need Strength for your Spirit(s)

Gloves - Magfist. 1 Fire skills, 20FCR, and Regen Mana

Inventory - 8-9 fire gc's with life mod or Strength or Fhr. Sorce Torch and anni. Your choice for Sc's to fill up. Can go with 5 RA sc's or Life/mana sc's your choice.

The strength you need for Monarch is 156. You need to add up all your plus Strength items and subtract from 156. This will be your Base strength needed. Say your helm adds 20 str 2 rings add 40 together. This is 60 strength added up. Your base strength will have to be 96 strength for you to wear your Spirit.


Strength - Showed above. Need to calculate how much base strength you need.

Dex - For this build None

Vita - All into this besides your required strength.

Energy - None....


Max these:

Fire Bolt

Fire Ball (main skill)


Fire Mastery

Those are all the Synergies for Fire Ball. For the remaining skills it is your choice. For my Sorce i added 1 to Frozen Armor and then the rest into Warmth so i can use less mana pots.


This is basically the same for all types of chars. You have tele on your right skill and Fireball on your left. You tele around very fast and spam fireballs at your opponent. I will list some Strats anyways.

WW Barbs - Can be trouble especially BvC barbs. Just tele and spam and avoid there WW at all costs.

FoH - You screwed if they are godly. Stay back far and spam for your life.

Smiter - If they charge you just tele away. If they are locked onto you tele ahead turn around and spam into them.

Charger - Same as smiter with charge

Zealer - Pretty EZPK Spam into them

Bone Nec - Stay away from there everything lol. Tele around them and spam.

Summoner - Dont see many of these but when you do they most likely tele with there summons so just spam into the mass. Your FB had splash so it is ok.

Other Sorces - I like these. You tele around each other and spam. Mostly luck.

Bowazons - Can easily dodge there guided arrow. But there multi arrow can be trouble. Just tele and big circle around her so your behind and spam.

Javazons - Avoid there lightning bolts. Get up to them and spam. May take a few hits to kill because of avoid/dodge and stuff.

Windy - There cyclone armor can be a b*tch. Just avoid there nados and spam.

Sorbers - Uhg i hate Sorbers (Hot spurs and 2 Dwarfs) They suck and you cant kill them fast ><

With this build you shoukd have around 16k - 24k depending on your items skills.

Leave comments on this guide please. If there are spelling mistakes feel free to point them out lol.
Uhm...PvP FB'ers use firebolt and not fireball since it flies longer so you have a higher chance of hitting your enemy while spamming..
but firebolt is slower isnt it?
and i think a hoto is more appropriate for a fb sorc. the +dmg from eschutas is barely like 1k, and the res from hoto is more helpful than 1k dmg when u do 20k
L4E you make a good point. Although i do not like using a hoto with my FBer it would be a good alternative. And RAzzor Bolt is slow and you have to hit your target straight on. With fireball there is sort of splash damage and can hit your opponent when further away. All you have to do is tele closer and spam at them.
Trust me, I'm Orange's friend, we PvP with that sorc. It's almost unkillable, just slacking a little. This Sorc set-up is beyond great, and the gear is right. The FB rate and spam makes you spew out enough fireballs to cover your entire area and ensure that you will hit something without getting introuble. Even if you get smited and don't die, shooting enough fireballs like a machine gun, you always win. It's a fun build, and fun to PvP with, check my ES Light sorc build too Wink
this is very similar to my pvp sorc...except mine goes for more damage as opposed to hitting the last bp. currently she does 27k fb and kills 99% of chars in 1 hit. i have not lost a serious duel once with her.
Then you have the right build: BTW Orange doesn't have max GCs either and full gear FYI
yea i do have full gcs, mostly lifers too...i'd get rid of the points in mana thing...i have lvl 31 warmth from 1 point and my mana heals while i even if you have a bit less than that you should be ok without putting points in warmth
Yeah, 1 into warmth for any Fire sorc but Chanter, 39 warmth regen is over 100 mana a second so usually spare skills are best with warmth. The greatest thing about a Fire sorc, they don't have problems with mana drain. At the cost of Fireballs and glitch casting 10 for the same cost with high FCR and regening mana so fast, you don't really have problems with mana drain, all vita with Fire
Sheliko Wrote:Trust me, I'm Orange's friend, we PvP with that sorc. It's almost unkillable, just slacking a little. This Sorc set-up is beyond great, and the gear is right. The FB rate and spam makes you spew out enough fireballs to cover your entire area and ensure that you will hit something without getting introuble. Even if you get smited and don't die, shooting enough fireballs like a machine gun, you always win. It's a fun build, and fun to PvP with, check my ES Light sorc build too Wink

No DR%, no max block, if using Eschuta you won't have great resists. Windy with Doom > this sorc. Barb with 2xDoom and Hotspurs >>>>>>> this sorc. But then again, it's all down to skill.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:No DR%, no max block, if using Eschuta you won't have great resists. Windy with Doom > this sorc. Barb with 2xDoom and Hotspurs >>>>>>> this sorc. But then again, it's all down to skill.

You're neglecting the fact that the sorc doesn't need DR and Max block(Besides the block is higher with the bonus Dex from HF and Anni, etc, depending on what you use. If you're PvPing a Windy, you can shove on 2 nagels, There's dex, cold res and absorb. You're also neglecting that the sorc is faster, can keep way further distance, and fireballs shoot VERY far before they void. It doesn't even have to get close to a Barb and with 200 FCR casting teleport you have no teleport lagging or problems with escaping a Melee character or near melee, Sorc's are great for being able to keep distance, that's the point of them. So, what you're saying doesn't really matter, especially when it's hard enough to hit a teleporting Sorc without having an auto-aim mod, which still makes it harder.
Sheliko Wrote:You're neglecting the fact that the sorc doesn't need DR and Max block(Besides the block is higher with the bonus Dex from HF and Anni, etc, depending on what you use. If you're PvPing a Windy, you can shove on 2 nagels, There's dex, cold res and absorb. You're also neglecting that the sorc is faster, can keep way further distance, and fireballs shoot VERY far before they void. It doesn't even have to get close to a Barb and with 200 FCR casting teleport you have no teleport lagging or problems with escaping a Melee character or near melee, Sorc's are great for being able to keep distance, that's the point of them. So, what you're saying doesn't really matter, especially when it's hard enough to hit a teleporting Sorc without having an auto-aim mod, which still makes it harder.

All dueling chars need max block, when going against a melee char, such as a bvc barb. If I was dueling you with a barb, I'd just do a few leaps, your FHR is so shit that you will take ages to recover. Even with anni and torch, you won't have more than, let's say ~20%chance to block. Now, once the barb is close to you, he will ww you once. With shitty FHR, you will not be able to tele away (also the barb has 2xDoom, so your FHR will be slower than anything you'll ever have seen). If you by some strange chance manage to block a hit, it will not make a real difference, since your blocking frames will be slow as hell, and considering how many hits whirlwind makes per second, you will get hit for sure. Now, if you have no DR, you will have lost most of your life already. (If the barb uses Grief + Beast instead, he will also trigger Open Wounds).

If you decide to play defensive, the barb will just use Widowmaker. All he needs to do is hit you once or twice. That will be enough to trigger Open Wounds, and the roles will change, you will be the one chasing after him.

Versus Windy, I think that you meant the use of Ravens, instead of Nagels? Anyway, that won't make any difference whatsoever, because you will not need dex, since Tornado is unblockable damage and Hurricane doesn't do anything in PvP anyway, so there goes your cold absorb.

Anyway, if you decide to play defensively, I'll just use spurs and 2xDwarf Star. You will not be able to do jackshit because of Cyclone armor, 90%resists and 30% absorb.

Oh, and namelocking this char will make an easy gg.
Frater you make some good pointd but... when i duel with this char i do not stay in one spot i am moving all the time. I let them go on offensive and tele in circles around them and end up behind and spam. Im a pub dueler so there arent many "good" duelers but still i can hold my own when it comes to bvc and windys. If they sorb then i will lose even with Bloods pure Fber the sorb can kill. I have also seen that some people go for more life than FHR. FB has sort of a "knockback" (i do not know the correct name) and they cannot recover. With windy's i do not let them get close to me or if they do i spam like my life depended on it and hopefully he doesnt cast a Tornado. I can last 2-3 hits from a Nado depending on the Druid but i can beat them. Sheliko did mean the Ravens not the nagels but i would never use this cause i believe that sorb is BM. If you use ravens you sacrifice 20 FCR from the rings brining you down to 180 which is no better than 110 the Second BP. My worst enemy in duel game is the lag. If its a laggy game i cast about 3-7 tele's before i actually go.

Oh and about the Warmth i said it was your choice. I do not have full fire gc's right now so i decided to put a few into warmth. I think ill throw some into Frozen armor not inferno cause i dont need the fire dmg for meteor.
frater you do make some good points, but those chars have to catch this sorc first...and from what i have seen, they cannot. the only chars that even gave me trouble were an orber and a bowazon...owned every barb, pally, lite sorc, ss druid etc. never went against a wind druid, they are probably hard to kill, but it will eventually end with the druid dying or a draw. i went against a ww barb with full sorb and resists just the other day. it took me 4 fbs to kill him, but eventually i did
Well, if the sorc is playing defensively, the barb will just whip out his Widowmaker. If the sorc gets hit once, she will most probably get Open Wounds and will have to chase after the barb. BvC barbs have maxed out Leap, giving them a full screen stun + knockback, after which most casters will be easy. You may be able to tele away, but you won't be able to attack, meaning that OW will own you... Anyway it's all down to skill, but this is the basic theoretical guideline.
Yeah skill is the basic guideline. You dont have to be on the persons screen to attack him. I aim at the little dot on the minimap at you and hopefully i hit you. If you even get me on the edge of your screen with knockback you would still have to ww to me and hopfully i can tele away.
<<Ammy - 15+ 2 fire skill. Needs to be over 15 fcr to meet BP>>

[SIZE=3]Can someone tell me if a 15+FCR amulet exists legitimately (like ladder)? I have been playing for a while now and I have never seen or heard of one. If someone has a legit screen shot, would you post it so I can see it, please?

Yes it can. Craft ammy's can have up to 20Fcr with 2 skills. They also have other mods like mana/life/strength/Dex/RA its all random. Ral + PAmtheyist + Any Jewel + Magic Ammy (Higher ilvl the better) in cube can make a craft ammy.
no what he means is that theres no 15% fcr ammy, and i agree. they are only 10% fcr or 20% fcr. no ****ing 15%
omgbbq Wrote:no what he means is that theres no 15% fcr ammy, and i agree. they are only 10% fcr or 20% fcr. no ****ing 15%

Shut up. Craft a caster amu, you can get anything between 5%->20%.

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